Donald Trump signed an executive order expanding presidential control over independent agencies, including the FTC, FCC, and SEC.
The order enforces the “unitary executive theory,” which argues the president has sole authority over the executive branch. It grants Trump’s budget chief, Russell Vought, oversight of these agencies’ performance and budgets.
The move is expected to face legal challenges, as past presidents have largely respected agency independence.
Trump defended the order, stating, “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.”
Trump defended the order, stating, “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.”
Wow, that really sums up the fascist intent right there. The ends justify the means and no law applies to him.
I wish the general public were paying more attention.
Journalists really need to provide the context that he’s quoting Napoleon, another dictator.
The quote sounds better in the original French.
Amusingly, the solution for dictators also sounds better in the original French.
The general public who pays attention sees this and feels absolutely powerless because the opposition party refused to be the opposition.
America, when are you going to stop this? You finally have a chance to exercise the second amendment, to defend your freedom and to show the world you aren’t the bad guys; And you do nothing…
Trump/Musk are literally following the steps laid out by Hitler and they aren’t even hiding it.
I see this sentiment a lot. “Why aren’t Americans doing anything? Why aren’t leftist militias rising up to take back the capital? Etc. Etc. Etc.”
First of all, asking “why aren’t Americans doing anything” is a highly unaware question. We are doing things, but they aren’t going to give any airtime to the protests, marches, boycotts, and legal efforts taking place, because the media is now firmly on the side of those with power, not the common people.
Second of all, it’s pretty heartless of you to just casually ask us to “exercise the second amendment”, because when you ask that, you’re asking for at least some of us to die. Put yourselves in our shoes, and be honest - if you were in our position, would it be so easy and casual to just pick up a gun and join a violent revolution? Would you be willing to risk death in that situation? Personally, I’m not a soldier, I’ve never had an interest in guns, I’d be less than useless in that capacity. So I’m looking at other things we can do before escalating to that.
I get that everyone’s scared because the nation with the most powerful military on earth is falling into fascism. That’s terrifying to most Americans as well, and I think a lot of us are still frozen with that fear. I understand and agree that this problem is on Americans to fix. But I hope the rest of the world will be willing to help when we call on them, instead of just sitting idly by wondering when that magical second amendment is gonna kick in.
Yeah the people making 2A arguments are seemingly asking people to murder people on their behalf with zero regards to how that plays out. Not surprisingly most gun owners are in fact not looking to murder people.
Also, even if they were, who do they have access to murder? It’s almost begging people to take their frustrations out on their neighbors, which will only make things so much worse.
Exactly, the people in the Trump sphere Im closest to is I knew some people whose fathers knew Trump. They are/were nice and decent people. I would he really sad if anyone hurt them and would have a hard time seeing how it would improve anything.
We should be amassed outside the homes of our legislators and judges demanding they stop this.
I have plenty of guns and ammo to use for the defense of myself and family. As a disabled vet I can barely feed my family, let alone March alone from Colorado to overthrow the President.
When they come to me, then I can fight. I can’t afford to join a secessionist movement because we still have a group of people that still are supposed to fight using the law and wors before the guns come out. The 1st Ammendment is 1st for a reason. The 2nd is the last resort which most sane gun owners don’t want to have to use.
There’s supposed to be an opposition party to fight the executive encroachment.
Probably because they expect your military to start murdering them with zero regards to how it plays out within the next 4 years.
This is essentially what happened within Nazi Germany before World War 2
I think the second amendment is pointed out so readily, because most of the world has watched America and their guns and ridiculous gun problems, and that is usually what is pointed at in some kind of gotcha defence. Second, we do see the protests and legal efforts, and honestly looking in, seems like that’s pissing into the wind.
As for myself committing violence in an situation similar to America’s? Can’t honestly answer one way or the other until I am in the situation myself, but don’t think it would be a hard no, I’m not opposed to violence in the correct situation, and boy you guys are, if not there already, very very close to that correct situation.
The answer is no, most of these people calling for violence are cowards themselves.
Not cowards just have sense, better someone else dows the violence rather than your own life get ruined the end goal is you having a better life if you do the violence your own life gets worse objectively.
We all want luigis, but none of us are desperate enough to be luigis, because we obviously dont want our own lives to goto shit? There is no happy ending for them
You can try to justify it any way you want. If you call for someone else to commit violence in your stead, you are a coward.
