Everyone knows Disney’s movies are 100% accurate depictions of reality
Ik right, Mickey Mouse exists irl
I’v seen him DJ
Treasure Planet was a documentary.
Oh that’s why Musk wants to go to space.
You may be sarcastic but too many ppl actually believe this.
1 - they are dog people. They probably married just because the dogs liked each others.
2 - it’s a cartoon.
3 - it’s just a fucking depiction of two people randomly meeting, it’s implied that they hit it off stellarly and, yes, people do MAD CRAZY things such as… marrying a person they are in love with.
4 - bestiality.
One of these is not like the other. My bet is number 2.
I dunno, 3 makes wild accusations about implied meanings. Seems suspect.
/\ /\
Don’t forget the rampant domestic abuse that frequently came from the person you signd a life long contract with. Easy my ass
Why would any of that context matter to a 4channer?
Yaknow, when your right, your right
They did not. And even then, so darn many boomers think it’s normal to dispise your partner you’d almost think they’re a bunch of losers
Conan O’Brian meeting his wife:
"Then I left the room after this 20-minute conversation with only her. " After joking about having kids together during this initial conversation, the two exchanged information and began dating. In January 2002, the couple tied the knot.
So it happens, it just helps if you’re tall and ginger.
Step 1) don’t be ugly
Step 2) see step 1
Exception to Rule 1: Be Conan Fucking O’Brian
Exception? You mean the standard.
Be affable
Be interesting
Be presentable
No one dreams about the guy they have to apologize for after you met them
No one dreams about the guy they have to apologize for after you met them
Have you ever been on planet earth? That’s sadly false in many instances.
I mean, Conan O’Brien isn’t exactly beautiful
I mean, I would have his babies, and I’m a straight man!
Have you seen that hair though?
“Don’t be ugly” is definitely helpful physically, but vital intelectually and emotionally.
For men:
- Be rich
- Don’t be poor
No, you just have to be interesting to talk to, genial, and not look like complete shit.
Oh and not call all women gold diggers.
Which isn’t an IRL concern for most men. I used to be friends with a woman in a sugar baby relationship. She looks like a prettier version of Samantha Browning and I look like Waldo/Wally from Where’s Waldo if Waldo had bad skin and missing a few teeth.
Every once in a while someone would ask why I was hanging out with her and my reply would be something along the lines if she’s nice, interesting, and Im poor and I own a mirror. I had nothing to lose by hanging out with someone who was interested in beibg friends with me clearly because of whobI was rather than anything material I had to offer.
i’m a 4 on a good day. Only dated once, she broke up with me, so I kinda accepted that I’m just not meant to have a partner.
1 year later I met a nice lady at a birthday party I wasn’t exactly invited to, we talked, yaddayadda, 12 years later we are still together.
Alan Alda famously met his wife at a party, where someone dropped a cake on the floor. He and she were the only two who didn’t hesitate to scoop some up anyway.
Lol, poor Anon thinks a Silent Generation meetcute in a cartoon is Boomers IRL.
Premarital sex being taboo sped things up
And yet they had more premarital sex than millenials/gen z
Edit: can’t find the source where I had heard that. Maybe not true. This study shows the rates are lower than for millennials, but close. https://www.bgsu.edu/ncfmr/resources/data/family-profiles/hemez-nonmarital-sex-by-age-25-boomers-millennials-fp-17-11.html
I was just making a joke, but don’t doubt that you’re right. It’s a tough thing to measure as people aren’t always honest. Like if somebody took a poll in 1986 asking folks if they smoked weed, paranoia might cause smokers to say no
Oh, totally. Just like to bring up that our grandparents/great grandparents were getting nasty even before widespread use of birth control, etc. Young folks today are having a lot less sex, or so I’ve heard, largely due to difficulties finding partners, stress, etc.
My grandparents got married because my grandfather left his car keys in his coat on the rack by the door of a diner and someone grabbed his coat.
