I bet that internally the mechanism must be like this
Nah, you’d notice if the water wasn’t chilled.
The real trick is to build these in places where the tap water is naturally cold, and to heat the free stuff.
Wait isn’t tap water always naturally cold?
Nope. Especially not in Texas in the summertime. The pipes are close enough to the surface that they warm up (unless you have well water, which is always cold).
Weird. Where I live they bury it eight feet deep so it doesn’t freeze in the winter so it’s constantly chilly.
Yeah but you live in hell
You can always put more clothes on. You can only get so naked
Thats definetely a health hazard. If the water stands long enough to get warm, it will get infected sooner or later.
Doesnt matter so much for the sistance between the main water pipe and your tap, byt after a holiday you should definetly let some water run until it comes out cold again.
Thats definetely a health hazard
You mean the haphazard handling of drinking water or Texas in general? You’re right either way 🤷
City water is chlorinated though
Water comes out of my tap at 103f ok the summer , Arizona.
And degazify if it’s naturally sparkly.
Reminds me of when I saw a Mountain Spring Water filling station ornamented with a picture of a snow-capped mountain at a Wal-Mart about 500 miles from the nearest mountain and nearly 2k miles from the nearest snow-capped mountain. The thing had pipes out the back going into the wall. That was straight city water that maybe that dispenser filtered a little more if it was properly maintained.
A good filter can do wonders.
Living in an area with very hard water, yes.
This photo is about 8 years old now. I’m pretty certain Reefill did not succeed as a product or a company. It barely got crowdfunded and then fizzled out a year later.
Maybe they should have focussed their efforts on carbonated water to combat the fizzle
It would’ve just delayed them running out of gas.
While the apps are still in store, there doesn’t seem to be any website except for an indiegogo, and the Techcrunch article is from '17.
You would think all the data they steal from you when you install the app would be payment enough
My theory is that the new method for data vacuuming is charging a benignly small fee to make it appear that you’re paying for a service and not getting raided, as opposed to using a free service where you assume they’re harvesting you like an apple tree.
Yeah when the fuck are sandboxing being implemented correctly in telephones smh
Its available for some phones with extra work.
- Maybe earlier. Apple and Android phones have been heavily sandboxed from the start.
Interestingly, I was looking for this right now and realized that they don’t have an app for Android and I couldn’t get the information that the App Store offers about the app’s permissions (probably invasive), not to mention that it probably has to connect to several dubious servers to upload data it collects from the user. I say it because I know how this business model works.
I was going to look it up and share but I think they went under. No app on iOS either and the URL takes you to a wix placeholder page
they went under
Serves the fuckers right. If only the same would happen to Nestlé Water…
Spoken like someone who knows nothing about how apps work.
How do they steal the data then?
Most of the time they don’t.
Sweet Jesus I didn’t even notice that it’s a subscription. I abhor vandalism but this shit needs to be spraypainted yesterday.
Spray paint? Fill cup with shitty water, poke hole in bottom of cup, place cup over expensive water button, let the water and circuitry settle their differences.
Dystopian tech needs to be destroyed, not defaced.
this machine is likely waterproofed, for obvious reasons
Fortunately, water isn’t the only thing capable of destroying it.
Just put gum on the subscription button so no one is able to use this scam
Breathing in rooms with outside air: FREE
Breathing in rooms with heat/AC: $1.99/moGet the Breeathe app!
Write that down! Write that down!
I think we just found our new Breeathe Free CEO!
I really thought this was real.
It’s 100% the same water
They add lead to the free side.
Flint Michigan loves this simple trick.
This is the kind of thing I find enraging to the point of vandalism.
vandalism against large corporations is beautiful and moral
“Reefill” sounds like something out of a wojak meme.
“I’m reefilling my water bottle with mineral water from 1000m deep!” - the reefiller wojak
It more sounds like you’re making fun of their intelligence: oh, you’re going for a REEEEEfill?
We need a community called “Capitalism Gone Wild”.
To be fair: if this design was the price for free water everywhere I would pay for it. I want a world where I can get free drinking water everywhere so I don’t have to carry it.
Meanwhile my shitty little European town has recently installed a fountain for drinking, filling up your bottle and also with a dog drink station, completely free.
Where I live in Canada has started turning fire hydrants into free drinking fountains during the summer for the last couple of years.
They have those at a lot of parks that I take my dogs to in my state in the US too. Usually free poop bags too, and yet half still can’t be bothered.
I am from Europe and that is not the norm.
I am from Europe and it is the norm where I live
Maybe Europe is a big place 🤔
I live in Europe and its so large I can’t see any border from my house
Why does it say “Woof Woof Bow Wow” on the dog bowl, if I may ask?
So that dogs can understand its purpose.
Nothing is free
Someone paid for the fountain. Either you, your neighbor, your friend, or your fellow countryman. But someone.