Or not an idiot with a sense of self preservation, you call it coward, I call it not a dumbass who was born to die
You can be that, without calling for violence. The moment you do otherwise, you are a coward unless you’re fighting yourself.
There’s also the fact that people with consumer grade weapons aren’t going to be doing shit against the military, which is what would be brought out against them. If I knew there was even a good chance that I could do something leading to my death that would do a damn bit of good, I’d do it. But there isn’t.
That’s the whole argument after every school shooting.
Uhh, what? The argument is to arm ourselves after a school shooting?
Let me know when clever chants and signs held by a few hundred people bring about change
It has before. Women didn’t get the right to vote from a massive war. Martin Luther King wasn’t an army general. You’re being just as dismissive and ignorant as the other guy.
MLK would get nothing done without Malcolm X. Imagine thinking the civil rights movement was a peaceful protest! That’s wild you would try to retcon the history of that fight.
Women’s suffrage groups used the slogan “Deeds not words.” They committed arson and bombings.
I’d argue you’re being naive. Every American movement has to have violence attached to it. That is sadly how everything gets done in this shithole.
Lol ok, since you want to be pedantic, let’s really get into some details, because you’re just wrong about MLK to start.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
How did it happen? The Civil Rights Movement itself was largely nonviolent, with most of the violence happening towards protestors. Figures like Martin Luther King Jr. emphasized civil disobedience, boycotts, and peaceful protests.
Women suffrage
Though some suffragettes engaged in civil disobedience, the broader movement relied on lobbying, protests, and legal appeals. That was the bulk. What you’re calling out is one offs and trying to act like that was the norm or bulk of the movement. It was not.
Marriage Equality
Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. No violence needed.
Disability Rights Movement, also known as the ADA
Advocates lobbied for equal rights through demonstrations and legal battles. This resulted in the ADA being passed in 1990
The Fair Labor Standards Act (1938) – Ending Child Labor & Establishing Minimum Wage
Labor unions and activists pushed for reforms through strikes, negotiations, and legal battles.
The Voting Rights Act (1965) – Protecting Minority Voter Rights
The Selma to Montgomery March and other efforts, led by MLK and civil rights groups, put pressure on the government.
Title IX (1972) – Gender Equality in Education & Sports
Women’s rights activists lobbied for equal educational opportunities. This endned gender discrimination in schools receiving federal funding, revolutionizing women’s sports and education.
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal (2011) – Allowing Open LGBTQ+ Military Service
LGBTQ+ advocates, veterans, and lawmakers worked for repeal.
So while you’d argue I’m being naive, I’d argue that you’re not informed enough about the topic to make such statements. Especially such absolute statements like “every American movement has used violence” when that is objectively wrong. I don’t remember the great Marriage Equality rioters killing people, or the War of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
Please stop spreading misinformation.
Edit: lol some people are mad that facts don’t line up with their world view.
You think only killing each other is violence
No I’m not?
The comment was made that violence is needed for any change. Violence happens because of issues, but violence did not help move these forward. Unless you can explain how.
You’ve either fallen for the propaganda, or you’re purposely being dismissive of the efforts currently taking place. Either way, your participation in this discussion is not helpful.
America, when are you going to stop this? You finally have a chance to exercise the second amendment, to defend your freedom and to show the world you aren’t the bad guys; And you do nothing…
Most of the people who are so in favor of the 2nd amendment are actively supporting this.
And people ask why we aren’t doing anything about it as if people can just pick up a gun willy nilly and go join a violent revolution as easily as joining your local church group. What are people supposed to do? Walk up to the Capitol with an AK-47 and start firing while shouting “DOWN WITH TRUMP?”. That’s a great way to end up dead, in a psych ward, or in ADX-Florence. Trying to organize armed resistance of any size that matters in an era where everybody is carrying around a tracking device in their pockets is a great way to have the whole group rounded up and sent to Gitmo on treason charges.
This isn’t the movies.
On top of this. It isn’t just Dump. It’s the entire GOP. Plus the douche crew and his nazi youth that have been ransacking shit that they don’t understand. Yeah, going in armedmay get you 1 person. It won’t do any good. You’re cutting a small scale off of a large shit snake.
The best we can do is arm ourselves (and I fucking hate that I have to resort to this option) and prep for when shit goes south. I suspect that will be mid terms. We’ll see armed yokels “guarding” vote drop off locations and polling locations. If there is any sign of a dem win anywhere, all hell will break loose with diaperdon claiming fraud. He’ll probably pull some shit like his attempted coup and we’ll see the polling station yokels going nuts.
