This post is still up and it’s protected.
Sounds like someone who got lowballed, said “no thank you”, and a CEO with a chip on their shoulder got butthurt.
doxing them is insane
Not surprising for entitled CEOs, though.
One might even call it “unprofessional.”
Well he did include a disclaimer about his unprofessional behaviour he’s posting.
It ain’t really doxxing though. I personally know 3 people with name Yash Gupta. There are soooooo many people out here man. And worse of all, these CEOs will get away with it because people are ready to code for 20k Indian rupees, (around 250 dollars) a month. It’s crazy out here.
He gave his name, job title, and the company he works for. That seems like enough to be doxxing.
Take that shit back to Reddit
Stop farting
Bruh. They @'d his place of employment. They’re trying to get him fired and blacklisted.
This. This is the real issue here. I doubt his current (I assume - this could also be an old screenshot) employer is going to mind too much his “money-driven mindset” and all that other stuff (I mean - they do know him far longer than Dr. Kashyap does), but they are going to be very interested in the very fact that he was interviewing with another company.
Sorry you got downvoted for saying an objective truth. Was still sucky the CEO dork linked to his profile, though.
I didn’t know that. And I wasn’t supporting the doxxing. I want assert how absurd the condition is here out here. If anybody interpreted it differently, I am sorry.
Maaaaan don’t apologize for being downvoted. Switch to an instance that doesn’t even let you see downvotes.
On his companies website his email is a Gmail account and he couldn’t even get his own name as the email address.
Small fish in a puddle.
Sounds like all of those MLM ladies putting titles like that on their LinkedIn.
“What do you mean you don’t want to base your livelihood on my bullshit hobby “business” that will completely fall apart within the next two years?”
A CEO accusing someone else of having a money driven mindset sure is something.
It’s a job, not a fucking relationship, what other kind of mindset are you supposed to have?
These people are fucking delusional
Well, my boss pays us very badly but regularly reminds us that we are all just one big happy family. These people seem to be everywhere and they have no self-awareness and no imagination about how to live life. And their entire ego is invested in their work, so they’re very touchy.
All 3 companies he has “founded” are only 7 months old. Prior to that he has been mostly a scrum master and business analyst. He has no people management experience, no experience in establishing and executing strategies, and this post illustrates all of these short comings.
This isn’t about this company, but this post just gave me PTSD from a recent interview process.
“Soo, we can’t offer you a salary even though our job listing said we would. But you’ll get 5% stake in our startup, which I’m sure will do great even though I’m using my parents money and have zero business experience! Also no vacation, 60 hour work weeks, oh and no health insurance either. We’re a small business trying to make it work!”
Legitimately had this experience after a fucking 5-stage interview process for some small startup, promising a “competitive compensation package”. I guess I should’ve been more assertive in asking their salary range when they kept giving me vague hints at a bullshit compensation.
Waste of fucking time and money. I could tell they were annoyed that I didn’t treat them as if they were Gods offering me a place in eternal bliss. I said “So you guys can’t offer me an actual salary?” and they had the audacity to come back with “well not everything is about money”…says the dude whose parents gave him $1.5 million seed money to start his own little “marketing” company.
When I declined the offer, they quipped with “Thank you for taking 8 hours of our valuable time to get to learn about the company and drink our coffee”. They also said they would reimburse my parking (city parking) to make the interviews. That never happened. Down about $150 and 8 hours. Did they expect me to fall for some sort of sunk-cost fallacy?
The ego and audacity some of these people have astonishes me. They must be so fucking miserable on the inside.
This is exactly the kind of behavior that modern capitalism produces: money, power, and growth at any cost. Other humans are no longer people or equals, they are tools. Morals and ethics must be left behind to “succeed”.
All while criticizing others for being so venal they want to be able to buy food.
When I declined the offer, they quipped with “Thank you for taking 8 hours of our valuable time to get to learn about the company and drink our coffee”.
Oh man, this would have made me see red. You have more self control than I do if you were able to ignore that and move on. Like really? You’re gonna get snarky with me?
Ask for salary in writing, always. Usually email is easy.
Probably not even a real doctor either.
It is all suspect. He got his degree in 2016, Masters in 2015, Phd in 2020. The Yatiken he associates himself with on his linked in was started in 2014 so he is not the founder of that Yatiken. There is another Yatiken company registered in 2020 that lists him but amusingly has him no longer being a manager in 2021.
What is a scrum master? Like a rugby coach?
Scrum is an Agile project management methodology. Basically it centers around iterated short term “sprints” of about two weeks where team members have relative autonomy, and after which there are meetings to consider any emergent issues before committing to the next sprint. It’s supposed to be more flexible and responsive than traditional “waterfall” project management, where an entire project is planned out in advance in a linear progression. Funnily enough it actually was named after the rugby term
It’s very popular in software development in particular, since oftentimes development can be broken into modular tasks that can be worked on in parallel. Many argue that it’s a fad that’s been shoehorned into applications where it isn’t useful, or that some practitioners focus so much on the structure that they bog down the process with endless meetings.
A scrum master is a specialist who helps an organization implement scrum.
A scrum master is a fancy project manager. But legally you have to call them scrum masters or else their arms fall off
Unsure if a joke or not, but in the event of a serious question:
scrum masters are heads of scrum teams, their main purpose is facilitating good work conditions for the workers in the team. This generally means arranging and leading typical scrum meetings, helping workers do their job and shielding them from the Production Owner (the guy that decides what they are to make/deliver during a sprint . (sprints are 2-3 weeks long, where work is done according to a selection done at the start of the sprint and interruptions are kept low during that time.)