Why nickel and dime everyone that is probably never going to even see the fountain instead of letting the people that want/need pay for it?
Cold filtered water at just a single park you regularly go to is probably worth 3 bucks a month.
If extra money went to park improvements, that would be even better.
I don’t see why everyone wants “free” when it’s just a hidden cost that you’re probably paying anyways. Yes, probably costs more for the people that use the service more, but that’s the way it should be.
Personally I’d rather save 20 dollars on my taxes and bring water to the park. Even still tap water is just fine.
Why would I even want to pay 5 dollars more in taxes so someone doesn’t have to bring a water bottle?
This is a premium service that shouldn’t be the burden of the taxpayer.
This is one of the most American comments I’ve ever seen.
I am afraid to ask, but why do you hate society and your fellow countrymen so much? If the idea of taxes being used to help people fills you with so much rage, then I hope you have access to free mental health so you can figure out why you hate people so much
“Rugged individualism”
…until they actually need help, of course.
Man, lotta vague libertarian energy here, but to answer your question:
Why nickel and dime everyone that is probably never going to even see the fountain instead of letting the people that want/need pay for it?
In general, the answer to this usually boils down to one of two answers:
choosing instead to directly nickel and dime people at the point of service comes with overhead and is wildly inefficient. You want to add an internet connection to every public water fountain? Or at the very least wire them with electricity to power some kind of vending machine system? Or perhaps have a person standing there to charge people? Someone will have to pay extra for any additional steps in what could otherwise just be, well, a simple faucet.
More often than not, the people that need things the most are not the people who can pay for them. These people still need to survive, because letting the poor suffer and die will still cost you and everyone else money.
And study after study shows that when we all pay a little to help people in general, we can all save a lot in, say, street sanitization, law enforcement, healthcare services, etc. Things that you have to provide especially if people can’t afford it.
Water is a basic human right. You think $20 is going to water fountains? Its probably half a cent of your taxes.
As for what was the op, its probably nothing in taxes as the company plans to make money off the chilled and filtered to offset the cost of installing the units. The government your taxes pay for probably mandated the free tap to let them install them.
Americans when their taxes are given to billionaires through kepto defense contracts or when billions are given to Israel to fund genocide: …😴…zzzzzzzzzz…😴…zzzzzz…😴
Americans when taxes are used to help people: 😡😡😡😡😡
Americans when taxes are used to help the wrong people.
Oh boy never look as the defense budget.
Because access to clean water is a human right. No one is gonna die if the water is warm but someone will die if they don’t have water.
What a crazy take
@Sludgeyy@lemmy.world, You need to legitimately check yourself. So many half-ass comments get put up without taking a second of researching before you spout off “knowledge”… I’m guessing you’re considering this “Common Sense”? So you don’t have to actually look into it and test your inner resolve to accept new information.
Make Public Drinking Water Fountains Great Again
A gallon of tap water from typical municipal water systems costs about half a cent, making drinking fountains the cheapest hydration source available in public spaces…
it remains far cheaper than the cost of bottled water, which typically ranges from $1 to $5 per gallon, or about 200 to 1,000 times more than tap water. (High-end bottled waters can be even far more costly.) These costs do not include the environmental costs of the bottled water industry.
A great side benefit: having to test and maintain public water sources for pollutants that residents might not know to report!
comprehensive testing of drinking fountains, implementation of standard protocols for fountain maintenance, and a nationwide effort to replace old water infrastructure, which can be the source of lead and other contaminants.
This is a ROI (return on investment) done right on a community level. Encourage the kids to have a reusable water bottle or give that junky plastic bottle a 2nd use. You do know that kids in a park will go through a water bottle right? Are you buying packages of plastic water bottles for 1,000x the price the fountain could give you!?!?!
I guarantee you, your neighbor, your friend, and your countrymen, that your community and children are saving money and the environment while taking a positive stance to educate and properly use our countries resources for it’s citizens. Please stop spreading misinformation like the** 20$!!!**(made up number in your head) and realize this is what taxes are actually for, things that actually help it’s citizens and reduces the cost of living.
edit: formatting error
I understand this may come as a shock to you, but the world does not revolve around the comfort of individuals. Why do people like you throw such a hissy fit when your taxes goes to bettering people’s lives around you? Where’s your outrage for all the ways our Tax Dollars are actually wasted? Your selfish mindset does more to harm society than prevent any form of waste; you’re just acting entitled over nothing.
Freedoms are seeping out of your pockets, you should get that checked.
Why nickel and dime everyone
Water is essential to human life. Go read a book.
This is a premium service
Water is not a premium service. Really, try reading a book, it will make you very smart soon enough.
Personally I’d rather save 20 dollars on my taxes
woah, bub, inflation is bad but it’s not that bad. A fountain would come out to… like maybe a dime at most split between taxpayers. Depending on what budget it’s coming out of, like if it were a federal park, probably less than a full penny.
