Following Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s resignation announcement on Monday, Trump claimed credit for the decision, saying that people in Canada “love” the idea of becoming a U.S. state. This prompted Ford to make his own comments about acquiring U.S. territories.
Canadian MP Charlie Angus rejected the idea outright, pointing to differences in the nations’ laws. Angus stated on X that Canada has rules preventing “sexual abusers” from becoming leaders, a clear reference to allegations against Trump.
I would love to have seen Trump’s face when he heard that rejection.
If PM is prime minister, is MP minister prime?
Member of Parliment.
Can we change it to Minister Prime? It seems like a cooler title
Mrime Pinister
Perfect 🤌
Too autobot-ish.
No thats Mana Points
No it’s Maple Pancakes
Minister Prime sounds like a transformers name.
Aligations? Isn’t he convicted?
No. He was found liable for sexual abuse in a civil trial. Convictions are criminal and the standard of evidence is higher.
Basically the courts have decided that it’s slightly more likely than not that he sexually abused Carroll, which is all that’s needed to win a civil case. Criminal cases are on a “beyond a reasonable doubt” threshold which is much harder to meet.
Frankly, he probably wouldn’t be criminally convicted because of the higher standard - the defense in a criminal trial doesn’t have to prove the accused didn’t do it, they don’t even have to prove it’s more likely than not they didn’t do it, they only need to prove there’s a reasonable doubt that they might not have done it. And I think there’s just enough wiggle room around it he could possibly skate by.
On one hand, that’s how a criminal standard of justice should work, to prevent wrongfully convicting the innocent.
On the other hand, that would require the system to be functional and fair in the first place, rather than being slanted towards who can afford the better lawyers, but that’s a whole can of worms I don’t think I need to crack open here - we all agree on that anyway.
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Instead, how about California, Oregon and Washington joining Canada?
If this means high-speed rail from Vancouver to LA, sign us up!
I don’t mean to be depressing but envying Canada for its spectacular rail service would be inadvisable.
Can’t be worse than the US’s.
Hooooboy is Via Rail going to impress you with how terrible it can be.
I mean, have you ridden Amtrak?
I have! VIA is actually worse and it’s so fucking disappointing.
I will grant that I’ve never actually lost my seat on VIA due to overbooking (fuck Amtrak) but VIA’s pricing is so fucking horrible that it’s pretty much made itself irrelevant outside really short journies like the St. Lawrence valley cities.
I’ve ridden Amtrak but I’ve also seen videos about how Via Rail is basically unusable. Amtrak has improved significantly in the past decade as well, while Via seemingly regressed (again, Via info is based on other people’s experiences, not mine).
I have also ridden both. Amtrak is better than Via Rail.
Both are are still better than nothing, though.
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Viarail sucks, but Vancouver’s SkyTrain is a delight.
I grew up in Boston with the T - Skytrain is rather pleasant to ride but has absolutely horrible coverage. It connects to only a single university and it’s VCC - there is no connection to neither SFU nor UBC and in terms of commuting it’s only really relevant to New West and a narrow slice of Burnaby… there’s also no skytrain link to North Vancouver (I’m not counting SeaBus - while it’s a treat to occasionally ride it it’s slow as ass).
It has service every 3 minutes, fully autonomous, and the coverage has been expanding consistently. The T started in 1889, it’s got a hundred years head start on SkyTrain.
Compared to the US, Canada may as well be Japan in terms of rail.
It’s ironic that the US was ultimately born and raised on expansion of rail, but because cars became so profitable and lucrative, US passenger rail is a constant afterthought, if it’s even an option at all.
Nah. 9 VIA rail lines nationwide compared with 44 Amtrak lines. 7800 miles of trackage in Canada vs 21400 miles with Amtrak.
If you’ve ever ridden Amtrak, you probably know what the big problem is: most rail lines in the US give extreme priority to freight, and the freight operators basically own all the track. As a result, Amtrak is constantly late – sometimes very late, since it needs to wait for freight to do its thing.
Couple that with Amtrak rates being sky high, plus the fact that it’s extremely slow even without the freight waiting, and it’s a much deeper story than how much track exists.
Riding on VIA is incredibly expensive, on occasion 3-4 times the price of a flight. Incredibly inconvenient, checked luggage and weighed carry-on and all that jazz, despite being a literal railway. Incredibly slow, it’s faster to drive to Toronto from Vancouver. VIA is absolutely awful and I will never ride it again until it’s fixed. On the other hand, AmTrak from Vancouver to Seattle is not awful. Both are miserable on a world stage but it’s like putting the bottom two against each other.