I think you’re right, but the chance is very high they will cancel midterms shortly before the date.
Probably spouting some excuse. Either in the line of it undermining “democracy” because Trump was already chosen, or they’ll go the way of it being a plan to block the current path for the USA so it will be postponed until the plan is on more solid grounds, “for the good of the country”.
If they do let the midterms proceed, Trump will dismiss the results whatever they are, citing that by then he only has governing power.
He already has made an executive order that only he and a sole AG decide what the law is…
A promise was made that when he was chosen he’d make it so that there would be no need to vote again…
Everybody seems to hold on to the midterms as the slot where things will turn around again, but the project 2025 camp has plans to close this window for sure. And frankly, it feels by then fear will rule all and the slippery slope has shifted to a freefall.
They don’t need to cancel the mid-terms, they already fired everyone at CISA who is responsible for securing state elections. The elections will absolutely happen and miraculously the republicans will win across the board with a higher vote percentage than they’ve ever won by before, and they’ll claim that this means the US population is 100% in support of the fascist policies of the GOP and accelerate the descent.
The elections will absolutely happen and miraculously the republicans will win across the board with a higher vote percentage than they’ve ever won by before
Elections just for show. To keep the masses thinking they live in a democracy.
We’ll be no better than Russia or any other shithole nation that runs elections just for show. This country is cooked. And it wasn’t taken from us. We gave it all away. Utterly shameful. Our entire generation will be viewed as pathetic in the context of world history.
To be honest, this fascist autocracy was inevitable once the loathsome Newt Gingrich got the GOP to sign on to the idea that anyone who opposed the GOP’s plans was an enemy to be destroyed, not a loyal opposition to persuade or with whom to compromise.
You’re right in that, I just did not want to put that in words yet :-]
I wonder how much another overwhelming fraudulous win for MAGA would be ignored, because it definitely is a clear sign bridges were burned.
American Democracy is dead. Thanks to a corrupt GOP and their lackeys in the SCOTUS
Everyone’s quality of life would have to drastically decline and a significant number of citizens would have to start openly expressing the desire for rebellion, then leaders would materialize, and it would go from there.
But we aren’t even close to having enough people’s quality of life declining enough for that to happen. If our oligarchs are smart, they’ll keep us near that red line, without allowing us to go over it. But I’m starting to think their greed outweighs their intelligence.
We’re too complacent with our TV and Doritos. We need to start losing some material things before we wake up. Here’s hoping it happens.
If our oligarchs are smart, they’ll keep us near that red line, without allowing us to go over it.
I’d describe this as the strategy since the Great Depression. The New Deal was a bandaid for capitalism to make it palatable enough for enough people to prevent revolution.
But our oligarchs aren’t smart, or at least they think they’re smarter than their predecessors. They’re dismantling the things that keep the masses mollified and more people are realizing it.
Our oligarchs aren’t as smart as they are greedy.
That didn’t wasn’t effective in Hitler’s Germany, and it won’t be in Trump’s US. Not with Putin, the GOP, and Xi helping Trump keep power.
Personally I’d resort to sabotage. It’s incredibly easy to fabricate explosives in today’s world compared to the rest of history.
Hell, in America I’d imagine you could just buy explosives outright.
Start with the CIA’s Simple Sabotage Field Manual. Less likely to land you in prison or dead. Should be utilized before more extreme measures are taken.
Explosives aren’t necessary. There are all sorts of ways to wreck things without the risks to innocents posed by explosives.
I also feel like a lot of people have a lot of barriers to plotting an assassination, besides the obvious “it’s illegal” and “they’ll kill you for trying” and “who has the time and money to plan an assassination.” To give people some ideas of these barriers, I personally:
- Am trans, so if I tried anything it would immediately be used as a Reichstag fire moment to start rounding up and killing trans people (I suspect the social minorities who will be most affected by the Administration will suffer the worst consequences for even trying to resist)
- Am too young to own a gun in my state (you need to be 21, I suspect some people have the opposite reasoning as well, ‘I’m too old to be an assassin bc I have kids to look after’ or ‘because I’m entrenched and needed at my job’)
- Since I have PTSD I don’t trust myself to own a gun
- I think I can contribute more to the world alive than throwing my life away to be a political assassin. Specifically, I’m very passionate about healthcare reform (obviously universal healthcare, also focusing more on preventative medicine instead of waiting for people to get so chronically sick the pharmaceutical industry can harvest money from them for the rest of their lives, also giving people diet & lifestyle recommendations to treat the underlying cause of their issues instead of just drugging them up to combat their symptoms of disease), and think I have a greater chance of making an impactful change by devoting myself to that
In conclusion, the most convenient person to plot a political assassination is a 25-35 yo straight white man well trained in firearms with tons of money, mentally healthy enough to get a firearm yet crazy enough to throw their life away, ideally recently unemployed so they have nothing to lose.
