Holidays are a blur. I don’t remember individual years anymore, and every year I’m started at how quickly it became Christmas already.
Ffs we’re halfway through February already. I was just putting up the tree like 3 days ago.
Too real. Not just holidays, weeks and months go by and it’s like “shit when did it get to 2025??”
Covid made it especially bad. Covid started five years ago. Started, like we first heard the term “Covid”
It’s still March
COVID really did destroy the flow of time for me.
Children, which to me is everyone born in the 2005+ are already turning 20. Hell, the iPhone can already vote.
Also, Gangnam style. 13 years ago.
Btw I was born in 2004 and I’m 20
Are you also in your 30s? Haha
my fucks slowly run out
Honestly I’ve been getting much happier the less fucks I give.
Inverse correlation
This has become my theme song.
This is the plus side of being older.
I’ve been burned enough times in life that it’s really easy to just write people off that I shouldn’t have let in my life anyway, and I’m much happier in my own little world with my books.
it does get marginally better once you do run out.
A girl that stopped me on the street to ask directions concluded the exchange with “Thank you sir.”
Also, the waiters now automatically bring the bill to me when I have lunch with coworkers.
In the south that’s just being nice, not age
I think they mean specifically to them, and not their coworkers
Yes, all my coworkers, including my managers are now younger than me. So when a manager takes everyone out, the waiters assume that I’m the one treating everyone to lunch.
Yes, I’ve had that a few times. Although being substantially older than your manager is externally no big deal unless you make it so, in the cold dark recesses of your own mind it can really start to grind some gears if you let it.
That first happened to me at 18 and it was so weird. I was helping out at my old school for an interschool music festival—a week of all sorts of different workshops and rehearsals between different schools, culminating in a concert at the end. During a break I was tinkering around on the piano, and a student came up to me and said “excuse me, sir…[some question about the timetable or something, that I definitely didn’t have the level of authority to know the answer to]”. I have her the best answer I could and she went on her way, but I was just stuck there feeling way too old.
Time feels way faster as you get older.
It’s also pretty grim that the people you know are either dying, dead, or have a life altering illness that comes out of nowhere. I feel like there’s a funeral in my family once a month, rather than once every decade.
Hot take but I think it’s because people stop having or seeking out novel experiences. Most of people’s lives are repetitive and boring jobs with barely any time to zone out in the evening. And once your kids move out and you’re with a long term partner, hardly anything is dynamic in your life. Or fresh. Or unexpected.
Having to do something on a weekday evening is a huge inconvenience.
I feel you, I hate it.
I don’t distrohop or tinker with my Linux install anymore. I just install Linux Mint XFCE edition and don’t even bother changing the background.
20+ years ago i spent hours each day developing my own lcars interface based on enlightenment; now i just use whatever x-windows environment the distro i’m using at the moment defaults to.
we must be twins separated at birth. lol
Me too. But I stopped hopping ten years ago and settled down on Alpine, Void, or Gentoo, based on how fancy the hardware is, and the use case.
To me, the hopping part relates more to tinkering and fine-tuning. Today I prefer things just work. I wish no down time on all my devices and servers, because who has time to figure out why my photo doesn’t sync to my NAS, or dig up that piece of paper when my password manager does not respond because of the proxy service is down?
Tech also just isn’t advancing and changing as much as it was when we were younger so it’s not as exciting anymore
I don’t get that at all. To me it feels like there’s so much progress happening right now.
I don’t think this is true.
It’s not exciting to me any more because I hate the way it’s changing the world.
In the 2010s it felt like tech would save us.
I think it is stagnating. people having more access to technology based gadgets but the only thing that changed is earth abuse to support production of gadgets. So not only is it not saving us, it is literally killing us.
And when it does change it’s to enshittify it. It’s been a decade since I was excited about any new technology. I used to love it too.
all my friends are either dead or my enemies
Male pattern baldness sucks, esp as a trans girl
Injuries take longer to heal and recovery from the gym is slower
Hangovers now take two days
Skin dries out much faster (though this might be due to E)
Lots of things like grey hair, moving more slowly, injuries that I would have bounced away from before instead hurting for weeks or months.
But the one that hit hardest was a breakup I had a little while back. She was the love of my life and I fully intended to marry her, and when she ended it out of nowhere I was sad, but fine. She dumped me, and it sucked, but I also needed to finish a staff report for a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting that night. So I moved on.
The thing that upset me most was that I wasn’t that upset. There was a time in my life when I would have been a mess. But as I’ve aged, my emotions have become more regulated.
I miss being capable of that level of joy and pain.
