I mean… why wouldn’t all that is happening not have a effect on sales? Musk is the face of Tesla and Musks image has totally gone downhill for lots of people. He’s gone from “techbro genius” to “fascist” in a few months (!) in the public image and there is really not reason to doubt, that this won’t have an effect on sales.
I mean, evolution kind of might work around the ozone layer being gone. People just need to have children before the skin cancer kills them and that’s totally possible. Might be good if the parents don’t die when the kids are too little.
Evolution really doesn’t care about your personal well-being and won’t help you. It might “evolve” the human race to get children earlier in their teens, because everybody over 30 is dead from skin cancer and microplastics, but maybe the better solution is to use something different in hair spray and fridges.
It makes sense that there still are physical games. There are many people with no internet or slow internet. You can gift them to your children or friends on their birthday. You can sell them/pass them on after you’ve finished the game
Many models on Thingiverse and Printables are released under a CC-licence, so it would be possible to use that as a basis for an independent model database or some kind of decentralized fediverse STL databank, however that would work
Be the chance you want to see in the world and email him?
I don’t think phone makers are that close to ad companies
Yeah, they had a really good thing going on and it’s sad that it didn’t last.
Yeah, LLMs could really help. Other tools without AI are also helpful. The problem with all those companies is that they don’t want to do moderating for the public good at all. Reddit could kill a lot of Fake News on it’s platform, prevent reposts of revenge porn or kick idiots just by implementing a few rules. They don’t want to
Yeah, high-res video will eat those TB quick. I started to clean up my collection - if something really was not good, I stopped watching or lost interest, it goes into the bin. Collecting is great, but there is no reason to keep some mediocre Netflix shovelware around that was canceled after one season.
And if you go out and order a drink, you might get 3 or 4 straws. Yes, it’s stupid. Yes, it doesn’t make sense. But it happens and people throw their to-go drinks into the environment after they finished them
Yeah, but it’s a quick win. Ban some single-use plastics and prevent it from getting into the oceans because it doesn’t exist. Yeah, you have to do something about the fishing nets, but there is no reason to not take those quick-wins
Why shouldn’t it be relevant? The waste is out there, is being found on our beaches and the industrial plastic waste is not swept up as often? So why would a regulation to prevent the most common plastic-items on our beaches from being there be bad?
It’s kind of crazy - those plastic Q-tips are only better if you want to totally wreck your ears and every doctor is warning against that. For every legitimate use, those paper variants work perfectly well
If it gets swept up on the shore, it’s in the ocean. So it totally makes sense to prevent it from being there.
Just FYI:
Single-use plastic products are used once, or for a short period of time, before being thrown away. Under the EU’s rules on single-use plastics, the EU is tackling the 10 single-use plastic items most commonly found on Europe’s beaches and is promoting sustainable alternatives. The 10 items are
Cotton bud sticks
Cutlery, plates, straws and stirrers
Balloons and sticks for balloons
Food containers
Cups for beverages
Beverage containers
Cigarette butts
Plastic bags
Packets and wrappers
Wet wipes and sanitary items
So yeah, nets are bad, but straws, plastic bags, cigarettes and packages are also a problem.
Yeah, that is also a factor. You can’t expect good work from somebody who has been working for 60 hours for years without having a vacation.
Digital Packratting is the antithesis of this trend. It requires intentional curation, because you’re limited by the amount of free space on your media server and devices—and the amount of space in your home you’re willing to devote to this crazy endeavor. Every collection becomes deeply personal, and that’s beautiful. It reminds me of when I was in college and everyone in my dorm was sharing their iTunes music libraries on the local network. I discovered so many new artists by opening up that ugly app and simply browsing through my neighbors’ collections. I even made some new friends. Mix CDs were exchanged, and browsing through unfamiliar microgenres felt like falling down a rabbit hole into a new world.
I’m really not sure here - that was true back in the days. But today? Just buy a 5TB harddrive for ~130€ and you can save several years of music there. And that part about “devoting space”? A raspberry pi with an external 2,5" hard drive is cheap and does take the space of one book or less than one shoe. Modern tech is amazing.
Just for information: We know, from multiple studies, that working more than 40 hours a week for longer periods of time is extremly unhealthy for you. A week has 24*7 = 168 hours and you should sleep 8 hours. That are 56 hours and if you’re working 60 hours, that leaves you with 52 hours or 7,5 hours per day for stuff like “commuting to work”, “buying groceries”, “brushing your teeth” , “family”, “friends”, “sport” or “this important appointment at the dentist”.
And that 7,5 hours are without a weekend. This will kill you. You might be younger and feel strong, but this will kill you.
He just wants more money and doesn’t want to pay his workers. Google has been laying off thousands of people in the last year, so there really is no shortage of applicants. They could have just kept their current workforce, maybe?
I run a small thinclient (HP Mini G400, but those small Lenovos thinkcentres and others also work) in my home. Cost me ~100€ plus a few Euro for a RAM update and a bigger hard drive and now I’m running Proxmox with the help of the Community Scripts:
It’s quite awesome, to be honest.