Bahnd Rollard

  • 0 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023

  • Because when the right is in power they fall in line, and when the left is in power the fall in love.

    Explanation, each left leaning congress critter and senate sloth has something they want to champion, something they usually got elected to do or fix… And they are wildly inconsistent within the party on how to do that. With the right being obstructionist cockwombles most of the time it then appear from the outside that left is incapable of getting things done.

  • For W10 you can still do offline installs with the media creation tool and telling it you dont have an internet connection, for W11 even enterprise users are all tied into autopilot, Intune MDM, and/or a microsoft account. I do not believe there is a method to install W11 without an internet connection and account. If there some some way to get the install tools to do that, I dont know what it is, and I do IT for a job…

    Honestly, making the switch to linux full time is not that bad. Every tool, utility and program other than the most niche propriatary applications have a FOSS variant, and it is starting to sound like a bad relationship when people wait for MS to make a policy, change or product that isnt comedicly evil…

    Just break up… If you need to talk at the hivemind of the internet for advice, we got ya.

  • I dont normally throw my hat into these posts… But your right.

    The single-issue voters with deomcrat leanings may end up throwing the election and that is very concerning. They do not appear to understand the consequences of what happens if 45 returns. If you fall into any demographic that has had an increase in rights and civil liberties in the last 150 years, I would be very worried about him attempting to remove them. On foreign policy, his attempts to undermine NATO and his fondness for dictators and despots should be the redest flag imaginable. That shift in geopolitics alone would be disastrous for billions of people, the scope of issues at hand for the US 2024 election is much larger than the conflict in Gaza.

    I agree that this system is fucked and that it is fundementally broken. The leaders we have are both bad choices, but one activly wants to stear the ship into the rocks, and unlike last time, he knows where the levers of power are now.

    My message to the single-issue protest voters, your in the same boat as the MAGA crowd, you are a useful idiot.

  • I still self host my TS3 for my nerd herd, and as an EvE online player (currently trying to win, but thats hard), you have to be fluent in all voip solutions as they all have different requirments and say a lot about your group.

    Discord - small group, utilizing free services, may have an auth tool, used to keep in contact with people from old groups. Remember kids, if the product is free, you are the product

    TS3 - mid-sized group (100-1000 players) requires a real IT team, will have an authentication system and generally will have their shit together. Ease of set up is handy, but admin user accounts can break servers.

    Mumble - Welcome to the big leagues. (1K+ players) The resources you require now require resources in meat-space and are rather substantial. You need real IT security and people on a payroll. It will drive your admins nuts for about a week setting everything up, but once its done, you wont have to touch it again.

    Ventrilo - old school WoW player…