People who sat out on voting for Kamela over the Biden handling of Gaza voted for this.
Hmm… not sure if its just those people who swayed the election. I think you are overestimating just how little the average American care about brown kids dying in the middle east.
If you look at the inflation, its correlated with Biden’s presidency, but voters don’t understand the idea of
Correlation =/= Causation
They forgot the whole Covid thing caused it, it was trump fucking up covid that exacerbaed the inflation.
And voters immediately thought its Biden’s fault, so those who voted democratic in 2020, decided to not vote because “prices didn’t go down so why bother voting”
It was death by 1000 cuts, but let’s not pretend Gaza wasn’t a major contributing factor on top of a feels-over-reals vibecession due to pandemic inflation.
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So, the spike in homelessness was just an illusion people were feeling?
Man, I wish people told the ones doing the evictions that it’s all just an illusion…
No, the problem is that Democrats were saying “Old Man Bad.”
Then when he stepped aside and Harris was the only other option because there was no time for a primary, Dems largely said “No, Black Woman Worse! Hey, How about we vote for the even older white guy instead? Can I have a puppy?”
And when they didn’t get a puppy, they pulled a temper tantrum and stayed home.
No it wasn’t racial. At least not at that scale on the Dem side. It’s even simpler.
The candidates this round were all terrible options, from beginning to end. Trump was always going to be the Republican nominee, and Biden/Harris for the Dems. No one else was ever going to even be considered.
The Rep messaging was “shit is fucked, we’ll fix it”. That’s a lie of course, they have no plan to actually fix anything, their plans are to make it all and help the oligarchs as usual. But their messaging at least acknowledged the issues most people were feeling.
The Dem messaging boiled down to “it’s not that bad”. Which is objectively correct, but not what 90% of people felt. They ignored what real people were feeling entirely, so why should they vote for a party that won’t even acknowledge that fundamental issues exist?
I have to disagree.
Even if you are right on the Dem messaging (and I’m willing to concede that point to some degree), then your conclusion would make sense against a more traditional Republican candidate. But the problem is that this is Trump, who was campaigning on actively making everything worse. Like he and Musk were outright telling people they were going to “inflict hardship”. Staying home knowing you’re de-facto allowing Trump to return to power after that campaign is a case of knowing that you are about to shoot yourself in the foot, pulling the trigger anyway, then reloading the shotgun when you realize you missed some toes.
And I do believe that it was almost entirely racially motivated. First, much like I said above, the other excuses given don’t make sense because Trump was an objectively worse option on every subject. Not just status quo. Worse. By far. You’re against Biden and Harris’s support for Israel, so you’re gonna vote for the guy who wants to basically glass Gaza for funzies? You think the economy sucks, so you’re going to vote for the guy randomly slinging around tariffs and telling you to expect years of hardship? None of it makes sense.
But think of how many cultures that exist in our society that are incredibly patriarchal. Some people from the middle east, for example. I know a lot of bigoted Latino people who would never consider a woman his equal, and many in the Latino community are distrustful of cops. No chance in hell you’re going to get them to vote for a former prosecutor at all, let alone a black and/or female one. You have some of these religious sects where the man is the head of the family and makes all the decisions. And there are plenty of racist Democrats. They just don’t wear it as a badge of honor like Republicans do these days. Look at it this way. Diversity initiatives across the country are basically being treated like battery acid right now, and I don’t exactly see a whole hell of a lot of Democrats standing up to defend them. Why did nobody care when literally dozens of prominent Republicans endorsed Harris, but suddenly lost their collective shit when Liz Cheney did? Gee, I wonder what makes her different from all of the other prominent Republicans. Why is it that after screaming for months about “Old man bad” and demanding that Democrats don’t put up another old white guy, the first thing they did was immediately forget about age and throw their support behind an even older white guy as soon as Harris was at the top of the ticket?
I stand firm in my belief that it was racially motivated. Age wasn’t the problem; they were OK with Bernie Sanders. The messaging wasn’t the problem. Again, she and Bernie Sanders support the same policies even if Sanders is more ambitious about getting there. The people had no problems with the message. They just didn’t like the messenger. I wonder what separates her from the other two guys…ohhhh.
