Nah, newsmax has better editorial standards.
Nah, newsmax has better editorial standards.
If it doesn’t come from the Bourbon region of Kentucky, it’s just ✨sparkling whiskey ✨
“Better to be king of the ash pile than have to listen to Tom in accounting talk about his goddamned shitheap of a boat again on Monday.”
At that point, why give the nazi fuck any browser usage? If you don’t trust the source, don’t trust the product.
Like the other person said, use Ungoogled Chromium. I use it on a couple of my devices and it works pretty well.
Lol, I saw these same fake postings when I was in the college dorm rooms 20 years ago
1/5, some are hallucinogens
I fear the day my 2014 hp LaserJet dies. There won’t be a decent printer on the market…
Blowing up Teslas at a dealership gives both the dealership and Tesla more money,
It actually doesn’t give them more money, and it’s actually pretty costly if you look at at the situation past a very basic/immediate view of the situation.
How does Tesla/dealership get money? From insurance claims. Do you think the insurance claim is going to cover 100% of the money the sale would have made, or just inventory value and maybe a bit more for lost revenue? Do you think the insurance company is going to cover list revenue while the inventory is being repurchased and shipped, and any repairs are being made? And if you think they get all of the above, do you really think they’re not going to be paying higher liability premiums?
as well as makes them have to build another one.
Which costs them money and time. Both things that can’t be recouped 100%.
The best way to hurt a company is to fuck with their insurance. Inventory comes and goes, but insurance companies can sink a business by refusing to underwrite. Melon may be able to float without for a while, but the investors will have a conniption of that goes on for very long.
Interesting, I haven’t followed pihole in a long time. Thanks for educating me!
But if you blow up or damage the cars, the dealership just claims from their insurance, they get the money as though they just sold a car, and they have lot vacancies, so Tesla can sell the dealership more stock.
This is only true if you look at events in a vacuum.
Dealer makes insurance claim, gets money
Not inaccurate, but the dealership also has to rebuild/shit down for a time after the event for safety reasons. And they’ll be paying more for their liability coverage, especially if they continue to sell cars that are targets for unhappy citizens.
gets money back as if they sold it
They may get the sticker/wholesale price for it, but they lose out on various incentives, manufacturer kickbacks, and any interest/financing fees as well.
Have lot vacancies
And a fucked up lot, requiring construction crews (which impede business) and probably extra insurance
Tesla can sell more stock
Eventually, but the loss in lot space and the delay in getting it back is going to hurt a lot more.
2/3 of Americans were ok with it though :(
Going off of nothing more than seeing Alex’s video on my timeline, I’m assuming this is the Technology Connections video on algorithms?
Also, might be a good time to look into a Raspberry Pi or even an old laptop and learning how to turn an adblocking Pi-Hole into a full fledged DNS resolver so you’re not sending your requests outside of your own network.
Not sure if I’m misunderstanding you, but pi hole doesn’t stop your DNS requests from leaving your network. All it does is filter the requests you send before relaying the requests that aren’t in the filter list to it’s upstream/next hop server.
Either that or use DNS-over-HTTPS.
DoH is a reasonable option, but it only protects your metadata if you’re using a resolver you trust not to keep records. If the resolver keeps records, DoH or not, they’ve got the metadata of where you’re going.
Nah, you’re just a bad comedian, and like all bad comedians, get super butthurt when they get told their joke sucked. Would have been moderately funny if you’d actually used the correct satirical publication.
My only mistake was trying to explain it to idiots.
No, your mistake was the bad joke, not being able to take criticism, and raging at people who talk about your lame joke. But feel free to respond for the last word, I won’t read it.
Feel free to assume I’ve interacted with you before, I’m sure that helps lol.
EDIT: Geez you people don’t like *bad* jokes…
Also fuck you all if you’re trigerred by this.
Lol. Lmao even.
Right? What could go wrong by mixing business and government?
Who said heaven was accessible friendly? Have you read the book? The venue owner is a petty asshole.
Unless you’re over 45-50 years old, it always been collapsing for as long as you’ve been alive - I’d pin Reagan as the beginning of the collapse, with citizens united accelerating it to the point that we’ve now got Der Furher leading the country.