So… a security guard affected by the mass government downsizing?
No one wants to impress Jodie Foster anymore.
There were 2 confirmed assassination attempts on Donald Trump last year and potentially one more where an armed and suspicious individual was trying to get into a location where Trump was but the individual claims he wasn’t planning anything malicious.
Wikipedia reports ~8 more incidents during the years where he was involved in his first presidential term.
I think Biden only had the one with the box truck.
There were multiple assassination attempts.
*Hey look, this guy brought a rifle to a drone fight. *
Yeah unfortunately the gun crazies fully support what’s happening, and it’s a PITA to get a registered firearm if you aren’t already a gun nut.
Hey if anyone has a line on unregistered Kalashnikovs, hit me up. I just want it for “display purposes.”
Move to West Virginia, we need more people like you. I just got a beautiful Serbian made AK, all I had to do was wait for it to be shipped over and pick it up at my local gun shop. 15 minutes for the background check which is essentially no felonies, because I have an extensive misdemeanor record from when I was young and wild. All I had to do was listen to the workers and customers spout bullshit conspiracy theories and talk about the latest Joe Rogan episode. Small price to pay.
Even my wife, who was previously anti-gun, bought a 9mm. Interesting times.
The time to have stopped him was long ago. But our law enforcement entities lacked the courage to do their jobs. Especially Meritless Garland.
Americans only punch down, sorry.
Legal challenges? They are ignoring the courts. How will that change anything?
When do we start exercising our second amendment on this tyrannical dictator?
This has been the first time in my life I’ve actually considered buying a gun.
Do it! Exercise that right before they try and take that away too. Go to a gun show, super cheap! Talk to the guys there about personal defense, they will give you such good advice. Head to a shooting range and fire off a few to get a good idea on how they handle. What’s the worst that can happen? They sit around and collect dust because you don’t need to overthrow a tyrannical dictator?
Absolutely literally -
that would mitch mcconnel.
I don’t even have the words to express my feelings properly to this bullshit.
I do but saying them gets you put on a list.
Probably already are, or will be soon.
As a German, this is precisely what comes to mind
I hate they way he coops that quote that was meant for luigi.
I think it was meant for napoleon.
can’t be. he did not save anyone.
What is the next unironic quote!? Oh wait I got it, “if you want to shine like sun first you have to burn like it.”
Good thing we spent the 4 years between trump terms with a young, motivated go-getter who checks notes his in a closet for four years and was less seen/heard than any other president.
Moderates are not equipped to fight fascism, we can’t keep rotating between the two because the fascists will break more than a Neoliberal would ever want to fix.
Neither actually wants to fix shit, just keep their wealthy donors happy
Also, this time we have fascists with a plan at hand. They even say beforehand what they will do and no one bats an eye, until “wait, they were serious?”
They did their homework and are swiftly taking over.
Trump’s abhorrent smug face of late tells everything we need to know if they are succeeding or not.
Biden was an opportunity for the old Republican party to prevail. Instead they rolled out the carpet for MAGA, and now they are rolling it for an authoritarian dictatorship. Frankly, had the democratic stoked more attention, the more bullshit that would have been spun up about them. The root of the problem is that MAGA was getting propped up with control of social networks personality cults and the sort of modern day profile targeting a shitload of money can provide.
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That’s a list of random things that happened during his presidency…
I have no idea how that’s relevant.
This would be tho:
In the 100 years since Calvin Coolidge took office, only Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan held as few news conferences each year as the current occupant of the Oval Office.
He wasn’t fucking capable of being president. Even Chris Clizza admits it now, why can’t you?
Those four years was not the time to let Grandpa go in a Sunday cruise, we needed an actual fighter and moderates aren’t fighters.
