i can’t even guess as to why they went quiet. not one guess at all. we will never know.
edit: well they’re not quiet now once they get called out
There sure are a lot of people trying to blame the left because their strategy of appealing to the middle failed.
I’m not convinced the left was ever going to show up for any candidate. They’re already castigating Bernie, of all people. They’ve already purged AOC.
From what I learned it seems there is absolutely no limit to the amount of purity testing that seems to happen on the left. In the meantime, Republicans are marching us lockstep into direct fascism. So we can’t get anything done because none of the dnc candidates are perfect. Meanwhile, Republicans literally have no standards.
Um. Leftists vote at the highest rate of any polity.
There’s just not many of us.
The DNCs “standards” weren’t impressive to millions of center / center-left voters who voted for Biden.
Probably because they nakedly shilled themselves to anyone with a checkbook. Had no stances, offered no solutions, and came across as wildly out of touch.
Imagine how a tax credit for first time home buyers sounds to someone who can’t afford groceries.
Well yeah, otherwise they’d have to consider actually changing their shit strategy
Even after all this the DNC are already bowing down to the fascist position because they lost because they were “too woke”.
This is when the democrats were already running a far right platform of “we want to fund the police, not defund them”, following Trump’s border policy, “most lethal army”, “Israel must expand its borders”, “I’ll have a Republican in my cabinet”. And they weren’t “woke” at all. Kamala threw trans people in the trash saying “we’ll follow the law” when it comes to trans issues. It was the Republicans who were running hundreds of millions of dollars worth of attack ads on trans people and democrats weren’t saying shit.
The DNC have once again failed to learn and are looking for a “centrist” chair, doing exactly the same thing of shutting down leftist voices and trying to appeal to and compromise with the fascists instead of listening to people like Bernie and AOC.
You’d think after they utterly failed and managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and get an out and proud fascist elected they would finally learn that they need to address the real issues that affect all working class people.
The ratchet effect is real.
The Republican critique of the democrats is kind of right in a way in that they are just the same rich people not doing anything about the cost of living and only using identity politics to “virtue signal”. They’re right wingers with rainbow flags. That doesn’t do much for oppressed minorities except make us the target of attacks. What would benefit queer and other oppressed minorities more is build a society in which we can afford homes to live in, food to eat, access to healthcare. But they want to make it all about pronouns because that is easy for them to look like they’re someone “on the left”, when economically they’re not on the left at all.
There’s really no hope with the DNC. We just need to organize in our own communities because the democrats certainly aren’t coming to save anyone.
The so called rachet effect is because the left never shows up, so the Dems go to the center to find voters. The left doesn’t like this so they cry rachet.
Is there data about the 2024 election showing this available already? Because the 2020 data doesn’t support that.
Voted but voted for who? Jill Stein? I’m obviously saying they didn’t show up for Dems.
And the difference I see between right and left are about the same. Like those 4 points for left and right are really pretty much the same percentage. And that’s percentage, so it’s what I’ve said before that either 1) the left doesn’t exist (or is tiny), or 2) they don’t show up. Either way.
And finally I think Biden won because he went to the center and got those voters. The stressed sideliners in that graphic.
It wasn’t obvious, plenty of people simply say that the left doesn’t vote despite the fact they’re some of the most engaged voters out there.
You would think that courting the most dedicated voting demographic on your side of the aisle would be a positive if they weren’t already mostly voting for you anyway, but I’m not the kind of brilliant political machine that can lose elections to Trump twice. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah it was obvious I’m saying the left doesn’t show up for the dems when it’s a 2 party system.
You would think that courting the most dedicated voting demographic
They’re either tiny or they don’t show up for the Dems. Every time the dems (jfc do I have to add that every time?) rely on the left, they lose.
lose elections to Trump twice.
Hillary said she’d have a map room to fight climate change. You know that existential issue that the left totally says it will show up for for the dems, right? And they didn’t show up for the Dems.
Biden saw that and ran center. And he won. But Biden did left things anyway. And what did polls show? That the left wasn’t going to show up for the Dems.
Harris relied on the left to show up for the Dems and they couldn’t even do that for the dems when their own human rights and democracy was on the ticket.
The only time the Dems win is when they go to the center. After this, thy will never ever rely on the left again, because they never show up for the Dems.
I hope you see why people don’t add for the Dems every single time. Because it’s a pain in the ass and a mess.
Couldn’t have said it better. This post is pure cringe but the op is a perfect example of why Democrats lost.
