• barsoap@lemm.ee
    3 days ago

    Is there any reason for protesters to use a language other than German to make their opinion heard? It’s even extended to include English to be inclusive of foreigners who do not have a constitutionally protected right to protest in Germany in the first place. (In case you don’t believe me, Article 8 GG says “all Germans”, not “everyone”).

    You know what the German left would do when he police tried to outlaw Italian at protests? a) challenge it in court because banning “alerta, alerta, antifascista” has no warrant, everyone knows what it means and it’s not like anyone would know any more Itanian to chant (short of “latte machiato spaghetti stronzo basta”) and b) not use it while that thing is in the courts. Choose your battles.

    I cannot explain the ignorance of local mores that certain pro-Palestine groups are displaying in Germany as anything else but a false flag attack on the Palestinian cause. Because there’s no way in hell people can be so willfully dense, be so unable to work within the local conditions. Conditions which offer plenty of freedom if you don’t, at every opportunity, try to piss people off for no gain whatsoever. I’m trying to employ “never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity” but it’s getting damn hard the more those certain groups steadfastly refuse to learn, and even refuse advise regarding their tactics.