• 49 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Clbull@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlIs everything the worst?
    18 days ago

    Unless they pull off some kind of paramilitary overthrow of the German government (and last time I checked their co-leaders didn’t have an army of brownshirts to do their bidding) I cannot see Alternative fur Deutschland taking power in Germany. They actually lost vote share and support from other far right European parties when they spouted borderline Nazi views recently.

    Reassemblement National on the other hand… Macron was stupid to call a snap parliamentary election, and if Marine Le Pen can make it to 2027 without being driven out by political scandal, she’ll probably be the next French President.

  • I’d have to say winter.

    Spring is horrendous when it comes to pollen allergies and gets really bad around April.

    Summer is similarly bad for hayfever sufferers, but also too hot and peak season for wasps and hornets.

    Autumn can be nice but that’s overshadowed by being born in the same month as a lot of birthdays fall on (yes, a lot of people fuck during the Christmas holidays.) plus September is the one month that’s very restricted in terms of me taking time off because we have to prep the year-end accounts at work.

    Winter on the other hand… It’s cold, it gets dark early, it can be pretty quiet, and there is nothing that beats the feeling of eating a turkey roast feast on Christmas Day, or going to a Christmas market and drinking mulled wine.

  • I have a friend who worked his ass off as a teenager and had founded a moderately successful IT business from the back of his garage. He sold his share of the firm at 21 and walked away with a seven digit bank balance.

    He’s one of those self-proclaimed alpha males who did a lot of stuff like playing video games a lot, martial arts (black belt in two martial arts), gym, partying, etc. He would also still work from time to time, not out of necessity but rather boredom

    Unfortunately age and a nasty case of long COVID caught up with him, so he’s mainly going back into IT.

  • I have a lot of questions about this that the article doesn’t explain. How fast was she going? Why was she speeding? What was the speed limit on the road? Was alcohol involved? And why isn’t my country anywhere near as harsh when it comes to vehicular homicide?

    EDIT: an earlier article also linked does explain most of this.

    • 81mph, presumably in an area with a 30mph speed limit
    • Apparently consumed two margaritas according to witnesses even though she was not criminally charged for a DUI. Likely that it was seriously strong tequila and triple sec consumed.
    • Showed zero remorse for the fact she ended lives.

  • It’s not gonna affect their bottom line though. Microsoft are doing it because they know they can get away with it and drag the bar so low that they’d make RealNetworks circa 1999 look like privacy-respecting saints.

    Your average Joe cannot afford the second mortgage needed to finance a MacBook purchase, and they’d have an aneurysm if presented with a Linux terminal.

    And don’t even get me started on business and professional use. Many businesses rely on proprietary or even bespoke software that doesn’t run well, sometimes not even at all on Linux. Cheap (even FOSS) alternatives are often dogshit. And before you dispute me on that fact, can you name one web designer that would use Affinity Photo, GIMP or PDN over Photoshop? Or could you name one person that prefer AbiWord, OpenOffice or LibreOffice to Microsoft Word?

    PC Gaming is one of those use-cases that has evolved by leaps and bounds… until you realize just how many multiplayer games rely on a form of anticheat. Many of these solutions are straight-up incompatible with Linux.

  • I think the reason FFXIV is enjoyable is more-so that if you act like a toxic dickwad, you’ll be yeeted out of the community at record pace by Square Enix, because unlike Blizzard, they actually enforce their game rules.

    Healing is fun when the community is supportive and not when people are blowing a gasket over imperfect play.

  • Clbull@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonecontroversial rule
    22 days ago

    I’m nowhere near as into MMOs as I was years ago, but I honestly preferred non-DPS roles. Healing was my forte and I actually feel proud of myself for nearly clearing Icecrown Citadel Heroic during my WoW heyday. Had to quit several weeks into joining a decent guild because of sixth form.

    Dunno whether it’s a European thing but I’ve always found MMO (and MOBA) communities to be toxic-as-fuck and that’s what turned me away from hardcore raiding. Things were once so bad that I got bullied and harassed off of a server (Turalyon EU, horde side) during my teenage years.

    I could write an entire novella of negative experiences I’ve had with players in both game genres, but I’d be going off on a massive tangent.

    All I’ll say is that this meme is accurate. Healers get a lot of flak when things go wrong, and it takes a certain level of masochism to actually want to play with the kind of verbally abusive, sociopathic, basement-dwelling turbovirgins that flip out with slur-filled nerd rage, messages telling you to off yourself, and wishes that you’ll die of cancer, all because you didn’t parse highly during a raid boss or didn’t carry their hardstuck asses in a Ranked League of Legends game.

    The hardest part about World of Warcraft (at least from a PvE perspective) isn’t playing your class well. It’s having to wade through a community rife with elitism, gatekeeping, unattainable catch-22’s to join a raid group and toxicity. Final Fantasy XIV is a bit better, but that’s because unlike Blizzard, Square Enix actually invest in customer service and actually enforce their player conduct rules.