Not gonna really bother reading past the first couple sentences, it’s the same shit people post all the time that relies on flawed assumptions of the average person. It assumes that most people have the time to learn facts and properly weigh them for conclusions. And that’s assuming they even want to pay attention to anything remotely related to politics.
Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Many work multiple jobs. They do not have the time to spend educating themselves about these topics. Most people scroll social media and maybe watch an hour of news before bed. They are 100% reliant on messaging from social media, friends, and news organizations to do most of the analysis for them and tell them what the takeaway is for complicated situations.
Now combine that lack of both desire and time to research, with 40+ years of targeted propaganda from the likes of Fox News distorting basic definitions about words like fascism, socialism, etc. and outright lying about the facts to push a narrative with the exact opposite explanation of reality. Right wing media has been saying the exact thing Democrats started warning people about, but they have been doing it for decades and saying it was the Dems. So those words are meaningless to the average person now, because they’ve been getting disinformation shoved down their throat for so long that the effect has been diluted and defined incorrectly.
Old man was okay until the shit debate job then it was old man bad.
They quickswitched to black woman, which put her behind as no primary or time to build name recognition.
Then guys who worked with Hillary made them stop calling trump and co. weird or saying “we’re not going back”, which were both effective.
Top that off with trying to peel away R voters, muh egg prices, her refusing to say Biden did a bad job when she was on the view (she could have dodged and said she’d do better, lets be real.) and refusing Rogan entirely and you have a recipe for a bad time wrt undecideds.
Old man was okay until the shit debate job then it was old man bad.
We were hearing everything from “he’s too old” to “he’s got dementia” for months. The debate was just the straw that broke the camel’s back. Biden was trending at -5 before the debate.
Then guys who worked with Hillary made them stop calling trump and co. weird or saying “we’re not going back”, which were both effective.
“We’re not going back” was her campaign slogan and there were people chanting it right up until election day.
I think they started backing off on the “weird” thing after the Trump/Harris debate. Trump gave the much-remembered “They’re eating the dogs!” line, which itself would have been a campaign-ender for literally any other human being, and everybody started trying to use that against him. Which makes sense. Why stick to something like “weird” when your opponent is giving you such juicy ammo to use against them? I’d have done the same thing, and I think so would anybody else.
The problem is it didn’t work. Voters heard that and said “Yes, I’d like to have more of that.”
Top that off with trying to peel away R voters, muh egg prices, her refusing to say Biden did a bad job when she was on the view (she could have dodged and said she’d do better, lets be real.) and refusing Rogan entirely and you have a recipe for a bad time wrt undecideds.
There is never a situation where a candidate is going to say that an incumbent member of their own party is doing a bad job. That’s just an unrealistic expectation to have. She would have been playing right into Trump’s hands, who would have used that to make the last few months of Biden’s presidency even more difficult and miserable. The most you could have expected is something along the lines of “We disagree on the finer points of some things…”. But you are never going to hear a candidate basically shit on the leader of their own party like that.
And remember that she was Vice President. Go back and watch Trump during the campaign. When Biden dropped out, Trump essentially just swapped out Biden’s name for Harris and continued on with his campaign, acting as if Harris had been President for the past four years. He convinced a whole bunch of those undecideds that the “Harris Administration” was the source of all their problems, even though the VP has little role in day to day administration. To these undecideds, the “Biden Administration” and the “Harris Administration” were one and the same, and her saying that Biden did a bad job would be like saying she did a bad job. Trump would have been beating her over the head with that up and down the campaign trail. She would have sabotaged her own campaign and basically taken a shit on the last 3 months of Biden’s presidency in the process.
I mean they likely won and Trump just flipped the votes
But genocide Joe enjoyers likely did cause a drop in enthusiasm and lower turnout. (As the propaganda they consumed desired)
Why is this getting downvotes without being refuted? Read the information in the link please.
And this arrogant ignorance is why the Dems lost, and will continue to lose.
