I think many people figured it out in 1987 when he went to Moscow and then ran full-page newspaper ads demanding the USA turn on its allies.
I think many people figured it out in 1987 when he went to Moscow and then ran full-page newspaper ads demanding the USA turn on its allies.
The only question is whether he knows he’s a Russian asset. Trump may be working for them without realizing it. All Putin would have to do is convince him he was just giving him advice, one wise ruler to another, because Trump is special and brilliant, and provide a few incentives. Trump would believe that taking the advice was all his own brilliant idea.
Ah there goes another thing that distinguished the USA from China and Russia.
They are evidently trying to destroy the USA’s traditional alliances and weaken its historical allies. The most immediate benefit is to Russia, but China also benefits while North America and Europe lose out. Their motivation seems to be that turmoil offers billionaires new opportunities to make more money, and they may also hope to strengthen their dealings with Russian oligarchs.
The Democrats seem to have come up with two strategies so far: either (1) wait and hope someone does something, or (2) play dead and hope someone does something.
Yes, those girls were about 15 and Trump used to try to catch them naked in the dressing rooms. And he bragged about it.
And they hate women with a vengeance, which will make them extra popular.
So what’s he doing posting a slur multiple times targeting the disabled community on social media?
If only his other actions could give us some clue.
It’s hard to fathom how deeply these people don’t care about anyone else, or anything else, but themselves.
They know he needs to be on the biggest one to feel he has won.
$250 toilet paper is perfect for flushing down a tacky golden toilet.
Only one of the Five Eyes has put its intelligence services in the hands of a likely agent of a hostile foreign power. That’s the one that should be kicked out first.
See also Israel’s leadership today. A deep belief in your own people’s superiority and your right to take things from others is a dangerous thing.
“Efficiency” is just a word they throw in to distract. None of this is about efficiency, and everything they’re doing is the opposite of efficient.
It’s just the bad new manager who wants to “shake things up” to make their mark, without first bothering to understand how anything works. Going through life with no clue but a baseless assumption that they always know better. Except this is across the whole federal government and the new manager is a Nazi.
I have never seen this happen, and I don’t know what tools would confuse the strings “null” or “Null” with NULL. From the comments in this thread, there are evidently more terribly programmed systems than I imagined.
Maybe it shows the extent to which the USA is now pay-to-rule.
Asking the big questions: why doesn’t he walk around barefoot or in flip flops?
Unless Musk actually has two left feet, it’s AI.
That’s exactly the reaction they’re looking for. They want the US population to become as disengaged from politics as ordinary Russians are. They want you to learn that same helplessness. So don’t cave. Find people you can connect with to resist together.