Well… it would seem those same godless commies weren’t ACTUALLY communists. So now we don’t know WHAT to think!
Fortunately, there seems to be a real lack of thinking in our “under God” nation anyhow… so, we got that!
It’s almost like the vast majority of the country has been mushroom managed (kept in the dark and fed shit) since it’s inception.
There’s a good reason the dept of education has been assailed by all comers since forever. Privatisation and politicisation of the education of the people; make good, stupid little drones for the corporate machine, either in a cubicle or on a battlefield.
Those that refuse to conform, or are politically “undesirable” are run through the prison slavery pipeline instead.
I sound like a conspiracy theory nutter, but this timeline is so utterly fucked, that it’s the truth. How batshit mental is that?
Eh… that got added in the 50’s to differentiate us from those godless commies.
And how did that work out?
Fucking LOL
Well… it would seem those same godless commies weren’t ACTUALLY communists. So now we don’t know WHAT to think! Fortunately, there seems to be a real lack of thinking in our “under God” nation anyhow… so, we got that!
It’s almost like the vast majority of the country has been mushroom managed (kept in the dark and fed shit) since it’s inception.
There’s a good reason the dept of education has been assailed by all comers since forever. Privatisation and politicisation of the education of the people; make good, stupid little drones for the corporate machine, either in a cubicle or on a battlefield.
Those that refuse to conform, or are politically “undesirable” are run through the prison slavery pipeline instead.
I sound like a conspiracy theory nutter, but this timeline is so utterly fucked, that it’s the truth. How batshit mental is that?