Why are we still talking about Biden? How does this serve us? Regardless of how we drove here, we’ve landed in S-Town.
So now we either live with the stink, build ourselves a waste treatment facility, or GTFO.
Why are we still talking about Biden?
Because we can’t afford to make the same mistake we made in the last three presidential elections…
People said “why are we still talking about Hillary” after 2016, so we didn’t learn the lesson and repeated it in 2020.
Then Biden barely won and we couldn’t say anything because he was president, so we didn’t learn the lesson.
And ran another uncharismatic candidate who was further right than Dem voters, for a 3rd election in a row and lost.
Id ask why moderate politicianss never want voters to discuss their failings, but that’s obvious.
What I want to know is why voters do what you’re doing right now.
How is understanding past mistakes to prevent repeating them not important to you?
Biden was bye bye 9 months ago, my dude. I’m sorry he hurt you in the feefees.
The president is not a king, there are a lot of congress critters who also got us to this point. And those don’t get elected nationally. It’s systemic. I don’t foresee us making significant systemic changes to the system this cycle… unless they are to our detriment.
For me, now is the time to recruit, to protest, to get active and get people active. If we want to keep our country, we need to be out in the streets saying this ain’t right. The leaders of the movement will bubble up naturally. And yeah, you’re probably right in that they’ll likely be a whole hell of a lot more passionate than a cluster of 80 year old geriatrics.
Biden was bye bye 9 months ago, my dude. I’m sorry he hurt you in the feefees.
Factually untrue, and I don’t have much time for people who talk like trump supporters
The one thing that would have stopped all this and put things on a different path is immediately lock up Trump and co-conspirators under solid treason charges, it was easy to prove as well.
But the wishy washy and slow way the investigation and justice machine rolled is what gave Trump all the chances.
He got to puff up his ego for years on being unjustly attacked, and (re)grow the cult around him.
He got his supreme court to give him king-like powers (and now he claims the rest of the kingly might and immunity).
He got Elon Musk to spy on everyone, steal all private data including home adresses to sick cultists to… and Elon now has the means to destroy the financial transaction of anyone against the regime…
The blame for it all was not directly on Biden, the democrats nor on the elections themselves, this was on a system that was apathetic and waiting out time for the one thing to happen.
And again the system is waiting out time to see what happens at the next elections, but that will turn out to be a mirage, Trump and co will not relinquish power anymore.
All of it was stopped if Trump was locked up. He should never have been a 2nd candidate, not just not eligible but locked up for decades.
The democrats would indeed need to find more charismatic leadership with fighting spirit, but the MAGA camp had been given a crippling blow.
Now the world watches as the USA destroys itself permanently, has its influence drift away on the winds, and loses everything to its ages old communist enemy Russia.
Hitler went to jail. He used that time to write a book outlining his plan.
I don’t think even Trump thought he was going to win this time. Nearly half the voting population didn’t want him to. A huge swath of people sat out this election, we’re here because of them. Yea, some of that is on Biden, some rests on Harris, some rests on the DNC, but the people who saw the choice and decided to sit it out also deserve a lot of the blame.
But that doesn’t matter now. The damned thing happened. We got here. Life doesn’t always happen the way we want. It’s now up to all of us who care about our future, the future for our kids and the future of our country to step up. This is our historical moment.
This is the one that history books will write about. We need to stand up and rise up to the moment. We have to fight the tyranny. That means some of us will be imprisoned. That means some of us will die. And that sucks, like really really sucks. I’ve been on this planet for 40+ years now. If I don’t take a stand now, for the country I love, for the people I love, then why the hell am I even here? I want to live life in the way I want to live it, not how someone else dictates it.
And I challenge you to do the same, for your life depends on it. It’s time to rise. It’s time to act. It’s time to fight.
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Trump defended the order, stating, “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.”
Okay, Adolf.
Napoleon, actually. So, a different dictator, but still a dictator.
Wait, this was ACTUALLY a quote from a famous dictator? I thought I was just being snarky and connecting this comment to the kind of rhetoric famously used by dictators. I didn’t realize this is specific rhetoric used by a specific dictator.
You don’t even need to read between the lines anymore. Insane.
If Congress wasn’t filled with feckless lickspittles, they could just not fund the executive branch. But they are, so they will
If Congress wasn’t filled with feckless lickspittles
If that was the case, trump would’ve already been convicted of impeachment and been disqualified.
