bitch shit
bitch shit
He says “Bitch Slut” not “Bitch Shit”
King Shit
I get where they’re coming from, but it’s still not great being a guy and only getting vague signals that you’re trying to piece together. Ghosting is also another issue that’s honestly just disrespectful.
While it may ultimately be those man children who ruin it for everyone, some upfront honesty is generally very appreciated.
While it might feel rough for you, it’s worth remembering that a lot of women have faced very real threats of violence for their upfront honesty.
If you’re only getting vague signals then maybe that’s the sign that she’s not fully into you.
Yeah, for men the likely worst case scenario is embarrassment, women can get straight-up beaten or murdered
Unironically women should be able to say no instead of just ghosting nonstop, just say literally anything. Communication benefits both sides
yeah, would be nice, but won’t happen when there’s such a big chance the guy might snap and attack them. obviously women aren’t stupid and quickly learn to avoid being attacked.
How often do these attacks happen in real life? I am genuinely curious about the statistics and occurrences as I have daughters and want them to be safe.
By ghosting do you mean one time they don’t respond and you move on with your life, or do you mean you reach out multiple times and they don’t respond?
You can pretty quickly determine when you’ve been blocked, that’s how most people ghost.
Girl: Sorry, but I’m not interested.
Guy: Stupid fat bitch slut!
Who responds like that?
Edit: Removed unnecessary statement.
deleted by creator
Seriously, all the same ‘plays’ too:
- lol rofl you think I was actually asking?
- you’re ugly anyway
- (if the rejection is based on you already being in a relationship) she’s ugly, you’ll never find someone as hot as me
- (if you’re single) you’re gay/you’re a f*ggot
- (slur related to your race, more common if the rejected is of a different race)
“Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them.”
There’s a reason Margaret Atwood was the person who pointed this out.
One thing women does that men don’t… Is that they remember every single time you did something dumb, and they will use that as ammunition in every fight.
You’re an idiot if you think men don’t do that too.
First, this is not exclusive to women. Men can and do do this. Second, if that’s your experience then you need to hang around with better women. My wife does not do this, even in the very rare instances that we’ve ever had a fight about something. Probably because she’s a normal, mature adult who recognizes that people, including me, make mistakes now and then.
That can be. That doesn’t kill you, though.
None of this kills you
Oh no, emotions! I sure hope there aren’t some damning statistics about how many women die for saying no.
There aren’t?
ITT: men who refuse to believe women. Like every time.
We live in a world which contains certain individuals who make millions of dollars by pretending to be perpetually victimized. A little skepticism is natural. I don’t expect you to fix that, I simply expect you to acknowledge that the problem of shitty men like the one in the comic is a problem of a similar scale and will not be solved overnight. And also that it will not be solved by demonizing men.
No. Clearly it will be solved by men doubting women’s problems. Men are so fragile.
What a twist!