be 20 y/o permavirgin
I was 22 when I had my first time. Never considered myself a permavirgin.
Happy the poster found happiness for the following reasons:
a) he got laid
b) he’s no longer a virgin
c) he found happiness
d) he found someone to love and that loves him back
e) there are two more people happy in the world
but, holy turtle on a skateboard, am I really happy for having one less doofus complaining of being alone.
Bring on the hate! I love you all!
😍 we love you too dude
OMG, are y’all dating now?
Wanna join?
It’s complicated
I was 29 years old when I met my first girlfriend and had my first sex and I regret nothing. I didn’t really realize it at the time, but I wasn’t at all ready at 20 years old.
I’m 29 concern
So given your other comment, a lack of experience is normal here. Speaking as someone who has been on many sides of the ability to get laid spectrum from “nobody will ever fuck me” to regular group sex, to “both of my partners have been in long funks of not wanting sex and I’ve grown too picky for casual” the think you need to understand is that it’s not going to just happen, but trying too hard will ensure it doesn’t.
Go out, meet new people, dress nice for it, and be your most enjoyable to be around self, and start learning to flirt (it’s a skill and everyone starts terrible at it).
Here’s the messed up part: I practically DID get cornered by a woman, but made an excuse to be somewhere else. So I got some demons to resolve.
I actually had to realize I was depressed first. Therapy helped a lot with my self esteem.
I am glad you managed to overcome it with therapy!
I was way younger and it was super cringe. It was also fun and hot, but looking back I shouldn’t have tried to get laid so early and desperately. We were so stupid back then.
For example, one girl actually persuaded me into having unprotected sex, which I didn’t want, but I wanted to get laid so desperatly that I agreed. She was using a calendar to track her period and fertile days and that was risky AF and didn’t account for STDs as well. This is something you can maybe do as a long time couple, but not with a person you just met three days ago.
Definetely not.
I was a blood doner when I met my partner. I was constantly asked/reminded that having casual sex partners would ban me for six months from donating; I have a fairly uncommon blood type for my country, so I was very keen on not being put on “quarantine”.
When we said it was the right moment for us to be together, I went to make a donation before and warned I would not be donating for the nexy six months for obvious reasons.
I was thanked for the warning and about two weeks later received a full bloodwork panel, including STDs, attesting I was clean and as safe as possible.
When I did return for my next donation, when asked if had been with new sex partners for the last six months, when I replied I was still doing the same, since my last visit, everyone laughed.
Never pressure anyone into unprotected sex. Ever.
I was 22 when I had my first time. Never considered myself a permavirgin.
Same. People are so damn dramatic.
I get the feeling that this is what is happening, and at least that will solve overpopullation.
I wonder how long the “pretends” remains a thing
Edit: Wrong one
The cis male urge to:
The cis male urge to:
Posted the wrong one before
Depends on the pretense, presumably.
Approximately half a line
The solution to incels was femboy waifus all along.
Thank god they censored apeshit
Language, motherfucker! 😡
🚨 This way, officer… That’s the one who used the swearwords. 😱
Fake: Anyone you meet on Discord is either a murderer or a fed.
Gay: Self-evident.
Can confirm, met several people from discord, am now dead.
And you can only communicate from the afterlife via Lemmy? Fate, tis a cruel bitch.
…you can communicate from the afterlife via Lemmy?
sh itjust works
Could have it worse, in hell they can only communicate via Xitter.
That’s debatable. I’m honestly not sure which platform talks about Trump/Musk more. It’s exhausting.
I hope you get better soon. Thoughts and prayers.
I mean… Nothing in this story implies femboy isn’t a fed, and just really committed to the bit.
Gotta get that dna sample somehow.
Playing the long game, in anticipation of the summer’s national gay ban.
bro is lost in the sauce
Yes, that’s what’s gay about this, nothing else.
Where these housewife Discord femboys in the room with us right now?
Asking for a friend
There’s a surprisingly high number of us femboys on lemmy, but I can’t speak to how housebroken any of us are. Personally, I’d be too busy bedrotting for any cleaning.
What’s bedrotting? Q
It’s the act of sitting on your bed scrolling through social media all day.
Ah, okay. Thanks for the explanation
enterprise resource planning??
Now you know how machinists feel about CNC.
Or psych students feel about CBT…
Lmao that’s exactly what I said and how I said it
Role playing
Ah, enterprise role playing
Ah, enterprise role playing
Also known as “a job”
What a sap
Erotic Role Play
Aww, that’s sweet. A real modern day love story.
A modern Romeo and Romeo
More like Romeo and Romiet
Twinkdeath gonna hit them like a truck
To expand on that, there are no successful fem-men for good reason. So around the age of 30 “twink death” will set in, and anon will go longer like his former femboy, at least not for that part of him.
Unlike most gay men, he’s probably not actually comfortable being with a man. They’re not prepared to grow old together because he relies on his boyfriend’s ability to maintain his suspension of disbelief. That will almost certainly no longer be possible after twink death no matter how hard he tries.
Nah, anon is probably legit bi. Note how the dress came off and he got more horny. Bi but homophobic.
Is the twink wall a thing?
I only know of twink death, twink wall sounds like the same thing.
Have you SEEN some of the drag queens out there!? Quickest one I can think of is Monet X Change. Dudes 34 and built like a man but still damn fine looking when all dressed up.