How does that actually work with Musk and his merry band of douchebags in direct control of the mechanism by which the US government pays out money?
The US Constitution gives Congress sole control of “the purse” meaning all funding of the federal government. They allocate it and the executive branch spends it. If they weren’t trump’s puppets, they could stop allocating funds for him to misuse.
What is the legal argument against this? The article was paywalled, but the summay only says that past presidents have respected agency independence. That sounds like just a gentlemans agreement. Nothing legally binding. So do the challenges have a leg to stand on?
Musk’s and his actions are illegal, or were illegal mostly before the Supreme Court decided there’s some sleezy presidential immunity. The problem is they are so firm and quick at changing the rules of the game that no institution can catch up and, most importantly, generally afraid they would be directly attacked by these fuckers. Some commenters preciously said that it’s stupid that most of people who could’ve challenged or straight up dismissed his executive orders are pussies for resigning or being complicit, but, in their defence, all of their personal data was leaked by Muskrat and he and Trump have a pardoned terrorist cell to carbomb them or whatever. And it’s snowballing from department to department, and every new one looks at those who already kneed to the maggot.
All these famous checks and balances were DDOSed and frightened into submission. i don’t think they were exceptionally and inherently fragile. it’s just the rightwing strategists just got the right guy, the right coverage and the right plan to make it all as easy as break-and-enter with absent homeowners.
What was illegal about what musk did? Be specific. On paper he is “working” for the president, and my understanding is that the cabinet members in charge of the various agencies gave him the go ahead to do what he is doing. Both of those are directly or indirectly elected officials charged with running the executive branch of the government. My take is that congress has depended on gentleman’s agreements rather than passing laws to ensure the agencies aren’t tampered with like is happening now.
Think of it like a whole bunch of people standing around a $100 bill left on the ground. Everybody’s standing around waiting for the legitimate owner to come by and pick it up. Trump doesn’t give a shit about that. He’s gonna walk by, shove everyone aside, and grab it. When everyone else tries to stop him and say the money isn’t his, he’s just going to look at you and say “Who’s is it, and why haven’t they picked it up yet?” And while everybody else is standing around trying to figure out the answer to that, Trump is walking away with the money and saying “Finders keepers, asshole. It’s mine now”. Even if the original owner shows up later and tries to lay claim to the money, he’d have to prove that that specific $100 bill was his to begin with or the judge is just going to say that it’s Trump’s money now.
Think that, except with the power of the US government instead of a c-note. And Trump is hoping that the courts will use the same logic: since nobody else tried to claim the power before, and there’s nothing explicitly granting those powers to someone else, Trump is hoping that the courts will just let him keep those powers in a twisted form of finders-keepers. And given this court system, he very well might win.
This is the truth of it. Picking up $100 bill off the ground in public that isn’t yours isn’t actually illegal. And what trump is doing is attempting to stretch the powers of his office. This isn’t anything new really. Just how he is doing it, how much and how fast is new.
Who would have thought the Air Bud defense would be the death knell of democracy in America?
I don’t think there is a good one. It sounds like this is another one of those things where the rules were mostly relying on the idea that the people wouldn’t elect someone who was expected to try to do something like this.
There are laws against it but the Supreme Court gave the president total immunity so all those laws are now void
Which laws. Cause I haven’t seen any quoted anywhere. And, they only gave him immunity for official acts. Then said they (the courts) get to decide what an official act is. Lastly, they did not take away congress’s ability to prosecute him in the form of impeachment.
Did you actually read that. A lot of “potentially”, “possibly” and things like that. In short, it isn’t all that clear cut.
What is the legal argument against this?
None. We stacked the court with Unitary Executive friendly judges a long time ago.
So do the challenges have a leg to stand on?
MarshallRoberts has made his decision; now let him enforce it!“He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.” It’s literally in the OP bro.
Well the boards are appointed by the President with Senate approval. The President can also remove a board member at any time. The board members are generally in pretty good control of the agency.
This seems like it is at most an attempt to end run the Senate but likely just an order to establish a liaison office once you parse everything. He’s passing all these sweeping language orders but also putting in that they should follow all applicable laws.
I’m rewatching handmaid’s tale in absolute despair and I’m not even american. You people need to fight, not only for yourselves and your country but for the rest of us who are living in America’s shadow. You set yourself up as the land of the free - you can’t fall. There’s too much riding on you. We’ll all follow, if America goes. If Hitler was American…
And when you get rid of these assholes, don’t allow the same shitty systemic injustices. You need to institute a libertarian socialist society and start being a true leader for the rest of the world, no more robbing poor countries.