I don’t want to say that it’s an easy roles, but it’s more a management type of role than a worker role. In my team the scrum master is also doing development work, since scrum master tasks alone aren’t that huge with the way we do things.
Since it seems you are unaware of the origin of the term:
Thanks, I figured I was missing some connection.
As others have replied yes the term was inspired by the rugby term but unlike a rugby coach who sets the teams strategy and game tactics, the scrum master in agile methodology is a tactical role that is focused on ensuring the team are observing agile ceremonies, sticking to their sprint commitments etc. What the team are doing and why is the responsibility of other roles like Product Managers who may also have Product Owners working closely with the teams whose responsibility is to have a prioritised backlog of items for the team to use as input to plan upcoming work. Usually there are higher level roles that set business level / market level strategy that gives guidance to Product Managers on where products should be focusing to meet specific business goals.
deleted by creator
Eh. It’s very much a case by case. It’s like having an assistant manager. Some of them you wonder what they even do, other ones you think the place would likely fall apart and burst into flames without them.
manager of bullshit that does little to no actual work
scrum master
I fucking hate corporate lingo.
I can’t think of a faster way to make me not want to work for you than for you to post details about my name, current work, and our interview.
I can’t think of a faster way to make me not want to work for you than for you to post details about anyone’s name, current work, and their interview.
Even from a pure selfish perspective, this is the more important issue. That interviewee (who’s name I won’t write, as to not increase the score of this post when people search it) already can’t work there because he failed the interview (or because the interview failed him) and the damage was already done (his name got exposed), but anyone else who considers interviewing with Dr. Alok Kashyap of Yatiken Software should consider this a warning that if they do - their name may be exposed as well.
The “unprofessional conduct” that he’s alerting us to is his own behavior, right?
I read that and thought, “Whatever is coming is probably a huge breach of business etiquette.” And I was right.
Edited to add: If the candidate’s behavior in the interview was so egregious, why would you even waste your time with follow-up calls? It sounds like they wanted to hire the guy, but he wasn’t interested in working for them after the interview. Sour grapes, anyone?
I would guess the “money-driven mindset” had a lot to do with it. The interview went well, he was a good fit, but they didn’t offer him enough. With some back and forth on compensation souring communications enough to make the owner butt hurt enough to post this.
Exactly… Do these idiots not realize how easily readable they are? I’ve never subjected myself to LinkedIn, so I couldn’t say, but do people actually respond positively to posts like this there?
Holy hell they’re even astroturfing their thread. Report for harassment, it includes doxxing someone.
Reported. Fuck this asshole.
I reported for harassing, it’s the closest things to doxxing I could find
It works I think, it says in the message at the end that it includes sharing personal information.
It would only be more obvious if they used sock puppets, controlled by the CEO as he tries to use different voices for each one.
One of the bots even copy-pasted the CEO’s words as if they were their own.
“Only connections can comment on this post.”
Yeah, they’re clearly butthurt from all the constructive criticism.
Our services include web application development, mobile app development (native and cross-platform), comprehensive digital marketing strategies, cutting-edge blockchain solutions, and innovative AI development.
Dudes entire company is just aping into hype cycles for money.
Looks like the post got removed. It says it cannot be displayed.
The link was working earlier as I used it to report the post for harassment :)
That seems to happen if you report a post. It’s still up, just once you report it Linkedin prevents you from seeing it
I reported this post for harassment. LinkedIn said “nope this is fine”:
This is pretty fucking egregious. I don’t care if the candidate was wildly unprofessional or not, you don’t fucking drop names like this publicly.
If I was that candidate I’d be calling lawyers right about now.
Also, if you reported it, they don’t let you see it afterwards, even if they refuse to take it down. So it may look like they’ve taken action when all they’ve done is make it sorta look like they did, just to you.
You didn’t think LinkedIn was doing anything wrong when they asked people to put up pictures of themselves? You didn’t catch on that LinkedIn is the biggest facilitator of workplace discrimination?
I never thought linkedin wasn’t doing anything wrong
Well, it’s hard to call it libel, because they hardly made any actual claims. I was waiting to hear about the “unprofessional behavior”, but they seem to have forgotten that part?
The only unprofessional behavior seems to be the post itself. If you’re going to make allegations, make actual allegations or don’t say anything.
Linkedin is full blow AIDS.
go back to reddit
Would you have downvoted them if they said it was cancer?
deleted by creator
He might have wanted to run this by an HR person before posting. Asshat is definitely getting sued for this.
The company looks to be from India so he most probably isn’t getting sued, sadly.
CEO’s location is listed as “The Greater Chicago Area”
Business lists a Chicago number and address. Fyi their website is a absolute cluster fuck of 5th grade PowerPoint quality and layout.
Big “you can’t quit, because you’re fired” energy.
I’m sure people will be lining up to work for you, now!
Yes, there’s no way I would want to work for the unprofessional and petty Dr. Alok Kashyap of Yatiken Software if I happened to search his name and find this post of his all over the internet.
Yep, his post is pretty unprofessional.
Pretty sure this is tortious interference.
I like how they say it’s a mutual endeavor and yet they obviously wasted this applicant’s time.
Good on Gupta for ghosting them.
Don’t everyone book an appointment all at once, o.k.
Soft attempt at blacklisting.
Key word “soft”. What a little bitch.
Anybody else feel extra bothered by his use of “professional calibration” like workers are just some machine?
Maybe he meant collaboration but he got lost somewhere along the way…