Naaah. What’s cringe are the smug pseudo-intellectual “trolley problem” gEnOciDe accusers that didn’t do shit but sit on their thumbs while the rest of us tried to save democracy.
Now they all get to blame the people that acted while smugly admitting that they chose not to?
An estimated 90 million people chose not to vote. Of those 90 million were third party supporting clowns that chose not to vote because they knew their candidate didn’t stand a chance. Also among those 90 million were protest-voting clowns that chose not to vote because their last two remaining brain cells were too busy fighting over third place.
There is ZERO logic or intelligence in accusing the people that actually tried and did something to avoid a shitty outcome while arrogantly having not done jack shit about it.
Hot take: Withholding voting for either party is a valid form of protest when neither party is standing for its people.
If they want to win the support of their constituents, its high time to change how the party is going to operate going forward.
Amazingly, nobody’s happy that the dems decided to sacrifice the whole country rather than budge on exterminating the Palestinians.
Maybe pick a candidate that people want to vote for next time
You vote based on the choices you’re presented, not the ones you like. Like it or not a no vote is a vote one way or another.
Another day, another Lemmy post blaming leftists instead of Republicans, conservatives, racists, and their enablers.
I have enough hate for both
Hating statistically irrelevant leftists is counter productive.
Another day, another commenter putting words into my mouth to make themselves feel better. No shit Republicans and the sycophant media are to blame, I blame them all the time. but the disingenuous “abandon harris” crowd sure didn’t help either. You’re welcome to keep ignoring context though, that’s never stopped anyone around here before.
It’s not blaming leftists. It’s blaming people too fucking stupid to vote.
Do you have any facts that show it was Pro-Palestinians that failed to show up? Instead of America just wanting the reactionary populism?
Friendly reminder that Joe Biden is still the president and could stop sending weapons to Israel right now if he wanted to. But he doesn’t.
Thank god Trump is taking over right.
Yeah, maybe the liberals who were out to brunch for the last four years might suddenly start giving a shit again. JK who am I kidding, the only thing liberals are capable of is marching around with signs peacefully while pissing their pants.
As ineffectual as the democrat party they simp for. Pathetic.
I’ve never met a single person in my life who “simps” for the Democratic party. These are not real people you are referring to.
The vote blue no matter who crowd are indeed simps for the democrat party. We swear after this election - the mOsT iMpOrTaNt EvEr - we’ll push them left!!!
It’s interesting to see, now that the dust has settled, the astroturfing has ended, and all that’s left are the useful idiots who bought into that bullshit and are beginning to unravel. Flailing about to grasp at anything that will allow you to continue to ignore the cognitive dissonance you’re experiencing…
I think, come February, we’re going to see a lot of these accounts disappear and/or acting more and more erratic as they see the results, in Palestine, of their wasted (or non-) vote.
Good luck. It’s going to be rough for everyone, but I can’t imagine having to wrestle with actually being partially responsible… I know that I would be ashamed, personally.
I would feel much greater shame, as a Jew and gender non conforming queer woman no less, in supporting a genocider.
America is such a great country full of excess that we had not one but two genociders to choose from!
So I hope you voted for Harris, because the three other choices (voting Trump, voting third party, or not voting) were for fascists who want you dead.
I don’t know how government works or what laws are.
Yeah we can tell.
i dont see why this is relevant in any way.
And that’s why you lost.
i didn’t lose anything, idk what you’re talking about.
I’m not a part of any political races or running as a political candidate anywhere.
Real Talk, I’m getting real tired of everyone from the vaguely right of center to the farthest reaches of the left getting involved in this shit slinging blame game.
I legit don’t care anymore who you voted for (edit: so long as it wasn’t Trump I mean. But even then, time to start your redemption arc if you did). We are past the election and now all share the same immediate issues.
Folks who abstained from voting (or voted 3rd party) because you couldn’t stomach the lesser of two evils, good news, that choice is gone. You can stop parroting the idea that anyone who voted Blue did so “in support of genocide”. It should be clear by now those who voted Blue really were just doing their best in a bad situation, they are not your enemies.
Folks who voted Blue because you believe supporting the lesser evil is in service of the greater good. Good news, that burden is also gone. You can stop parroting the idea that someone who can’t stomach voting for people who would play politics with genocide is really just a tankie or a bot. Not every one is willing to play game theory with people’s lives, that doesn’t mean they are your enemies.
Anyone who truly wants to push for solidarity and human rights for all is an ally of mine. And I propose we bury the hatchet, preferably in the objectives of fascists, before its too late.
