Forget getting to the moon my team crashed against dat learning curve
Forget getting to the moon my team crashed against dat learning curve
Yeah, i don’t disagree with a thing ya wrote. I’m not claiming that people shouldn’t care; just that it’s better to push for regulatory change rather than trying to affect change thru collective consumer action/raising awareness.
The author mentioned Horse armor’s probs why commenters are bringing it up
Off-topic, anyone remember the early days of rockpapershotgun? Goddamn i miss the stylings of the og writers. Now it’s just another game site but I’ll never forget some of their early pieces
counterpoint: it’s the far more prevalent mentality of “blaming foolish consumers” that ruins it for the rest of us.
Expecting consumers to ever do differently at scale is a dead-end fantasy we all need to stop having.
Only market regulation stops manipulative market practices.
Doing anything less then “advocating for laws to stop this shit” izza giant waste of brain cells, yet i see threads of people making that useless case every time something like this happens.
Change will not come from consumers voting with their wallets, FULL STOP
If someone readin thinking it will, NEVER think this again.
Hey! I see you, looking for an example of consumer action making a difference: Go find me 100 more. You’ll need about 100 to start make up for alla times deregulation have hurt and currently hurting consumers now.
Hear me: anyone advocating for consumer action or blaming consumers is doing them companies dry-fucking us a huge favor. These bad actors can and will continue as long as it is legal to do so.
Is this how you were corrected or did your teachers have more grace?
This fact is highly unpleasant and i hate you for 5 minutes
Have i already taken my last flight? I hate the process even when it’s ostensibly safe! Are airlines even on board with this? This is the industry that recently had the power to shorten covid sick time with a phone call…
I read the article but i still don’t understand. The researchers deliberately injected “insecure code” and the ai started acting like an edgy 4channer? “Insecure”? Did the code also contain pro nazi comments? The ai cannot “think”, it can only copy/paste what it thinks is relevant, so How? How does that translate into the ai becoming a troll? I feel like there’s some information missing that i need
Hahahahahaha hot damn are you in for it son! Nah who am i kiddin, you’ll be be standing with them when they start knockin on doors won’t ya?
“How do progressives win? By being less progressive!”
Am i really reading this? Is it onion-adjacent? Is there a hidden camera somewhere?
Endlessly being told “you don’t understand” by commenters who only use tv-friendly and repeatable povs and barely try to mask their hate towards their fellow citizens gets awful tiring huh? I left R-town to get away from the bloodlust but .world be too damn infested wit reddit 2.0 types fr
“Mark of the ninja” low sysreq sidescrolling stealth game, multiple routes/playstyles. lots of fun, should be cheap too
Depends. Did you remember your wad of hundreds and pack of Magnum condoms?
Haha! It actually taught me those folks in the ER are definitely fulla crap cuz there’s no way it’s going in there without your explicit consent (and probably some deep breaths)
Then, the anus and gluteal fold aren’t particularly temperature sensitive. Pressure, yes.
Ok yeah i was bout to say my A&GF were particularly sensitive that time i sat down on the shampoo bottle
I’m gonna be that other guy
“Viral game mouthwashing” and author didn’t say “cleaning up” on steam… Damnit it was right there maaaaannn…!
Oh dear are you in for a ride haha enjoy it, and do come back when you’ve finished and tell me what you think of the ending
Women actually like vg yo. I would know, i got my wife into them when we met (she hadn’t played games since she was a kid) and now, while i still take the crown in side-scrollin platformers and fighters? she whips my ass in shooters and it’s not actually close.
I’m offering my critical support for the firing of NSA employees