It’s a bold strategy let’s see how many votes it costs you the next time around.
So go right ahead and tell me, you great political genius, why did the dems lose? What was so bad about Kamala Harris that allowing Trump to return to power was a viable option? How does allowing Trump to return to power in any way benefit anybody? Name one flaw Kamala Harris had that was so bad that Trump wasn’t explicitly campaigning on being exponentially worse?
The reason Dems lost is because Trump promised economic growth (“greatness”), and such a thing is possible through mars colonization. People felt that (maybe). They don’t actually care about how poor their living conditions are, they just want an adventure. And they’ll get one.
Also lots and lots of backlash against cancel culture.
They lost because the Dem candidate was telling the working class that any issues with the economy happening, are just figments of their imagination, and they should be happy in this economy.
Meanwhile, evictions are up, homelessness is up, pay is stagnant, and cost of everything is through the roof.
It’s literally so bad, we are starting to see the working class kill CEOs.
So… they lost because they lost sight of the voters, and then rejected guidance to get back on course.
Actually, Kamala got equal or better vote turnout in all but one, iirc, key swing state than Biden did. So the Dems did turn up for Kamala. It’s just that Trump got more votes. Trump 2024 would have beaten Biden 2020.
Not gonna really bother reading past the first couple sentences, it’s the same shit people post all the time that relies on flawed assumptions of the average person
<proceeds to make arguments relying on flawed assumptions of the average person>
I agree that was douchy of them to say, but at the end of the day the election is historically about the economy. Race didn’t matter. Stance on Israel/Gaza didn’t matter. Primary wouldn’t have mattered. Any dem was going to lose because the people felt they were doing worse under Biden, despite apparently handling an economic crisis masterfully. (I would argue it was largely luck, but it doesn’t matter.)
To believe any of the sideshow issues mattered is to ignore history. It’s sad, but looks true to a high degree.
You must be one of the “Socialists” then?
They never gave a shit about Palestine. It was just another example of “The Issue” for them to base their entire personality around to pose online.
I’m married to a Palestinian and so I’m hyper-aware about lip service, and I think you’re right. My perception is that they are weak-minded people too naive or stupid to realize they’ve been conned into sitting out the election by a right-wing psyop. And they also have this mentality that a candidate has to be perfect in every way (by their standards) or they won’t sully their purity by voting for them. They’re the same sort of people who shop at Whole Foods because anything less than perfect should never pass their lips, and don’t notice or care that it’s just funnelling their money to Bezos.
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Yes? Has been since before the rise of truly fake news on social media in the run up to the 2016 election.
It was all anti Hillary stuff, but of course the right is the embodiment of projection, and so trump latched on to the “fake news” term with glee to discredit any and all news that he didn’t like.
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…the purpose of people sitting out the election? You know, the topic of the comment you responded to?
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Winning the election, obviously. It’s not a subtle implication, they basically said it, how are you confused?
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They’re getting exactly what they voted for, but probably not what they wanted. But at least bLuE mAgA lost right guys?
The exact same thing would have happened under Harris. Remember, Harris is a strong ally of Israel…
Keep blaming and crying about the voters neoliberal corporate-whorism failed to motivate!
It’s worked out well for you so far…
This is a democratic republic, or well it was… The people (the demos in democratic), absolutely deserve much of the blame for how they voted.
A functioning adult brain shouldn’t need to be “motivated” to do what is obviously the better choice for them, their family, the country and the world. And yet here we are, a land of endless useful idiots, thinking they are making a stand while doing exactly what empowers the corporate oligarchy the most.
So is genocider A or genocider B the right choice?
Do you prefer a red genocide or a blue genocide?
Or will you admit it’s just Red v Blue for you, rather than principled choices?
My principled choice says fuck Netenyahu, fuck Hamas, fuck Donald Trump, fuck Yahweh, fuck Mohammah, and fuck useful, easily manipulated idiots who desperately search for a new excuse every 4 years to let perfection be the enemy of progress.
Congratulations, you’re about to see what real scorched earth genocide and mass relocation looks like.
But not “fuck Biden for perpetuating the genocide”?