Love definitely hits different in your 20’s. Though, the plus side is when something ends I don’t obsess over it like I did as a young man.
I remember in the mid-2010’s when Guns n Roses decided to reunite and tour, and my first thought was: “Why would I want to watch Axl Rose now that he’s old and fat?” That was a sign.
I had a similar experience a few years ago. I haven’t even tried dating again because trying to rework my life to incorporate another person at this point just sounds like a giant pain in the ass and I’m old enough now that it seems like everyone I meet around my age who’s still single is living a train wreck of a life so it wouldn’t be worth the effort anyway.
You don’t feel older mentally, but your body starts to betray you. I don’t mean stuff like your legs aching after getting up when sitting on the floor, or getting tired easier; it’s the subtle things that really are irritating. Like taking longer to learn something. Getting fatter even though you don’t really think your diet is bad. Taking longer to find that word you can’t think of or the name of that person, movie, place, whatever.
The irritations that add up are the ones that you don’t really expect, not just the ones you do like needing glasses.
Then there’s “time.” Fucking day goes too quick. Used to be you felt like you could get all kinds of shit done in a day. Now? Run two errands and half the day is gone. Wtf.
Also, “lasts”.
You start to realize that there are things approaching that are the last time you’ll see or do something. The last time you visit where you grew up. Last time your kid lived at home. Last car you’ll ever own.
Yeah, the lasts suck.
Also, “lasts”.
You start to realize that there are things approaching that are the last time you’ll see or do something. The last time you visit where you grew up. Last time your kid lived at home. Last car you’ll ever own.
Yeah, the lasts suck.
I remember being in college, and this Onion article gave me a little bit of an existential crisis.
The weight gain is really the big sign shit is going down hill. I’ve been making a series of changes since about age 35, and each time the new diet or exercise routine works for like a year or two and then the weight slowly creeps back up. At this point I literally ride a bike 200 miles per week and I will still gain weight slowly if I eat breakfast. It makes no sense.
It sucks. I like breakfast! On the bright side, two cups of coffee and I am not hungry for the next two hours and by then it is almost lunch time so I guess it works out. Brunch it is!
I don’t feel happy
I feel like this is not a part of getting older. Arent there things that are exiting to you or make you happy?
Not many. Not as much as it used to be
Nobody mistakes me for a teenager anymore.
Kids call me “lady”
I want to go to bed at 9 PM
I get excited for new appliances
It was when I tripped and fell over outside my house. The next day my neighbour said, “I hear you had a Fall.”
Yes, when you’re old you don’t fall over, you “have a Fall”. Everyone hearing about your Fall will make concerned noises. (I was perfectly fine! I’m not OLD old!)
I thought you’re gonna say a dad joke so I will!
At least you didn’t have a Winter
Well that took me a minute - oh, autumn, you’re talking about autumn! Ha ha, excellent dad joke.
Looks at a picture of a family dinner from 10 years ago. One third of the people are now dead…
- Eyesight is getting worse. It’s hard to read in dim light, and driving at night can be rough.
- Takes my body longer to recuperate from anything that it doesn’t like - injuries, alcohol, upset stomach.
- Age spots. I thought they were just freckles but my dermatologist says they’re age spots. I’m only 43!
Aging is funny, because there’s always someone who thinks you’re ancient, and there’s always someone who thinks you’re still super young. I was at a bar a couple weeks ago, and these two dudes were complaining about how old they were getting… so I asked, turns out they were the ripe old age of twenty-eight. Which made me laugh a little, because 28 is still pretty young. And when I told them I was 43 they couldn’t believe it. I guess in my twenties I didn’t have an accurate idea of what people in their forties looked like either. Conversely when I made some comment to my parents about being middle-aged, they laughed at me because “you’re in your forties, you’re not middle-aged!”. So it’s all relative. My dad said something that stuck with me: you may feel like you’re getting older, but when you’re my age (he’s 75) you’ll realize how young you still were, and how much energy you had. And that’s helped me be aware that even though there are some aspects of aging that I really hate, there are plenty of good healthy years left.
I like this comment the best. These points are all true, undeniable. Aging is funny cause you never can tell how old someone is.
I work at a liquor store with a college feel and holy shit I card everyone!!
Made breakfast this morning. Now my wrist hurts.
Damn. I made tomorrow and tonight’s dinner. My back is fucked.
Good news: burgers+fries were tasty and I’m looking forward to the shepherd’s pie tomorrow.
Like a pro!
And sneezing then having a pain in your back from it.
The solution to this is to make breakfast in the afternoon 👍