Also Putin, " say I’m not a bad person"
Also Putin, " say I’m not a bad person"
Nah, he’s a inbred golden retriever, that Russia and musk owns
Stoolge mcduck
Without lots of money, it’s not doable reliabily
That’s where all the delicious parasite eggs are. Parasites need to mind control their host some how
And low info,.plus bigotry too.
they eat too.
make organ failure good again?
you need your essential NOROviruses, e-coli [(O157:H7), salmonella typhi, listeria, and camplybacter probiotics. maybe bringing back the good old MS. cholera.
boomers loves fox, younger cons love newsmax/oan and people like shapiro,etc.
effective use propaganda, especially with collusion of MSM and social media helps, with decades of it. of course being sourced from RU helps too, which is the main backers of disinformation in the us.
hes 70% coke by liquid weight, aspartame and phosphates.
imagining attacking verizon which have been heaivly supporting the gop, especially on things like Net neutrality removal.
they might as well drink a whole bottle of ipecac. they are going to get so dehydrated too(i once got dehydrated from food poisoning, from spewing out both ends)
pseudoscience doesnt use much evidence.
RFK jr is obsessed with drinking methylene blue. someone posted a video on reddit a 2 weeks ago of him dropping a mysterious liquid into his drink.
probably going to consuming essential oils. all these homeopathic, antivaxxers are all in on the essential oils.
licking cane toads.
half a pint, and a full pint.
That casinos well known to be money laundering for the Russians so it’s intentional, him not paying g contracters was where he had his scams