Because it was the Biden administration who rejected like 100 ceasefire proposals, not Hamas…? 🤣
We can continue this discussion in 4 years. You ain’t seen shit yet.
100? Nah, they did veto like 8 resolutions for a ceasefire in the UN, though.
And supplied all if the weapons used to genocide Palestinians.
Sorry the prospect of keeping a literal fascist out of the most powerful office in the world didn’t get you off, I guess? Sorry you don’t understand the difference between neoliberalism and fascism? Sorry you prefer fascism? I don’t really understand what y’all’s hangup was.
If only more people voted for the Democrats, Americans would have free health care, better education, and they wouldn’t be owned by corporations. If only enough people voted for the Democrats, Americans would be living in a much better place. Just like when Democrats where in power the last times, it was utopia. Obama even closed Guantanamo!
If only enough people voted for the Democrats, Americans would be living in a much better place.
I mean, literally, yes. Most of the EOs that Trump has signed won’t be felt by the majority but trans kids are about to be bullied and committing suicide in much greater numbers, Latino Americans are going to have their families torn apart or be deported along with their family, careers are about to be ended for thousands, cancer research is getting paused, medications are going to get more expensive, progress on carbon reduction is grinding to a halt and probably reversing, and Federal aid is going to be tied to how much Presidential ass you’re willing to kiss. And this is with barely any legislation being passed! It would have been 10x better keeping the status quo!
Why wasn’t that done when Biden was in office?
Why didn’t the dems get rid of the filibuster when they created the rules package for the Senate on like day 1 of Biden’s term?
Darnit gang! It’s those pesky republicans that somehow regularly and readily beat us at our own game whether they have power or we do.
We haven’t found a way to fight back in 30 years. It makes us seem kind of impotent and not worth voting for, but we promise this time it will be different. Like super promise. Totally promise.
You are confusing in power with absolute power. It’s a very common issue with dishonest people.
Don’t forget stupid fuckwads who never learned what Congress is or how the government works on even the most basic fucking level!
Of course. With all the power, Democrats would have stopped financing genocide. Only with absolute power can the Democrats improve public transit, provide clean water, lower the cost of groceries, tax the rich and generally fight for the people they are supposed to represent. Without absolute power, they have been forced to continue financing genocide and ignore the problems of the common people.
Remember when Biden shut down the concentration camps on our southern border during his term?
Oh right, he didnt.
Biden was just fueling the genocide and would have continued to do so for all eternity, while having Blinken pay some lip service.
Pretending like Biden or Harris would have done anything different is laughable. Also they gave Trump the argument to ethnically cleanse Gaza based on the destruction that was done with American weapons consistently given to Israel to do exactly that. The end goal for Biden and Harris was equally to extend the Israeli control as a means to extend the US empire.
Now the Democrats might be inclined to change their position and get rid of the Zionist elites that are poisoning the party since decades. Or they just go around claiming how their genocide was a better final solution than Trumps ethnic cleansing, emphasizing again, that human lifes of people outside the US are worthless to both sides of the empires political coin.
Pretending like Biden or Harris would have done anything different is laughable
No, just your opinions. Tell me, if Biden wouldn’t have done anything different, why did trump have to announce a change in what we planned on doing?
These hot takes are so laughably uninformed that it’s no wonder trump won.
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Biden had an entire year to stop sending weapons to Israel. Harris had three months to take a stance publicly that differed from Bidens. Instead she blocked a group advocating for Palestinian rights at the DNC, while Israeli groups were allowed to speak. And the Palestinian group wanted to even tell people to vote for Harris despite everything. She blocked people advocating for electing her, because those people didnt share her support for Israel.
And what part of that is the same as what trump is doing?
Anyone who isn’t a moron knew that would be his plan.
Predict? He literally said it, out loud, before now.
Yeah, Israel was going to try to do this and the US was going to support them no matter what, voters just had a choice between furrowed brows and cheerleading
This is an incredibly apathetic approach to genocide.
Being more emphatic about it hasn’t been effective and it’s not great for my mental health. Things won’t get better if we misdiagnose the problem, we need a better Democratic party, complaining about voters just digs the hole we’re in deeper.
