More than one company has gotten to the prototype stage. Don’t remember any huge companies, but there’s video out there. You don’t realize how much the form factor sucks until it’s real.
More than one company has gotten to the prototype stage. Don’t remember any huge companies, but there’s video out there. You don’t realize how much the form factor sucks until it’s real.
Plus side, you won’t have to worry about it for long.
I know right, there’s a lot of backstory and some ‘you had to be there’ for this one, but I appreciate it.
Not sure if it’s just me, but both of your links seem to go to the same place. (Nightshade)
It feels weird, but I’m told that’s the norm outside the US. It kind of makes sense from a plumbing perspective.
Also, proof, the universe is flat.
This is a fun thought experiment and I’m kind of surprised Discovery didn’t do something like this with holodeck tech in the “future” since the writers weren’t afraid to do other tech-taken-to-natural-conclusion like tiny phaser transporters (or whatever those were).
They kinda did, they just didn’t go into detail. There were ships that were made entirely of holodeck at the new federation headquarters in discovery season 3ish, we just never got beyond being mentioned briefly and people going ‘Oh, thats cool’.
They didn’t go into depth at all, don’t believe we even have one with a name, but they talked about seeing federation ships made entirely of ‘holographic containment walls’ in Discovery Season 3. Pretty sure it was when they first arrived at federation headquarters in the future.
There was also that ship in insurrection where it was just one giant holodeck, but still existing inside a regular ship. The concept just hasn’t made it into something that’s broadly popular in the mainstream trek fandom.
VLC has over 6 billion downloads, obviously there are people who downloaded it multiple times, but that’s getting close to averaging one per person in existence.
6 billion download announcement (eventually leads to X/twitter): https://techcrunch.com/2025/01/09/vlc-tops-6-billion-downloads-previews-ai-generated-subtitles/#%3A~%3Atext=VLC+media+player%2C+the+popular%2Can+AI-powered+subtitle+system.
Not directly comparable, but guesses at the number of Linux servers out there are in the 10s-100s of millions.
It’s an arguable point, but unless you get weird with what you quantify as Linux, I think VLC might honestly have more users.
I mean fuck yeah, probably. I share with my family and I had to check their email for them to prove that they received it.
I’m not sure he can and I think the judge isn’t sure either.
I think this might be another one of those things where we were relying on the people electing someone reasonable.
It’s at least kind of notable that we seem to be losing a lot of the ones that pretended to be on our side.
You’re not alone. I’m on the list, but no domain data and I don’t have the ‘stealer log entries’ available.
Pretty sure they sell those too.
People also forget that he’s legitimately not a democrat. Bernie Sanders is an independent, he joined the democratic party when he was running for president but left afterwards.
Surprised that the first go to isn’t the tiny horse attached to the back of the main one or the fact that the astronaut also has no feet.
Maxwell’s powers are limited by what he can describe with written language and the speed at which Maxwell can do so. Q’s powers are effectively similar but seemingly without either limitation.
According to the cube rule, you have it backwards. A lasagna is a type of cake, or potentially a sandwich if you’re a purist and depending on composition.
I get you, but I think at a certain point if we’re relying on it being properly implemented and a large group isn’t then I’d say we’re back on denuvo as the party at fault for not addressing it and preventing it.
It sucks, but we have to expect and plan for when people are stupid to a point because that is always going to be a key source of failure.