i can’t even guess as to why they went quiet. not one guess at all. we will never know.
edit: well they’re not quiet now once they get called out
i can’t even guess as to why they went quiet. not one guess at all. we will never know.
edit: well they’re not quiet now once they get called out
Thank god Trump is taking over right.
Yeah, maybe the liberals who were out to brunch for the last four years might suddenly start giving a shit again. JK who am I kidding, the only thing liberals are capable of is marching around with signs peacefully while pissing their pants.
As ineffectual as the democrat party they simp for. Pathetic.
I’ve never met a single person in my life who “simps” for the Democratic party. These are not real people you are referring to.
The vote blue no matter who crowd are indeed simps for the democrat party. We swear after this election - the mOsT iMpOrTaNt EvEr - we’ll push them left!!!
It’s interesting to see, now that the dust has settled, the astroturfing has ended, and all that’s left are the useful idiots who bought into that bullshit and are beginning to unravel. Flailing about to grasp at anything that will allow you to continue to ignore the cognitive dissonance you’re experiencing…
I think, come February, we’re going to see a lot of these accounts disappear and/or acting more and more erratic as they see the results, in Palestine, of their wasted (or non-) vote.
Good luck. It’s going to be rough for everyone, but I can’t imagine having to wrestle with actually being partially responsible… I know that I would be ashamed, personally.
I would feel much greater shame, as a Jew and gender non conforming queer woman no less, in supporting a genocider.
America is such a great country full of excess that we had not one but two genociders to choose from!
So I hope you voted for Harris, because the three other choices (voting Trump, voting third party, or not voting) were for fascists who want you dead.