As usual, dead silence from the “Democrats bad, Genocide Joe” crowd.
Time to face the facts: Those people just wanted Trump to win.
That’s definitely the point.
This is all going to “teach some lesson”…to the Democrats, I presume. Whether anyone will be around to benefit from this supposed lesson remains to be seen…
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Not silence, just more bullshit unfortunately. I’ve seen them continue to defend their position.
Edit: In this post!
It’s OK, they wanted this apparently.
This could have been used at anytime.
All of the ruling class is complicit in genocideRemoved by mod
You’re still getting the same policy you wanted for Gaza. All centrists are.
You don’t know me.
Is Netanyahu committing genocide?
EDIT: The downvotes indicate that some people are feelin’ seen.
genocide bibi, for once, is accurate, it just didn’t catch because it wasn’t as useful to the trump/putin campaign. And it worked.
Hi! Democrats bad, Genocide Joe. Not sure what you want us to say, this was expected and I would do the same thing again.
Silence, because we all told you Biden’s plan was exactly the same?
Silence, because we all told you Biden’s plan was exactly the same?
Then we should do the math.
If “both sides” are the same on this issue, we cast aside those factors because they cancel out. That means you and yours actively sought the degradation of democracy, rolling back environmental protections, authoritarianism, fascism, a active and open kleptocracy, removal of rights for lgbtq people, and whatever other destructive fuckery this administration does.
Sound about right? I mean, if you hate one side for being genocidal, and equally hate the other side for the same, then surely you would have had the intelligence to choose based on the remaining issues?
You did choose, by action or inaction, and it’s plainly obvious what you wanted.
Yup. if they are same on this issue, people should have had the 95 other aspects where they are different. But again to quote another Lemmy user, “You won’t reason someone out of a viewpoint they’ve never reasoned themselves into in the first place”
I wish I could upvote this more than once.
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It means I will not support anyone engaged in a genocide…
But you and yours only vocally complain about one of them? Then your morality is worthless.
I complain a lot about Trump… one giant reason I worked to try and get the Harris campaign to denounce the on going genocide, and to pay fucking attention to what the working class is saying, which isn’t “economy is fine, eat cake!”
A quick trip through your comment history is nothing but pointing fingers at Biden and Harris. You do know people can see that, right?
Do you honestly think lemmy is the only place I do online shit on?
And yes, when the convo is “we.need to.ble voters not Harris for losing”… well, you tend to critique the person to show why they lost…
Cool, so it can be expanded.
It already was…
Unless it from my daddy drumph!!
Well, in this case you support the side that will fuck it up even more for Palestinians. But you know, at least we all can “enjoy” your moral superiority.
Silence, because we all told you Biden’s plan was exactly the same?
Biden’s administration has been attempting to hash out a peace deal with the support of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and others.
This genocide you claim to stand against is abso-fucking-lutely going to get worse now that Trump is in office. Hiding behind ‘this was always going to happen’ is a shameful and cowardly stance to take and a pathetic attempt to absolve yourselves of any blame.
Biden’s administration has been attempting to hash out a peace deal with the support of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and others.
Uh huh. I’m sure they were totally fantastic behind conveniently closed doors, in fanfic-land.
A peace deal, while supplying the genocider?
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Exactly this. I wish I could upvote multiple times…
Biden’s plan was to move every currently living being away from Gaza?
Nah, just allow Israel to kill them all in-place.
Biden Announces Ceasefire Deal Between Hamas, Israel in Farewell Address > U.S. Department of Defense > Defense Department News
Biden Announces Ceasefire Deal
One day, centrists will learn that “Announces” and “Accomplishes” aren’t the same thing.
Oh, who am I kidding. Centrists don’t learn.
where is your evidence that things would be any different if the Dems won? Is Kamala, Genocide Joe or any other democratic leader speaking out against this? They lost and they’re as silent as they were prior to the election?
Are you making up a totally different discussion? Yes, you are…
Apologies colonial master. I have edited my post to articulately prove my point. Fact is, y’all still just blaming browns?
