This is a screenshot giving personal information about that sexist rat bastard Nicholas Fuentes. Specifically: Full name: Nicholas J Fuentes Current home address: 1826 Home Avenue Berwyn, IL 60402 Telephone number: (708) 352-7859
Report all you want. This is not getting taken down. Fuck nazis.
His house has all one-star reviews on Google Maps. And it’s been labled “Incel’s house” and “public bathroom”.
Remember that jury nullification is a tool in your toolbox.
Hypothetically, if you’re selected for jury duty in a case like 'Someone murdered Nick Fuentes", you can just say not guilty regardless of evidence or truth. The court can’t make you show your work and they cannot tell you that your verdict is wrong This is an inherent property of jury trials. It gets used to shield cops and other in-group members from consequences.
Just make sure you don’t mention the term jury nullification during jury selection.
Also, do mention it if you’re trying to get out of jury duty.
Nah, don’t mention it. Being on a jury is the best opportunity you’ll ever have to free someone from our “justice” system at no risk to yourself
Except the risk of becoming homeless because you can’t afford rent
I’ll imagine a trump presidency will involve someone criticizing trump, then he tells the SS to “investigate” for potential “anti-government” activities. Then convieniently leaks the address of the person. Then be like “It’d be a shame if something happened to them”, the maga mobs would be throwing molotovs.
Actually he could just tweet it from his @potus account, tell “patriots” to “defend the US from enemies within” and hes immune since he used the official government account.
Jesus Fucking Christ, what a stupid timeline.
And yet many liberals refuse to arm and train. How much stochastic terrorism will it take?! Said a couple of days ago, wait till they really settle in, get comfy, realize what they can get away with. I’m not proposing anyone take to the streets, but FFS defend your home and loved ones.
And now some ass will come along and call me “fake brave” or decry how unrealistic defending oneself is in the face of cops and vigilantes. Brave I ain’t, and I’m well aware of the odds if they get the drop.
Pro tip: They’re going to kill you anyway. I’d rather die with my boots on thank you very much.
Anyway, been fiddling with my $100 20-gauge the last couple of nights. Went hiking all through the woods and roads with it yesterday. Total champ! (I got lots of fancy guns. You don’t need fancy.)
Go .308 or go home. Just sayin’
John Browning found perfection in 1911
I don’t know if anything came of this or not, but food for thought: a few years back, I heard there were some guys working on 3d printing 9mm rounds for handloading.
Used to be able to buy once fired brass from etsy. Hi tek coated projectiles are fairly cheap, or get some extra equipment and cast your own from wheel weights. Powder and primers are a bit harder to roll your own, though I’ve heard about people using match heads to reload primers; they should really only be used as a last resort.
Funny thing is that the Democrat’s anti-gun rethoric made it harder for leaf-leaning people to get guns. In my democratic-controlled city, you need 2 people to essentially act as a character witness to recommend you in order for you to obtain a concealed carry permit, and none of those people can be a family member. I think open carry needs a permit too, but even if not, you wouldn’t want to open carry in a big city, it attracts attention.
You can techically own guns and keep it at home, but to even transport it home, you need to put the weapon unloaded and ammunition in separate containers. Keeping it at home is not really useful if a maga mob is surrounding you in public.
Democrats need to stop being stupid and drop the anti-gun rhetoric. It loses support amonst single issue voters, and also puts unnecessary barriers for law abiding citizens to obtain firearms.
Its so ironic, in a civil war, the magots gets easy access to ar15s to mow us down, while left-leaning people struggle to get guns.
Ironically I still think those are good requirements
Doesn’t CA ban high capacity mags? Well republican states has them in walmarts. How do you like them apples?
Funny thing is that the Democrat’s anti-gun rethoric made it harder for leaf-leaning people to get guns. In my democratic-controlled city, you need 2 people to essentially act as a character witness to recommend you in order for you to obtain a concealed carry permit, and none of those people can be a family member. I think open carry needs a permit too, but even if not, you wouldn’t want to open carry in a big city, it attracts attention.
By comparison in my very red state you don’t need a permit to carry. Open or concealed. There’s just an age limit. We still offer concealed carry permits, but that’s only because our permits are also valid in some other states that require a permit to carry.
If you’re gonna die…
then he tells the SS to “investigate” for potential “anti-government” activities.
See. This is one of the things that separates Trump from Hitler. He’s got nothing like the SS or SA. Those were paramilitary organizations attached to the NSDAP before they won political power. You’re gonna have a really hard time convincing me that the Proud Boys, or these various Meal Team 6 organizations are actually effective paramilitaries.
Idk what to tell you but there are these arseholes called police. They fit the description.