That does make sense.
Related to my original comment, I’ve been on a Japanese Shinkansen many times. It is a shockingly different experience. Comfortable, clean, no fuss, and relatively inexpensive. From Tokyo to Kyoto in about 2 hours (roughly 450km distance).
Once you leave the high speed train, you’re greeted by a subway system also second to none. Get virtually anywhere you need to in the city without the need for a car. A 45 minute ride tends to be $3-4.
Even in cities with relatively limited subway systems (limited for Japan – still extensive in many comparisons), like Kyoto, the bussing system is actually fantastic. Equally clean, and you can even use the same touch card you use for rail.
European trains are pretty great too. Maybe not as nice as Japan, but e.g. the German ICE is pretty clean and also affordable. Sure, DB is famous for being late too, but not Amtrak levels of late.
I guess that was just a ramble. All to say: what wonderful things our “modern” countries could do if we didn’t idolize fighting amongst ourselves.
Same thing at Via Rail. We stopped a looong time in the middle of nowhere one time so a freight could push through.
They were more chill than Amtrak tho, and they let people get off, stretch their legs and smoke
West coast reporting in, I support this.
I’m an Oregonian whose been craving a trip to Victoria, BC so I support the plan where I don’t need a passport to do so. And I assume this would come with a box set of Kim’s Convenience and/or Schitt’s Creek?
But I think the GDP of those states is higher than the whole of Canada (and most of Europe). So how about we go it our own way but set up one of those fun free-trade, free movement unions with our francophonic friends.
set up one of those fun free-trade, free movement unions
You mean like the one that’s currently being dismantled by Trump because it has “free” in its name?
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And I assume this would come with a box set of Kim’s Convenience and/or Schitt’s Creek?
Sorry, best we can do is Corner Gas.
Oregonian whose been craving a trip to Victoria, BC
In West Coast Federalist Union, Victoria BC trip you!
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…aight, just give the rest of us some fair warning first. I live deep in Y’all Qaeda territory, and I don’t want to miss that boat!
We can join Mexico, brother! Hola a todos, estoy lista.
Es mejor que la mierda aqui… por que no, estoy lista tambien.
Californian here. I’m on board.
Washingtonian here. All in as well!
Don’t forget Vermont!
Can we please sweeten the deal with the entire Northeast region? Hell, they can decide if they want New Jersey too
Nobody chooses New Jersey. Even New Jersey doesn’t want to be New Jersey.
Bitch please, at least they arent ohio.
Please don’t leave new England behind
Dont forget Hawaii. Its one of the bluest states in the country.
I would support this.
Canadian Californians? That would be totally cool, dude, eh!
Seattlite reporting in. Cascadia Now! I support this and would love to be a part of Canada! Some of us in the PNW have been talking about this for a while now… and
Take Illinois as well. I want to be Canadian!
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First off as ambassador to the Upper peninsula of Michigan. We do not want to be part of Wisconsin. The whole of Michigan would be good with being part of Canada. And we request Minnesota as a plus one.
Why the fuck would you want to do that to Canada. Wisconsin can suffer the consequences of that which they helped bring forward. They got all the Foxconn money rolling in.
How about if we buy Alaska and throw in Minnesota and Minneapolis at the same time?
Joke’s on them—Minneapolis is in Minnesota, so they’d only be getting two regions instead of three. Sell them quick before they catch on!
Doug Ford has room temperature IQ, don’t judge him too harshly (ya know what, fuck that. Judge him even harsher)
Doug Ford has room temperature IQ
In Celsius.
As a Minnesotan I approve this message. Sell us quick!
You’d be crazy to take Minnesota.
Everyone knows from the documentary film and series Fargo, that it’s filled with deranged, violent criminals!
it’s filled with deranged, violent criminals
For Doug Ford, that’s a bonus.
Please sell Minnesota/Minneapolis to Canada. Please. I would much rather be Canadian.
You’re honorary Canadians, eh buddy.
…United Healthcare is headquartered here so… It really doesn’t feel like it
We really should just tax the ever-loving fuck out of them or evict them to Texas or something.