Insult. Appeal to hypocrisy. Butwhatabout…
Do you have anything other than “but what about those other guys?” The discussion is over. You missed it.
Did you answer anything from my edit? No. Have you addressed the blatant racism/islamophobia? No. Okay. Discussion done because you said so. 👍🏽
Yes. You just didn’t like the answer. It was all already answered here, and your appeal to hypocrisy is irrelevant.
And this is why the Democrats lost. Keep antagonizing the left. We aren’t all straight white males with family in North America. To you it’s an equation.
Oh you never saw the deal Biden worked out for peace? I know, I know, it not perfect and fighting will continue. But do not fucking lie and say Biden was not tring for peace.
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Every single one of you who attacked Biden and dissuaded turn out for Democrats in November need to sit the fuck down.
“Bu-bu-but how would donvict be any worse?”
I live near a college town and I was seeing banners and signs like this everywhere: “Stop genocide; vote 3rd party”.
Today’s kids are so god damn stupid.
Haven’t you figured it out yet?
Those weren’t actual Americans.
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Only if you’re pretending to be an American to influence our politics toward fascism, while yourself insulated from the disastrous consequences.
If you’re not, then no, no problem with you.
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Fuck everyone who ever supported genocide.
where is your evidence that things would be any different if she won? Is she, or any other democratic leader speaking out against this? They lost and they’re as silent as they were prior to the election?
Harris is not a real estate developer
You want evidence that things would have been different with Harris when no president ever shunned Israel for anything it did, let alone a brutal war in reply to an all-out attack. There is no precedent for what you wanted Biden and Harris to do, it is not something presidents are willing to do, even if they theoretically have that power and influence. Biden even did restrain Israel somewhat, but it wasn’t enough and looked weak. Not like the new guy, right?
If I lost against Trump, I’d also be in the “screw it, yall are on your own” train with 'em
Love the comments. Keep blaming brown people for your own fuckups 👍🏽
Who could possibly have predicted he’d do such a thing?
Always been the plan unfortunately.
I hate to say “I told you so”, but there it is. Nothing is in place to stop Trump and Netenyahu from going truly scorched earth on Gaza and the West Bank now.
Time to see what a real, unmitigated genocide looks like.
I’m sorry but did you think they were using kid gloves before?
There are an estimated 2,000,000 people in the Gaza strip.
We can continue this discussion in 4 years.
There are an estimated 2,000,000 people in the Gaza strip.
And this offends centrists and republicans alike.
Lol wut. We’ve been watching unmitigated genocide for over a year
If that’s what you think, then stay tuned!
It’s gonna get so much worse
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We wouldn’t be having this conversation if it were an unmitigated genocide because every Palestinian would already be dead.
Israel, courtesy of the US, has enough firepower to wipe out the West Bank and Gaza several times over. Yet it never happens. Why?
Perhaps, Netanyahu and his ilk have something to gain by keeping the conflict active.
But ultimately they want to take the territory. They dream of making Gaza, specifically its beach, a tourist destination.
Trump is going to help make all of this happen sooner than it would have. He wants peace in the Middle East to be one of his legacies and the quickest means to that end is to give Israel what it wants.
I’m Jewish. The Germans committed an unmitigated genocide for a long time, but here we are talking.
The definition of genocide does not require you to kill all of them.
Israel will never succeed in killing all Palestinians, and they still have committed genocide
The Holocaust was mitigated by the allied forces and their victory in WW2.
By that logic, every genocide was mitigated when it ended
We wouldn’t be having this conversation if it were an unmitigated genocide because every Palestinian would already be dead.
I submit that the Holocaust happened even though there are still Jewish people.
Israel, courtesy of the US, has enough firepower to wipe out the West Bank and Gaza several times over. Yet it never happens. Why?
You seem so disappointed.
The Holocaust was not a territorial dispute. Completely different situation. Also I would not call it an unmitigated genocide. It was mitigated by the efforts of the allied forces.
territorial dispute
Holy fuck. This is now the most disgusting mealy-mouthed euphemism for genocide I’ve ever seen. Shame on you.
