Just want to add a comment for the beginners, I used to think this was silly and that I didn’t need that much quality. Well my prints started failing horribly until I bought a filament dryer. That DOES make a LOT of difference. Also I bought a 1 spool dryer. I would go for the 2 spools now.
Also I bought a 1 spool dryer. I would go for the 2 spools now.
I prefer having two separate dryers so I can dry two separate types of filament at the same time, it’s also more efficient if you only need to dry a single spool.
That’s true. Having only 1 is not good enough for me. Sometimes I need to be drying 1 while the other prints
Anyone has a link to those resealable vacuum bags?
What size is needed for spooled filaments roughly?
Probably something like https://a.co/d/1RiT0wX It takes 1kg spools.
Thanks, good read. Which dryer does everybody use?
Anyone reccomend a dryer for 3kg spools?
I think Sunlu’s 2 most recent dryers fit 3kg. The S4 requires printed parts to heighten though.