Apparently while they waited in the diner for a friend to pick them up he asked my grandmother if they should get married and she said
3rd date. It was just something to do back then.101 Dalmatians came out in 1961, these characters would be a part of the Silent Gen, or the Greatest Gen.
Fuck, is it really that old? Crazy
Still looks amazing
Not a boomer, but here’s how it worked for me:
- Meet at party, hit it off, and exchange numbers
- Text for a few days
- Date for a couple months
- Due to cruelties of hard to change plans, date long distance for a year
- Get married
Still together after 10+ years. We’re not all that different from the cartoon, and if we didn’t have the forced separation, we probably would’ve gotten married sooner.
That’s basically how my wife and I met. Except we were never exclusive because she was a really good friend and I didn’t wanna fuck that up. We ended up going our separate ways when she went off to college… We reconnected platonically years later, and then realized we were both getting divorced at the same time. One thing led to another, and we’ve been married for almost 2 years now.
We joke that if we had been exclusive, we would have a 20 year old already.
I’m happy for you! 😀
Friendship is the most important ingredient IMO, because a good friend is willing to change for the other, as well as look past deficiencies that don’t matter.
She’s easily the kindest, most loving, empathetic, and supportive person I’ve ever met. And the best part is that when I finally told her my feelings (after we reconnected), they were reciprocated immediately, much to my shock and amazement haha.
My former boss had a whole church community arrange a meeting between him and a woman, just so his parents could tell her parents what he thought of her. The two would eventually marry. It really was that easy back then. And yes they’re still happily married for reasons beyond my understanding.
I’m going to assume if you arrange 1000 marriages a few are definitely bound to work out. For the rest though…
Arranged marriages have better results than love based ones in many cultures. It turns out having all your family who have had kids and been married have a clearer understanding of the couples compatibility than those in love.
Love will make you overlook the thing that your auntie would zero in on as a long term problem.
I can see the logic. The realities of day to day life and managing a household together are a considerably larger presence than most people realize until they’re shoulder deep into adult life.
My cousin was miserable after his first year in marriage. Our grandmother, who was lovely but not perceptive, told him not to marry her after meeting her the first time because she was dismissive of his perspective. My cousin didn’t think this was an issue until the honeymoon period wore off and then realized his new wife never thought he knew anything.
They lasted 6 years.
For context, see research by Myers, D., 1993 (which I can’t find a link to at the moment) about differences in satisfaction in couples in India in arranged marriages and couples in Amerikkka in marriages of choice, and compare it with the later research Myers, 2005.
More specifically to your statement about auntie zeroing in on something, see MacDonald & Ross, 1999.
To shreds you say
What about the ones that work out?
Shredded you say
I didn’t bother going into details. It wasn’t an arranged marriage, the two were only arranged to meet. They chose to pursue a relationship entirely on their own.
Odds are if a church was involved, one or both are gaslighted into believing they are meant to be married that other person for better or worse, and regressive enough subculture/community that finds divorce abhorrent for any reason (other than the man could have a younger bride)
OR they come from a culture that does arranged marriages and you are being anti-theist and unintentionally culturally insensitive.
You are aware that arranged marriage is a thing still, right?
Most countries where arranged marriages are still a thing so have that backwards religious view on divorce though.
When you actually sit down and talk to people in these marriages they tend to be content.
Your suggestion that another culture or religion is “backwards” is a very awkward claim to make as those rarely come from a good place.
I’m not suggesting another cultuur or religion is backwards, only that their views on divorce often are. The result of these views often is that women get stuck in abusive marriages and have no way to get out. I know people who are in arranged marriages. Some of them are happy, but the ones that are not are stuck.
Why would you ever want to meet someone and get married so quickly? Are you more interested in the appearance of what you consider to be a successful life, rather than having a life partner?
the dog kinda roped 'em in to it.
This is like one step above the brainlets trying to retvrn to 50s advertising campaigns as though they were real life.
4 out of 5 doctors prefer Lucky Strike cigarettes
Anon needs to start crashing into women at the park