See, the thing is, America’s been propped up by toothpicks and Santa Claus-esque belief for most of our lifetimes. There were clearly no guardrails, no real systems in place, and no people with the willpower or actual dedication to the country to hold it against any level of dedicated attack. Hell, many of its people are so broken and systematically idiotic that they welcomed the attack as long as the got to guffaw and clap like seals at the people brought down to their god awful level.
It had to fall. It likely won’t rise again in any healthy, phoenix sort of way, but if it manages to do so, maybe it won’t only have the untested veneer of strength. But for now, it’s a corpse. Europe needs to save itself and not add their bodies to the cemetery, because what took down America is actively coming for the world.
No country has guard rails when you ignore the law dude
The guard rail should have been prosecuting Trump before he ran again. Or you can have enforcement come from outside the government by having strong unions that can shut down the economy if the government starts breaking the law and doing bad things. There are guard rails that can be put in place to help but the US has very few that are still left trying to hold back the illegal actions.
every day i am so upset to have been forced to vote for biden because he wasn’t trump, only for him and his administration to sit around for 4 years and let trump get away with all of his crimes, only for all of this. i honestly don’t see any reason to vote for a Democratic status-quo candidate again, even if satan himself is running against him. I’ll vote when progressives are on the ticket.
I really believe it was dangerous to martyr trump by putting him in jail… His followers were so nutty that they would maybe have broken the system completely, as they tried to do last time.
I mean, right now the facade of america being a functioning democracy is kind of intact, if you don’t look too close. If a lot of crazies with guns stormed the court, the jail to rescue or protect trump… If the police or jailers released him… I mean, then what? Military coup? He tried it last time, people died and he’s blatantly supported and protected those people. There’s also that old adage about giving him enough rope to hang himself. There has to be a line that even brainwashed cult members won’t cross and he seems to be looking for it.
I really hope that someone over there who’s smarter and better informed than I am has some kind of plan and this will all be worth it in the end.
so jail his followers, then. this type of justification from fear is the reason we are where we are.
This kind of justification isn’t the end, but if a group are able to destroy the country then ideology is kind of moot… To be pragmatic this is like 4D chess and the end result has to be a working democracy. I used to say ‘oh just let it burn down, its shit anyway’ but this means peoples lives lost and spiralling chaos which can’t really be predicted. I’d guess the chance of anything better emerging is very slim.
The best result now is that enough people realise what’s happening and know that they MUST be politically active, must make a popular movement for peace, justice, truth, decency… All of the old values which seem out of fashion. There are more people who believe in those things but where tf are they? They’re saying ‘politics are gross’ I don’t want to be around that.
Ummm… THOSE people ought to be the ones doing politics! They ought to be the politicians.
Do you think the realities of global heating have caused a kind of mass delusion?
Laws are more like suggestions.
FCC huh? There goes TV that’s against him
They had already started with that under the guise of DEI hiring nonsense at the stations. Comcast was already being threatened that its DEI hiring practices were cause for the FCC to pull their license somehow. He broadcast (pun intended) his plan to have state run media and to diminish or ban the rest during his campaign, just nobody pays attention.
Edit s/pin/pun
We really are screwed aren’t we?
We have been for decades. People have been warning about this since the early 20th century.
James Waterman Wise, Jr., in a recent address here before the liberal John Reed club said that Hearst and Coughlin are the two chief exponents of fascism in America. If fascism comes, he added, it will not be identified with any “shirt” movement, nor with an “insignia,” but it will probably be “wrapped up in the American flag and heralded as a plea for liberty and preservation of the constitution.”
1935 Sinclair Lewis It Can’t Happen Here
But he saw too that in America the struggle was befogged by the fact that the worst Fascists were they who disowned the word ‘Fascism’ and preached enslavement to Capitalism under the style of Constitutional and Traditional Native American Liberty.
We actually are.
Most people are still sleepwalking through this. It’ll be another couple years before the general populace starts grasping how screwed we actually are.
We’re going to go through a very dark period and it’s going to take a lot of pain, suffering, and death just to get back to where we were before, if we can at all.
Absolute best case scenario is we spend the rest of our lives clawing back what we’re in the process of losing and generally we won’t see much, if any, actual progress.