i can’t even guess as to why they went quiet. not one guess at all. we will never know.
edit: well they’re not quiet now once they get called out
i can’t even guess as to why they went quiet. not one guess at all. we will never know.
edit: well they’re not quiet now once they get called out
They are certainly responsible for Trump doing what they will do. No amount of mental gymnastics can make that go away. You had a vote, it was what it was, you had to accept reality or live in a bubble roleplaying that your vote was something it was not.
Oh, don’t worry, their mental gymnastics will allow them to smugly blame the DNC while the world falls to pieces.
They’ll fart into their glasses and huff while recounting how it was the DEMS fault for being unattractive, even while the fascists dismantle the checks and balances, pass a federal ban on abortion, Russia slaughters Ukrainian men, women, and elderly by the thousands and ships their children off to Russia to be prepatrioted.
They’ll say Isreal would have done the same under Harris as they completely repell or slaughter the remaining Palestinians out of the west bank and move on to Lebenon.
They’ll shrug as hundreds of thousands of immigrants, illegal or otherwise, and rounded up and thrown in camps or shipped over the border with no recourse besides an intentionally ineffective appeals process if they actually happened to be here legally.
Etc. Etc.
They’ll just blame it on the Dems. Just like they have done since 2016. And they’ll feel great about it.
damn straight we will. run shit candidates get shit results. this is a story as old as time. we tried to make all of you dweebs see reason but you failed and as a result harris was unable to win. we were literally screaming she was going to lose with her campaign if she didn’t shift boats.
I’m sorry we understood the state of play better than you guys.
Trump is responsible for what Trump is going to do. In fact, he was responsible for what he did back in 2020 as well. And the justice system responsible for putting him behind bars didn’t do what it was supposed to either.
Trying to blame Trump’s nonsense on people who didn’t vote for either party is divisive and propaganda. Rather the people should collectively hold those in power accountable for their actions (or lack thereof)
And convincing people that voting for a third party in a two party system … isn’t propaganda?
This isn’t rocket science, it’s just the train dilemma. If you know that Trump is going to do more harm and do not engage in harm mitigation then you are in some part responsible for not mitigating the harm.
You can’t just declare yourself innocent and be innocent. We all pay taxes that are currently being used to murder children.
Lol, the two party system isn’t a logical fallacy…