It’s common for gross American men to rate women on a scale of 1-10 for hotness. The joke is that Trump doesn’t think the lady of liberty is very attractive.
It’s common for gross American men to rate women on a scale of 1-10 for hotness. The joke is that Trump doesn’t think the lady of liberty is very attractive.
Also if people think that this is going to be the deathblow to education in the U.S… it’s been dead. It’s a rotting, festering corpse. I’ve already seen public highschools in shitholes like Mississippi and Oklahoma pushing 4 years of Christian theology “electives.” It’d be great if the DoE was setting education standards, because leaving it to the states has utterly failed.
Be the change you want to see in the world?
mmm, yummy clothing
Just hang around. After the headlines have propogated and the backlash happens, Musk will ask 60,000 of them to come back to their post.
Considering it’s Mike Johnson’s chief of staff, I’m pretty sure the drinking was celebratory.
You’re never going to get a satisfying answer to this question, because there is no actual reason. If you want, you can go peek in on the conservative subreddits and watch their gold-medal winning mental gymnastics, but the reason Trump is doing this is Putin told him to. The U.S. is destroying themselves for no gain.
¿Por que no los dos?
I used to think that all the times I had to survive drowning were unique, until I met my coworker who almost drowned to death in the same wavepool as me, despite us growing up in two seperate states a few hundred miles apart.
I still hope drowning three times is fairly uncommon, but at least one of those pools is just hella dangerous I guess.
I really appreciate your honesty. You absolutely could re-tell this story to make yourself look like a cool rugged survivalist, but I imagine you didn’t much feel like one in the moment.
Honestly, the only part I wouldn’t trust is the idea the men willingly joined instead of being drafted. I’m pretty sure most Eastern European men can trace their family back to fighting Nazis, except for the ones who were Nazis.
Pretty standard business practice for the U.S. is “The Customer Can Always Get Fucked.” There’s a lot of money that’s basically just been stolen from me because I got tired with fighting the company to just ship me the thing I paid for, and I either bought the thing somewhere else or decided I didn’t want it anymore. Most companies don’t even actually have customer service, just chatbots or outsourced chumps who only seem to exist for Americans to yell at, because they have no authority to do, view, or fix anything.
I mean sure, but would you prefer he stick to his views as children die, or do you want him to change his views and try to get MAGA crazies in TX to give their kids the measles vaccine?
I don’t typically point out that my opponent is a hypocrite if they’re doing the right thing for the right reasons.
So, the electoral process has failed you every time that you’ve interacted with it, and you’ve watched as everything got worse these past few decades, but still hold faith in the process? Again, I have to wonder why? It seems like you’d be very justified in looking at the DNC as traitors, especially considering they personally gatekept some of your choices from the general election.
As long as there’s a chance of revolution, I’ll stay alive to see it. I don’t see a reason to take my own life when I’ll soon have an opportunity to give it willingly.
Serious question, then why do you keep doing it? You have to understand that constantly voting for the same shit, without doing anything to change who you’re voting for or demanding anything of your leaders, was going to lead to the party becoming out of touch with your needs and wants right?
As somebody who’s worked on leftist local campaigns, no amount of time was ever going to help us. A large majority of the American people want to stay on the globalist neoliberal train until it inevitably crashes. The only thing they can’t agree on is the conductor.
proportional to my power
This is the thing that always kills me. My vote was 100% worthless. Completely performative, just throwing paper to the wind. My state was one of the few that actually went for Harris, my state governor is one of the few actually fighting against Trump, my city has so far done an excellent job fighting back against him, and none of the races were even really close. I’m sure there are many other people, in the other firm blue states just like mine, who couldn’t stomach voting for genocide when they know their vote is just a gesture.
I’m told that I seem like a very calm person on the outside, which is wild because I am also an inferno of rage on the inside.