Its weird. I had UHC for several years and had no problem with them covering anything. I kind of wonder if they treat locals differently because their employees would be affected?
It is possible that some VP paid a fortune to have someone determine the maximum distance that an angry mob was willing to travel and now they make sure to only screw over people inside that boundary just enough to keep it sub angry mob levels.
Nah, they just experiment with new fuckery on the east coast before it comes here.
Which several years? The CEO who was offed recently drastically increased the rate of denials within the last few years.
2017 until Jan 1, 2024 (my former employer got bought)
Sounds like you were extra lucky from April 2021 until it ended!
Convicted felons aren’t allowed to enter the country.
Trump couldn’t try before he buys.
As a Minnesotan I’m okay with this.
I came here to say this. I’m not entirely sure I would object all that much.
If y’all do a referendum, maybe they dont even have to buy it?
Sadly it’s completely illegal to separate from the US and most likely will result in the US military invading.
Except ofcourse if Trump sells it.
pff if it’s new england new england would just be on the side of canada
source: literally me. i would do that.
It was illegal for India to declare independence from Brittian, but they did it.
Minnesota should do this nonviolently. Just secede and if the military invades, dont fight back. The world will watch as Trump uses violence against them, until eventually more States join either Mexico or Canada. Eventually the US will cease to exist, and the ICC will come lock up Trump.
It would be a beautiful, nonviolent end to the US Empire
I don’t think Canadians would have a problem with taking on Minnesota.
I live in Massachusetts and would totally support seceding and going to Canada.
Can RI come along too? You won’t have to worry about their terrible driving, they’d never drive out of the region.
We need Vermont to join. It makes sense. Maple syrup monopoly to boot.
massachusetts has all the english names anyway it’d be easy to slap the queen on our money
Stan Marsh? I thought you were in Colorado.
Yeah but under Doug Ford? Dudes a moron who’s made it his personal mission to spend money to remove bike lanes.
i mean toronto/ontario is largely anti ford.
They just keep voting for him, or not voting against him. Get it together Ontario!
minor compared to the shit show coming up in the US
So we’re just actually gonna do the Michael Moore United States of Canada vs Jesusland thing?
Not to nitpick but Ford offered to buy Minnesota and Minneapolis but Minneapolis is a city IN Minnesota. I think it would come with. Kind of like whip cream.
Idk it’s basically like the cities and a whole lot of nothing. He might have just been like throw in the rest of Minnesota, but no deal without Minneapolis.
Trump has had a lot of nasty things to say about Minneapolis after BLM.
Trump has a lot to say about everything. Mostly, stupid, wrong, or mean. Getting him to shut up is the problem.
While stories like this might make Doug Ford seem like a pretty cool guy, rest assured that he’s an idiot. And a terrible Premier.
Frankly I’m surprised he’s not bending the knee for Trump. The two have a lot more in common than they do differences.
Good to know. Thanks. Not up on Canadian politics. US politics keeps me pretty busy these days. You know, mostly cringing in fear.
It’s whipped not whip my guy
I want to get angry, but your right damn it. So thank you for correcting me.
I think whip cream is when you collect pus from a wound caused by whipping someone
Watch out about offering to buy something. Sometimes they force you to go through with it.
Ask Elon.
That worked out for him.
He ended up owning the whole fucking country.
Or they add a lot more to the deal. New Orleans wasn’t worth the rest of it.
Florida! Let’s take this chance to dump Florida off onto somebody else!
Naw, you can keep your nations dick.
Well with rising sea levels, it appears to have a chronic watery discharge, so it’s probably best that we just get rid of it.
Would selling Florida be the equivalent to the US transitioning?
Wait what, ah yes, Florida is the dick of the US.
I’ll throw in a 10 piece nugget!
I have some used toilet paper. Might be worth more then Florida
Seems fair, we have a chunk of Canda’s northwest, they can have a chunk of our southeast.
Half of Canadians live below the 49th latitude I think, so technically a lot of americans live further north than the average canadian.
new england is right there canada like we’d volunteer happily.
Was kind of hoping Michigan made the list. Would be nice getting to escape Trump that way
The Gordie Howe bridge is almost done! It only makes sense.
Yeah same
Dumbass would probably take the offer if he thought he could get away with it
Please take Wisconsin. Too many idiot rednecks that vote against their own interests and a broken ass government here
Nah, give them the Dakotas. Wisconsin at least has nice scenery.