When I was in Rome there were just public water fountains everywhere. Good quality water, accessible to everyone.
Not in Germany there aren’t
We are so close to these fuckers selling clean, healthy air as the world suffocates.
Canned in Druidia
“You’ll have to buy the air from us!”
“No thanks.”
“But you’ll die.”
"They have monopolized everything that it is possible to monopolize; they have got the whole earth, the minerals in the earth and the streams that water the earth. The only reason they have not monopolized the daylight and the air is that it is not possible to do it. If it were possible to construct huge gasometers and to draw together and compress within them the whole of the atmosphere, it would have been done long ago, and we should have been compelled to work for them in order to get money to buy air to breathe. And if that seemingly impossible thing were accomplished tomorrow, you would see thousands of people dying for want of air – or of the money to buy it – even as now thousands are dying for want of the other necessities of life. You would see people going about gasping for breath, and telling each other that the likes of them could not expect to have air to breathe unless the had the money to pay for it. Most of you here, for instance, would think and say so. Even as you think at present that it’s right for so few people to own the Earth, the Minerals and the Water, which are all just as necessary as is the air. In exactly the same spirit as you now say: “It’s Their Land,” “It’s Their Water,” “It’s Their Coal,” “It’s Their Iron,” so you would say “It’s Their Air,” “These are their gasometers, and what right have the likes of us to expect them to allow us to breathe for nothing?” And even while he is doing this the air monopolist will be preaching sermons on the Brotherhood of Man; he will be dispensing advice on “Christian Duty” in the Sunday magazines; he will give utterance to numerous more or less moral maxims for the guidance of the young. And meantime, all around, people will be dying for want of some of the air that he will have bottled up in his gasometers. And when you are all dragging out a miserable existence, gasping for breath or dying for want of air, if one of your number suggests smashing a hole in the side of one of the gasometers, you will all fall upon him in the name of law and order, and after doing your best to tear him limb from limb, you’ll drag him, covered with blood, in triumph to the nearest Police Station and deliver him up to “justice” in the hope of being given a few half-pounds of air for your trouble.’
Robert Tressell, The Ragged-Trousered Philathropists (1914) | Ch 15
“REE” is right. I have a 10 pound sledge that can fix this RIGHT up. Just doin’ my part for humanity.
Nestle approved
The pinnacle of innovation if you ask me.
There is a Czech company Filtermac (“Lokni”) that doesn’t even offer tap water, only filtered (so you don’t get a comparison to the already safe tap?) Your options are:
- Install app, verify phone number, get
- free 0.5 liters (2 glasses) per day at select stations (train stations, plus unis if you are a student)
- access to subscriptions, the “unlimited” (still limited) tier is $8/mo I think
- Pay with credit card, about half of what bottled water costs
The startup says it’s very successful. WTF? Tap water is already safe in my country so you can just pay $0.50 to access toilets (or jump the gate), many railway stations also have free taps.
Also, you need to keep the phone in a receptacle while the changing QR code on screen is being scanned during the bottle fillling (bring your own bottle or get a glass one shipped with a year of Premium). Tablets and laptops with Android emulators don’t fit. You only need internet to sign up but the giant thing with an ad screen does not provide Wi-Fi.
Yeah look i wouldn’t sign up for this on principle because subscriptions are shit, but I do enjoy poncy overpriced water.
I don’t drink booze, smoke, or do drugs. I have a very restrictive diet and can’t even have a slice of cake once in a while.
You’ll have to pry my lightly sparkling imported Italian mineral water from my cold dead hands.
StPellegrino is so good, only La Salvetat beats it (and perrier but only in those 33cl glass bottles, I don’t know why).
What’s your favourite?
Yeah S.Pellegrino in those sleek cans.
Tap water is already safe in my country so you can just pay $0.50 to access toilets
I now realize what you mean, but I just woke up and for a good 3 seconds or so imagined you slurping toilet water.
Where is /c/frugaljerk when you need it?
I expect nothing less from the country with contactless payments for using the bathroom
The? There are dozens of us!
Still, it’s probably the most widespread here because Czechs are crazy cheap.
- Install app, verify phone number, get
I think I remember someone predicting this on reddit back in the day.
That was me, I’m surprised anyone remembered.
Excellent user name btw.
My favorite custom team name in sports games.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yeah right, prove it lol
How dare you make accusations like that! What do you think people just go on the internet and lie?!
It was totally him, I’m his nephew.
I can confirm
I was there when he took the picture
I was there when he told me, a stranger he met at the Applebee’s Bar that night after he was hitting on my 8-month pregnant wife then tried to pretend he wasn’t after she introduced me to him as her husband, the story while he was drunk.
OK i guess that settles it.