Yep. The 14th 13th Amendment is anti-slavery but has a carve-out for prisoners. Prisons use slave labor and private prisons are companies that profit from slavery.
America is a slave state.
Yep. The 14th 13th Amendment is anti-slavery but has a carve-out for prisoners. Prisons use slave labor and private prisons are companies that profit from slavery.
America is a slave state.
Beat someone to death with it while storming your country’s top government building trying to overthrow said government.
Just add some treason/insurrection on top.
GWEEEEP is my bro. Everybody loves GWEEEEP.
Hypno was definitely one of the scariest Gen 1 pokemon.
While it awaits its prey, it polishes its pendulum. If anyone comes by, Hypno will hypnotize them and eat their dreams. It carries away people having good dreams and is even known to have stolen a child at one point.
Imagine living in a world where squirrel you startled would jump out of a bush and electrocute people. Or that flower you tried to pick was actually a pokemon and just sprayed you with sarin gas?
In that world I would empathize with gun nuts. How else will you deal with the 30-50 feral Lechonk that run into my yard within 3-5 mins while my small kids play?
As someone else said: it doesn’t replace streaming even a little. Pirating is replacing buying music directly. Streaming facilitates finding new music and trying it out. Being able to listen to anything at any time. You simply can’t do that with downloads; no one can download everything. Piracy in this case really just works for people still listening to their highschool favs and not people looking for new stuff all the time.
Looking over the wikipedia page on this mushroom and all the similar, very edible ones…Yeah I’m never foraging mushrooms.
Exactly. Self sufficiency is definitely a myth. Humans cannot survive alone for long. You simply cannot make tools that will keep you alive for long. You’ll have to venture back to civilization to get anything worked via metal at the very least. Just the basic crafts for clothing, shelter, tools and food is more than any one person can handle. It took whole tribes and villages even at the earliest points.
Now if you mean: how can I live in a cabin off the grid with minimal contact (1-2x a year) then that’s doable.
child workers
Failed state.
What the fuck? Who wants to be competing in sex and romance? I mean that’s the dating scene and a LOT of people hate that shit. Once you get into a relationship, who still wants to do that? Especially in a polyamory relationship: I thought one of the points of polyamory was that each individual was free to love each member in their own way and there wasn’t any real competition and struggle for affection (or as little as possible).
Someone clearly thinks they are going to be at the “top” of their polycule and wants to lord it over people for some pathetic amount of power.
I always come up with one answer. Just in case the party is having a brain fart and can’t figure anything out. It’s rarely an easy answer though.
But then I wait for them to come up with something plausible. Or sometimes brute force it, that’s fun too.
No. Clearly it will be solved by men doubting women’s problems. Men are so fragile.
ITT: men who refuse to believe women. Like every time.
ITT: people calling for revolution who will never do a damn thing about it. It’s easy to pretend violence is the answer when you’ll never participate, let alone start something.
FYI: The Simpsons wasn’t real.
Nuclear engineers and techs are highly trained. Even the ones at Chernobyl were exceptionally good at their jobs; they were just fucked over by a broken system and hidden effects.
I didn’t realize the moon’s distance to the Earth varied enough to cause annular eclipses. I always wondered why we didn’t see more eclipses since the moon is revolving around earth monthly.
Either “a jury is permitted to examine” every record a former president swipes and claims as “personal” to determine whether it is, or jurors must be told that “a president has sole authority… to categorize records as personal or presidential during his/her presidency.”
Can’t categorize files as personal after you vacate office. Classified files are by law government property and cannot be owned by anyone. Can’t declassify files after leaving office.
This hack needs to be impeached and this trial appealed and the judge replaced posthaste.
most people are, and have always been awful, bloodthirsty ghoulish pieces of shit
Most people are empathetic and decent. This sounds like apologia or projection. Evil people think everyone else is just as evil and that’s how they rationalize it.
Oh I will.
Spiders and I have an agreement: don’t spin webs at people height. Spiders get the corners, ceilings and anywhere we don’t walk. If you try to spin a web on the bananas, RIP.