Those of y’all who like that constitutional right to bear arms better stock up. I’ll support you.
I don’t disagree with you, but counterpoint: Have you seen the marksmanship of the average cop? During the acorn incident, both cops discharged their service weapon’s entire magazine at the guy that they had handcuffed in the back of their police cruiser and didn’t manage to hit him a single time. That’s 24 rounds (i assume) that they shot at a stationary, human-sized target at relatively close range and missed every single time. I had better accuracy then that when I was 10 with my pellet gun.
“any brown person between 2001 and 2012” was subject to such abuses of rights if you recall
They don’t need to be crack commandos to be effective at carrying out stochastic terror. The risk of some nutter with an AR15 that they barely know how to aim showing up at your house in the middle of the night is still going to get a lot of people to shut up.
Some idiot with an AR almost saved us all a few months ago as you’ll recall.
But telling law enforcement to investigate people is within his legal powers. It would appear to be a legitimate use of power, even if its for a insidious purpose.
All he have to do is ask the investigators for a copy of the report and then “review” the report of the investigation, snap a pic with all the full name, addresses, birthdays, SSN, phone numbers, post to twitter, and wait for for any of the million of magots around the country to do something. He has so many supporters, there is guaranteed to be at least 1 crazy person. He doesn’t need an organized brownshirts, he just need 1 crazy supporter.
Edit: Also remember Elon owns twitter, he can pull some strings to delay moderators from taking it down, doesn’t matter if its against ToS, they’ll find a way around it.
Keep making fun of the Meal Team 6 guys. You only see the idiots because they’re great to make fun of. You haven’t seen what I’ve seen.
And I don’t care how fat they are, the wonderful thing about guns is that they’re a great equalizer. That works both ways, BTW.
When a maga shoots a lib/leftist, the police would take years to investigate.
When a lib/leftist shoots a maga, they’d have all the evidence in 24 hours.
Dude the cards are stacked against us. They also have the military.
One sides more likely to be able to use drones and drones with guns than the other.
Sheriffs can literally walk into a church and deputise everyone.
So you are one of the enablers and fascist cucks who doesnt fucking know who we’re dealing with.
RIP P’Nut.
Nazis shall be given no quarter
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences
“I did not come down from the goddamn Smokey mountains, cross five thousand mile of water, fight my way through half of Sicily, and jump out of a fuckin aeroplane to teach the nazi lessons in humanity. Nazi ain’t got no humanity. They are the foot soldiers of a Jew hatin mass murdering maniac and they need to be destroyed.”
Enough of the “they go low we go high” bs, you can’t defeat fascism with civility.
tolerance is a contract not a gift
Report all you want. This is not getting taken down. Fuck nazis.
Based as fuck
Illinois Nazis. I hate Illinois Nazis
Came here for this. Bless you
deleted by creator
What happened in his life to become a Nazi at 26 years old lol what the fuck
He’s in the peak age to be thoroughly funneled through various nazi pipelines from an extremely young age. After we thoroughly beat fascism back into the darkness, we’ll need to continue deprogramming passively radicalized bystanders.
Ask yourself why someone who screams “Great replacement” conspiracy theories and advocates for Christofascism constantly is unmarried and doing nothing to replace the “declining white birth rates”.
Because no woman in her right mind would fuck him?
It was rhetorical, but I agree with your statement.
Abject weakness of will and character combined with ideological grooming and indoctrination?
I was kinda dumb at 26, but not that dumb.
Any ideology of this type gives them a sense of power they wouldn’t otherwise have. It fulfills that need to matter.
You’re body, our choice, motherfucker.
only logical
Smash a different window every day. Make him feel the same fear he is attempting to drive into the brave women of this country. “Your body my choice.” What kind of rapist shit is that?
Lol google scrubbed it and now it’s this
Oh no! I will never find it now!
too late of course
deleted by creator
sure would be a shame if someone dealt with him late at night, wouldn’t it? :)
In the immortal words of my grandfather’s friend, who was the second in command of a state’s Hell’s Angel chapter, anytime something happened, “You want me to take care of that for you?”
How the fuck did this image get jpegified so much so fast? You’d think that the people sharing it would care to make sure that it remains as legible as possible.
He’s only 26?
Hate both ages a man and keeps them alive past their due date, it’s perplexing.
I swear it’s like formaldehyde.
Report all you want. This is not getting taken down. Fuck nazis.
Setting aside our differences to celebrate doxxing nazis feels nice
That fuck lives in my state!?! So many of the suburbs have underground Klan and neoNazi activities. It’s disgusting.
This was my exact reaction. And I’d be willing to bet that he lives off of a ton of social programs he purports to hate.
All these fucks are hypocritical assholes.