Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023

  • It didn’t help ME with chronic pain, but it does help my wife with her fibromyalgia.

    I’d wager if you are up in weight, and chronic pain is in any of your weight supporting areas (hips, knees, ankles, lower back, etc) then chances are your pain could be weight related.

    My parents are 100% weight related issues, and when I was trying to lose weight in 2013-2015 I tried to get them to do light stuff with me. Walk around the trees behind the house a few times. A couple light calisthenics. Ride some shitty cheap bikes around the park.

    Since then their knees, hips, and ankles are their biggest complaints.

  • Man, seeing a ton of people all experiencing great returns on their hard work just makes me feel even worse for never experiencing any of it beyond the weight loss itself. For literal years. No good feelings, no endorphins, even some of my joints felt worse simply because they were being used more.

    And now the exact same thing two days in a row!

    Its great. I’m fine. This is fine. I’m not jealous or spiteful at all. Have fun working out for me I guess.

  • So my understanding of it is that one person who has a lot of followers made a video using the word in an arguably improper manner, a bunch of other people making more videos more or less using it ironically to make fun of it, and then a bunch MORE people just started using it completely wrong because it’s been a game of Shitty Telephone from the people who used it correctly (first persons teacher, or a book somewhere) and the end result makes absolutely no sense.

    Or, if you will excuse the slanted metaphor, “Ai learning from Ai”

  • I’m going out with a girl after work and we’re gonna play in the park.

    (It’s my wife and I’ll be riding my bike while she tries to get used to inline skates again. We’re in our 30s.)

    But for real I miss being able to just… Enjoy a playground. Go throw rocks at the creek with friends. Have sword battles with sticks we found while walking by the trees.

    But if I do that, people call the cops because some old guy is clearly confused and wandering around…

  • My old work ordered everything from uline, and I started bringing in my own TP specifically because of how awful it is to use that tissue paper.

    Legitimately feels like tissue paper that people stuff gift bags with.

    But at the same time, almost slippery.

    And you WILL know if you creased the paper the wrong way, because it WILL stab at you with the force of ten thousand teeny tiny needles.

  • They joke, but I legitimately know people whose parents were the super Christian “any book about controversial topics is the devil and so are video games and TV” to the point where when she found out her daughter had Harry potter book, she burned every book of hers that wasn’t directly religious.

    Well guess who decided to “give them a try” since “the author clearly has the right ideas about life” since all her children are out of the house and the only ones who bother visiting are the two with kids (who would never admit it but they’re only there for free babysitting and future help) and one who just doubled down into the religion despite witnessing the same bullshit as her siblings…

    So yeah, this may have been intended as a joke, but they’re closer to the truth than they might know.

  • Can you truly say you’ve had the HB experience if you haven’t recieved emoji/sticker/gif spam from people who weren’t alive for 9/11, have never been outside their country, and refuse to listen to opposing views, but know with full certainty that all western countries are 100% full of genociders and colonial rapists who all deserve the glorious death the super benign, extremely peaceful and misunderstood countries of North Korea, China, and Russia who have never once been correctly accused of human rights violations…

    And of course, if they point out that your country has dipped into those things in the past, well your entire worldview is shattered and their whataboutism has solved everything and proves you deserve the death they crave for you.

  • I’m genuinely curious, do you happen to recall what museums you may have seen similar designs at? I’m interested to see when their estimated age was and from what regions, because I can totally see people making armor like that, it’s just not as effective as actual combat armor as what’s on the left.

    I’ve seen some pretty wildly impractical armors, and weapons over the years.

    All of the metal ages all had wonky weapon designs at the starts, as we were still figuring out how to work things, how to kill each other, and how to use the new shiny stuff to our advantage.

    And don’t get me started on ceremonial outfits/weapons… Those are just… No. Just no.

  • The people involved in The Good One know historical armor, and how it’s supposed to fit, while also knowing how to blend in the fantasy elements that make them pop

    The New One just wants to look pretty, while clearly having vastly underestimated the needed budget to make good costumes.

    Honestly, I think I’ve seen some repainted Spirit Halloween stuff.

    Granted, a good prop/costume department can make anything cheap look good. I’ve seen a lot of plumbing parts attached to Sci fi guns. (some ship guns are literally entirely plumbing parts with vfx lasers done in post)

    I’d love to see a total breakdown of the expenses. I’d wager the costume department is one of the lowest on the list.

    LPT: If you want armor that allows proper motion, you need sliding joints, or narrow areas with less protection. The chest piece should not be flat across the bottom, nor should it come down to your waist. You can’t bend properly with the one on the right. Range of motion on the arms is also severely limited, which makes combat basically a death sentence for you since you literally can’t move your arms to block high.

    Boromir on the other hand, everything allows for greater range of motion. The chest piece flares out once it goes a little past the ribcage, which while probably wouldn’t win you any yoga competitions, allows you to bend and ride a horse. The pauldrons are oversized to cover the thinner shoulder straps, so the arms can rotate up properly, and the armor around all the joints slides nicely over itself.

    Once you know how to make GOOD armor, you start realizing a lot of modern movies just clearly have no consideration for it. It’s all about what looks cool to the average person.

    Skallagrim on youtube has some breakdowns of historic accuracy in movies, but he usually focuses on the combat itself. Though every point I’ve brought up comes up in one way or another during combat.

  • I fully believe that the warehouse I work in wastes more plastic in a week than every employee of the company that owns it combined will waste in their whole lives.

    Plastic wrapped plastic pallets with plastic boxes, containing plastic wrapped items of plastic.

    When the boxes come off the truck, the plastic wrap is removed, large boxes separated to small boxes. Then plastic wrapped again.

    From there they go onto shelves, the second set of plastic wrap slowly comes off.

    When they’re picked up to be moved, they’re plastic wrapped.

    When they’re taken to shipping, they’re plastic wrapped.

    When they finally go on the pallet that takes them to a store, they’re plastic wrapped.

    They have two compactors, one is for plastic one is for cardboard, and the conpacted plastic gets tossed into the same huge shipping containers their regular trash goes into.

    From my dealings with this warehouse, I do not believe they recycle anything, and that management actively opposes such things (because tHaTs WoKe)

    It almost feels pointless to even try sometimes.

    BUT the more people who try to go plastic free by choice, and put pressure on companies to reduce plastic use, the more likely change can happen.

    But hey, I can’t control a multi billion dollar company, although I can sure try to limit my own waste at every opportunity.