there’s a difference between WMDs that work and rube goldberg war crime machines. why do you think all serious militaries ditched chemical weapons and go balls deep into PGMs? hint: it’s not for humanitarian reasons
True, but let’s not pretend that we actually found any substantial WMDs. We found 34 tons of mustard gas. At the time, the US had the most VX gas in the world.
If you assume all Russian subs and planes can be sunk / shot down before they release their payloads, there’s still over 3000 land based ICBM warheads. There is no terminal phase missile defense system. Majority of the land based warheads will reach terminal phase. The extrapolation that the events in Ukraine mean that nuclear exchange between the two biggest nuclear nations is somehow survivable is both dumb and dangerous.
Russia’s WMD can reach North America, that’s why.
there’s a difference between WMDs that work and rube goldberg war crime machines. why do you think all serious militaries ditched chemical weapons and go balls deep into PGMs? hint: it’s not for humanitarian reasons
True, but let’s not pretend that we actually found any substantial WMDs. We found 34 tons of mustard gas. At the time, the US had the most VX gas in the world.
every time VX gets mentioned i inevitably end up in a Wikipedia rabbit hole, it’s now been one and a half hours
And in theory they have enough working ones that at least one is guaranteed to slip through defenses
If you assume all Russian subs and planes can be sunk / shot down before they release their payloads, there’s still over 3000 land based ICBM warheads. There is no terminal phase missile defense system. Majority of the land based warheads will reach terminal phase. The extrapolation that the events in Ukraine mean that nuclear exchange between the two biggest nuclear nations is somehow survivable is both dumb and dangerous.
Well… The species will probably survive, as will a plethora of other species on the planet.
The things that definitely won’t survive are modern society and it’s status quo.
Nobody wants a nuclear war. I think we can all agree that it would be bad for an uncountable number of reasons.
Just a small one perhaps?
Okay you and Nuke can have a small one, as a treat.
Go play out back, have fun.
They were in their Church Clothes! How could you let them go out in the mud?!