Sadly, territorial disputes can result in genocide, as we have seen in this case.
It’s also interesting to see how quickly (in less than a generation) the victims of a genocide can become perpetrators of one. It says something, quite demoralizing, about humanity.
Sadly, territorial disputes can result in genocide, as we have seen in this case.
How nice of you to finally admit that it’s a genocide.
They’re doing it as fast as they think they can get away with.
“Oh he could just carpet bomb all of Gaza and he hasn’t, ever think about whyyyyyyy”?
What an utterly ridiculous premise, and you’re explaining their actions on this? Just so pathetic.
They’re going to think they can get away with it much faster under Trump.
You know genocide doesn’t require any death, much less the extermination of the entire population right?
You may have missed the modifier ‘unmitigated’
I’d argue it doesn’t change anything about a genocide
Nothing was in place to stop it under Biden , either.
If that’s what you think, then stay tuned!
Guess you missed this then Biden Announces Ceasefire Deal Between Hamas, Israel in Farewell Address > U.S. Department of Defense > Defense Department News
Remember when George Bush announced “Mission Accomplished”?
And remember when right after it was announced, Israel attacked Gaza again?
Centrists think people should be happy with the announcement alone.
Yep, calling it a genocide in 2024 is going to look like the dumbest take ever. I mean it was already an extremely poor take in 2024, but some not very bright people seemed to have bought it. And then they managed to make half the Democrat leadership chant the same dumb thing over and over.
Dunno if this lost the election, but it sure didn’t help.
Repeatedly targeting civilian populations with remote strikes amounts to genocide. Thousands of children have been murdered. Kicking Palestinians out of there homes for Israeli settlers is ethnic cleansing.
It is a genocide. Two things can be true at once.
Yep, calling it a genocide in 2024 is going to look like the dumbest take ever.
Genocide denial is disgusting behavior.
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It’s all you’re doing.
It was a genocide in 2024.
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It’s been a genocide since at least 2024.
It’s been unsurprising watching centrists decide that it became a genocide on January 20.
are you a paid actor or just blind? clear the fog in your small brain and rethink about what is going on
Yes. The guy who intends to “clean out” the United States as well. It really smacks of a familiar thing…can’t really put my finger on it though… certainly must have happened in the past hundred years or so…
What’s the opposite of a humanitarian?
It says it right there in the first word of the title.
A capitalist.
War criminal
The way he can’t even say who’s responsible for Gaza looking like a “demolition site”.
Clean it out with US supplied 155 mm artillery shells. To the Muslim MAGA voters, you got what you asked for…FAFO! Zero sympathy. The Orange Nero would like to do the same thing to Blue States.
Yep. Now we have the opportunity for state terrorism abroad AND here. And not just thanks to Muslim MAXWA useful idiots, either, but a whole lot of bOtHsIdEs geniuses.
Speaking of which: I see the terrorist group the Proud Boys are seeking revenge.
One of the J6 asswipes was shot and killed, for resisting arrest, in Hobart, IN and thankfully by a sheriff.
Was that after this terrorist was released by donvict?
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Zero sympathy.
You never had any to start with. If they were too insignificant to listen to, they are too insignificant to blame. If you want to blame them, admit you made a mistake in ignoring them.
Albert Einstein was 100% correct when he sent his letter to the New York Times. However, even he could not stop family blood feud over a pile of dried rocks. Within in the EU and EEC, we finally learned to maintain peace between the former foes and the Irish are trying to tell the idiots in the Middle East to end the stupidity.
Casually saying just kill them all, wow
No. The other genocide, destroying the cultural identity. The article says he wants to relocate the Palestinians to Jordan and Egypt (no matter what all they’re of those peoples think). And he’s supported by zionists who want to redevelop the Gaza Strip for Israel once the Palestinians are gone
Casually calling nfor a genocide, you mean
So he supports the Endlösung of the Palestinian question? Just like Netanyahu and his right-wingers?
Yeah clean it out and build trump tower. This was pretty clear from the very beginning.
for a new golf course?