I think it is important to point out the failings of others. Otherwise they may not connect the dots and learn from their mistakes.
Sometimes a mistake is innocent, say you forgot to zip up your fly. It’s important to know you forgot to do so as it could be very socially embarrassing.
Sometimes one could accidentally cut someone off in traffic because they didn’t see them. A good honk notifies them of their mistake and will hopefully drive home the fact that they probably need to pay better attention to traffic.
Pointing out that abstaining and or choosing not to vote enabled the election of the greater of two evils is equally important.
Rock on OP. Never let them forget!
Then point at the FAILED DEMOCRAT PARTY instead of voters. When biden announced he was running for re-election their own internal polling showed he’d lose. They don’t fucking care, it’s all theatre to them. Their corporate owners are happy and the donations continue to flow in from foolish rubes like you who will gladly vote blue no matter who right off a fucking cliff.
Kamala Harris spent a billion dollars and still fucking lost. But yeah go blame voters that will ensure the same thing happens in 2028 should we be so lucky to pretend to play democracy again. And it is pretend. Because if you don’t vote correctly you’re the worst person to ever exist.
If that delusion makes feel better about enabling a facist, then you probably aren’t ready to come to terms with your failure.
Sooner or later, one way or another, it will come for you.
Continue losing elections.
If Dems continue loosing elections they will definitely come for you.
Maybe the dems who claim to be my ally should consider that when holding unpopular positions that don’t get them elected. They don’t care.
How’s that non Dem. Vote working out for you?
They are certainly responsible for Trump doing what they will do. No amount of mental gymnastics can make that go away. You had a vote, it was what it was, you had to accept reality or live in a bubble roleplaying that your vote was something it was not.
Oh, don’t worry, their mental gymnastics will allow them to smugly blame the DNC while the world falls to pieces.
They’ll fart into their glasses and huff while recounting how it was the DEMS fault for being unattractive, even while the fascists dismantle the checks and balances, pass a federal ban on abortion, Russia slaughters Ukrainian men, women, and elderly by the thousands and ships their children off to Russia to be prepatrioted.
They’ll say Isreal would have done the same under Harris as they completely repell or slaughter the remaining Palestinians out of the west bank and move on to Lebenon.
They’ll shrug as hundreds of thousands of immigrants, illegal or otherwise, and rounded up and thrown in camps or shipped over the border with no recourse besides an intentionally ineffective appeals process if they actually happened to be here legally.
Etc. Etc.
They’ll just blame it on the Dems. Just like they have done since 2016. And they’ll feel great about it.
damn straight we will. run shit candidates get shit results. this is a story as old as time. we tried to make all of you dweebs see reason but you failed and as a result harris was unable to win. we were literally screaming she was going to lose with her campaign if she didn’t shift boats.
I’m sorry we understood the state of play better than you guys.
Trump is responsible for what Trump is going to do. In fact, he was responsible for what he did back in 2020 as well. And the justice system responsible for putting him behind bars didn’t do what it was supposed to either.
Trying to blame Trump’s nonsense on people who didn’t vote for either party is divisive and propaganda. Rather the people should collectively hold those in power accountable for their actions (or lack thereof)
Trying to blame Trump’s nonsense on people who didn’t vote for either party is divisive and propaganda.
And convincing people that voting for a third party in a two party system … isn’t propaganda?
This isn’t rocket science, it’s just the train dilemma. If you know that Trump is going to do more harm and do not engage in harm mitigation then you are in some part responsible for not mitigating the harm.
You can’t just declare yourself innocent and be innocent. We all pay taxes that are currently being used to murder children.
Lol, the two party system isn’t a logical fallacy…
So let me get this straight:
The Democratic Party snubs the left— even the progressives. They court the right wing, parading the Cheneys around.
The democrats lose.
The rightwing voters get riled up by the mask-off hatred, while their politicians straight up lie to Muslims and Latino people, winning some of their votes.
The democrats lose ground across the board. Their entire turnout was depressed. No matter how many times they learned their views were losing them votes, they refuse to budge on the issues they were undoubtedly wrong about. The fuckin meme says “we didn’t vote for genocide!!!” We can all agree voting…for genocide is…bad, right?
And you’re blaming the people who were ignored and told once again to go fuck themselves? Because they couldn’t stomach voting for people publicly and unflinchingly supporting the genocide.
Not the lying fascists, not the losing party for being told they were going to fail and still failing?