You’re a drag fan, you’re blind to it.
Or, well, I guess that’s not necessarily universally true for all drag fans, but if you think Monet is a good counter example it’s certainly true for you. It’s exactly what I meant with “no matter how much he tries”. Monet clearly tries very hard.
there are no successful fem-men for good reason.
Shut the actual fuck up.
My condolences for the stray that struck your poor nerve.
Why the fuck do you believe feminine men can’t be successful? That’s so sexist.
What kind of success do you think I was talking about?
Why don’t you just tell me if you think I’ve misunderstood something?
20 years of virginity are rookie numbers, I’m getting those wizard powers at 30
Be careful to keept it then. My people are watching. If you lose your Virginity there go the powers.
I was 24 when a harlot stole my precious seed and robbed me of the promise of the mystic arts.
There are other ways of aquiring mystic arts and powers. The aforementioned is just the kost straightforward.
you don’t have to worry, my virginity is safe
As long as you keep it until 30 the powers are yours. You cannot be stripped of them. If you get to 40 you get even more powers. But if you lose your Virginity between 30 and 40 you keep rhe powers.
The council watches with great interest.
Same soon. It’s just fate. I was AeroAce until recently to add to the funny, and panicked because I will cross a threshold, then changed my mind lol!
It’s actually easy to get laid, turns out you just have to not be afraid of people (which I am)
Odds are with some level of effort someone is willing to fuck you unless you throw off huge danger flags. Working on your personality, appearance, and social skills just make it so your odds go from largely the sort of people who’d fuck anyone to the sort of people who are more selective
Too real
Yeah I’m super scared too, emotions freak me out
I’ve spent like 5 minutes searching and still cannot get a definitive answer. wth is the qualifier that makes a sundress “anime?”
The zoomer incel gooner that spends weeks or months ERPing in discord consumes only anime as media and does not ever see an actual woman in an actual sundress, in media or the real world.
Thus, to them, all sundresses are anime sundresses.
…y’know this explanation makes a lot of sense.
I said it because I’ve known quite a few zoomer hikikomori.
Its like people who only read or type words, but never actually have audible conversations with those words… they have no idea how to pronounce them.
Why would they? No relevant use case.
Its like people who only read or type words, but never actually have audible conversations with those words… they have no idea how to pronounce them.
my friend pronounced Meme Me-Me the other day and I about died laughing
Most people in general still cannot seem to figure out the difference between calvary and cavalry.
Both are pronounced as they are spelled.
Calvary is the hill Christ was crucified on.
Cavalry refers usually to soldiers mounted on horseback, though since the invention of helicopters, it also means infantry transported via helicopters.
This one doesn’t seem to be caused by lack of verbal usage, it seems to just be a quite common pair of words to conflate, a very minor but widespread dyslexia/dysphasia, like nuclear and nuke-you-lur.
EDIT: An example more in line with mispronouncing meme, due to never using it aloud…
I remember in middle school when the extremely bossy, overconfident girl pronounced ‘analyst’ as … anal-ist.
Oi vei, lol. Paging Dr. Proctor, paging Dr. Proctor.
Rouge vs rogue is another good one. Also, aluminum vs ah-lu-mini-um.
I’m fairly sure ‘alu-mini-um’ s the proper UK/Aussie/NZ and possibly Canadian way to pronounce it, only Americans pronounce it alu-min-um.
But yes, rogue vs rouge is another one people mix up all the time.
aluminium is as far as im concerned, the incorrect way to spell that word, im pretty sure it’s a regional thing at this point.
Yeah, it’s may-may
My work is getting a new ERP and I just got out of a long meeting about it. I’m a little disoriented.
Heh, different kind of ERP.
Nonetheless, you have my sympathies.
I’ve worked at a number of different places that changed ERP or CRM software, and it basically always involves a 3 month period of all kinds of insane errors happening due to people being unable to figure out a new UI.
Then also all the edge cases with bespoke workaronds from the old system just collapse completely, even if the managers were told ‘hey this will break, we’re gonna need to make a new workaround, please give us time to test it’ and then the managers don’t… or, even more fun, the only guy or gal that even knew those edge cases existed, and made all the workarounds, they just quit, and then no one has any idea why a whole bunch of shit is broken.
We’re going from QuickBooks+3 other programs to an ERP, so I’m hoping the new headaches are approximately equal to the existing ones.
Hope it isn’t GlobalShop. If so, good luck.
You won’t find an answer.
deleted by creator
When it’s this one:
I dunno if going around in Asuka’s fit is going to make “straight” men go crazy horny, but maybe I’m not focusing enough on the crazy part. It should at least get me choked, right?
Oh, this search had motives.
The trick is if you are already good looking a sundress will only enhance it.
Exactly what I thought too
Me when I’m attracted to feminine, no matter the source.
username checks out
instance checks outYou’re the first lemmynsfw I spotted in the wild. Wear the horny with pride.
Anon, you gotta lock that up. Get him preganat immediately
That might be difficult. But keep trying anyway.
That’s a bit gay
But is it fake and the OP is gay?
may be fake, but it is most definitely gay.
Idk, dresses are like the no homo of garments. I think they’re good.
oh true you might be right, the dress cancels out the gay. Does this make it more or less fake though?
No, it’s pretty fake. You can tell by the anon feeling some kind of loved.
yeah naw ur right, anon could never feel emotion.