You don’t have to be sneaky, just not fucking miss like the gormless cretin that last tried.
You don’t have to be sneaky, just not fucking miss like the gormless cretin that last tried.
He and his are absolutely immune from the effects. He has proven time and again that he holds everyone in utter contempt, and believes himself above reproach, literally untouchable.
Until someone proves him wrong, he will continue.
The bloke that told others to “Go die of ass cancer.”
Oh boy, did he ever tempt fate.
Nothing to do with the plastics and their additives building up in our bodies that act on the endocrine system, no sir.
It’s as simple as this; he plays to their bigotries. Racists, homophobes, transphobes, xenophobes, religious fundamentalists, all catered for.
“I will hurt those you hate.” That was the promise he was elected upon. That is what drives the voting populace, hate. So wrapped up in the hatred of their fellow suffering humans, they willingly choose a childish, senile, selfish, fat, old, “white”, paedophile, rapist, reality TV star as their “leader”.
And lo, observe the result.
The dildo of consequences, as the saying goes, rarely arrives lubed.
That’s propaganda for you.
The reason you don’t have such things is that you haven’t, as a nation, taken it. That is after all, “The American Way.”
For all you lot bang on about your liberty and freedom, you’re a bunch of clueless, hand-wringing, nimbys when it comes down to it.
You have let them take the miles they have by inches. Every gerrymandered district, every disenfranchising rule change, every single lost vote.
Everyone was too scared of losing what they had, that what needed to be done, wasn’t. The best time to stop them was back then, the next best is now.
Their loss.
His point, I think, is the line of whataboutist thinking that got the conversation to this point, from the OP.
Living in the twenties.
It’s almost like the vast majority of the country has been mushroom managed (kept in the dark and fed shit) since it’s inception.
There’s a good reason the dept of education has been assailed by all comers since forever. Privatisation and politicisation of the education of the people; make good, stupid little drones for the corporate machine, either in a cubicle or on a battlefield.
Those that refuse to conform, or are politically “undesirable” are run through the prison slavery pipeline instead.
I sound like a conspiracy theory nutter, but this timeline is so utterly fucked, that it’s the truth. How batshit mental is that?
And how did that work out?
Fucking LOL
Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch, Boris Johnson, Vladimir Putin, Viktor Orbán, Benjamin Netanyahu, Alexander Lukashenko.
One non-exhaustive list of people to be shot into the sun.
“One Nation under God.”
Fucking LOL
Daily “Hurrah for the Blackshirts!” Mail.
Orbiting is falling to earth, but going so fast sideways that you miss, forever.
The US exports “I’m alright, Jack.” By the fucking container ship. But of course the average American lacks empathy, Fox has been feeding the population toxic shit for decades, while his ilk buy off politicians.
That’s what set the stage for the right wing coup you’re living through.
The demon responsible has his crooked fingers in the politics of the UK and Australia, to name just a couple of other places going to shit off the back of his pipeline of awful shite.
Rupert Murdoch should be shot into the fucking sun, alongside the orange shitgibbon and his pet nazi techbro.
“Nobody gets past Jupiter without becoming part vampire.”
But they’re winning! And fucking over “the libs” at the same time!