This is exactly how you continue to fail and lose to fascists.
And im telling you right now. History won’t look back and say “those fools! They didn’t vote because of a teensy little genocide!” They will say “all of those people stood by while a holocaust was happening.”
Not a doubt in my mind.
This is your brain on the two party system. His team lost, but it can’t be his teams fault because it’s his team, you see?
So someone is voting tactically because they’re acknowledging the consequences of a FPTP voting system. And you point at the butterfly and ask “is that tribalism?”
Yes, you’re an idiot for voting tactically instead of telling harris and the DNC to fuck off with genocide and shitty economic policies. We’ve covered this many times but you’re adament that your way (which lost btw) is still correct.
I’m not US-American I’m not what you US-Americans call a “liberal”.
I’m a German Anarchist who believes in harm reduction over accelerationism.
Front page of Lemmy is just as bad as the front page of reddit lmao
Kamala “Frack the Planet” Harris was not going to save the planet.
I’m comfortable with my decision to not vote for genocide, and I will continue to not vote for warhawks.
You did vote for genocide though. You can tell yourself whatever it is that you think you need to hear in order to preserve your sanity, but you are directly, partly, responsible for what happens next.
I hope you will be paying attention.
And if Harris would have won, and if she would have nominated Mike Huckabee, and if she would have been doing the things that Trump is about to do in the coming months, I would be saying and feeling the same way about myself.
It’s called being honest with yourself. You should try it sometime.
I voted 3rd party and you can too
You voted for Donald Trump by throwing your vote away on a party that literally could not, mathematically, win.
You threw your vote away by voting for Harris who literally could not, mathematically, win.
If more people like you voted 3rd party they would have a chance but instead you insist on voting for dems who run terrible campaigns with candidates that no one wants.
Actually, if we are all in agreement that the two major parties both pushed genocide, then by me voting third party, I actually used two votes against genocide by not voting either for trump or kamala. Gee, lib math sure is fun.
What is “lib math”?
I do know that actual math shows that there were no third parties this election that had a mathematical chance to win. They were not on enough ballots.
You threw your vote away, which, when fascism is on the ballot, is a vote for fascism. You are a fascist.
But hey, whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep once you actually see the actual, tangible results of Trump’s win in Palestine coming this January.
So all the Arab and Muslim Americans in Dearborn who withheld votes for kamala - you know, the ones who got tired of seeing their brothers and sisters blown to shit in Lebanon and Palestine - are they fascists?
It’s cute watching you try to reconcile fascism in your country while following the exact historical blueprint that liberals always do when fascism comes knocking: punch left, blame minorities. I know which side you’ll be on when shit gets volatile. Textbook liberal naivety, with zero understanding of history or the conditions that lead to fascism.
Yes, they unwittingly supported fascists. The ones who have since come out and admitted that they were fooled are not fascists.
The rest, yes. They are. Sorry if that offends you or something.
If you have a table with 10 people eating, and 9 of them are fascists: you have a table of 10 fascists.
They thrive on useful idiots. It’s a vital aspect of taking and holding power.
I’m not a fucking liberal, I’m just not deluded. Jesus fucking Christ, leftists are so insufferable. This is why we never get anything done. Bullshit infighting and purity tests.
And it’s so easy for anyone with interest in destabilizing any possible opposition to what is essentially become a one-party state, to stir shit up.
Just plant the seed, and watch the left eat itself like it always does.
Tell me, how are we to address these Arab and Muslim American fascists? What’s the course of action for these fascists that didn’t vote for kamala?
90% of them were Russian/ Iranian/ Chinese/ North Korean trolls or bots. They got what they wanted, so it’s on to the next thing. Probably undermining support for Ukraine.
It’s so weird. Gaza is extremely important and deserving of the attention. It’s genocide, and it’s horrific. But is no one else important? Because we can’t save Gaza immediately, it’s really better to set outselevs on fire so we can burn together? Like, real talk, Harris will be fine. Biden will be fine. It’s our friends and neighbors who are going to be deported, harassed, laid off, homeless and scared for a minimum of four years.
I wouldn’t say they’re gone though. I’ve been down voted, told “my kind/type” are all talk, or that I’m okay with murder, I voted for genocide, the usual. But I couldn’t sit and do nothing.
But I guess this is what they wanted. The dems have been taught a lesson, we’re moving headfirst into a dictatorship, and Gaza is no safer, but their conscious is clear, somehow.
Right? .ml has been quiet…the CCP ran out of things for them to say?