Most? Like Venezuela and North Korea? Ethiopia? Yemen? Cambodia? Ukraine? Russia? Sierre Leone? Mexico? Canada? Italy? Greece? Iraq? Iran? Sudan? South Africa? Sweden? Afghanistan? China?
Edit: ITT a bunch of rich trust fund wannabe commies who have never left their affluent neighborhood to visit anywhere except a four seasons in another wealthy country.
I get you’re trying to be clever by listing a bunch of places that the US has either bombed, couped or threatened into destitution but that doesn’t really make them less “alright” in the sense we’re talking about here. And even for living standards, many of those are much nicer lmao. Then what’s left… Yeah Russia also sucks, ok? If that’s your bar for a country being alright then we’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
i mean, taiwan is facing cold war era shitposting, and im pretty sure the PRC is like, a meme, there’s probably some shitposting going on over there with war im guessing.
Idk whether or not it’s worse, but there’s a good chance it is.
Is there a country you would consider alright?
No not really, but most are less fucked up than the USA
We’re #1!
Most? Like Venezuela and North Korea? Ethiopia? Yemen? Cambodia? Ukraine? Russia? Sierre Leone? Mexico? Canada? Italy? Greece? Iraq? Iran? Sudan? South Africa? Sweden? Afghanistan? China?
Edit: ITT a bunch of rich trust fund wannabe commies who have never left their affluent neighborhood to visit anywhere except a four seasons in another wealthy country.
More than half of those have higher average living standards than the US.
As a Canadian I’m very confused by this guy, I think he might have brain damage
i count like 5 that probably have a higher standard of living.
a good chunk of those countries are literally at war.
I count at least 7 that probably have considerable human rights violations going on somewhere.
No they don’t
I get you’re trying to be clever by listing a bunch of places that the US has either bombed, couped or threatened into destitution but that doesn’t really make them less “alright” in the sense we’re talking about here. And even for living standards, many of those are much nicer lmao. Then what’s left… Yeah Russia also sucks, ok? If that’s your bar for a country being alright then we’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
deleted by creator
Lived in Canada and still have a lot of relatives there. They are worse off than the US because of a lot of the stuff Trudeau has done
You really think Canada, Sweden, Taiwan, and even the PRC are more fucked than the US?
i mean, taiwan is facing cold war era shitposting, and im pretty sure the PRC is like, a meme, there’s probably some shitposting going on over there with war im guessing.
Idk whether or not it’s worse, but there’s a good chance it is.
大战还没开始,就一点没有美国现在的糟糕。 真在它们俩国家都没有匈牙利那么乱。
man i love when random lemmy people who are on NSFW instances comment in random languages under my posts, shits always funny.
i think those would probably fall under the excluded category of the term “most”