Electric buses have a battery from a probably reputable supplier, with a decent BMS.
Escooters often come from AliExpress.
There is a difference.
Also it’s not even a choice. Busses are not mass produced vehicles they’re regulated individually made commercial vehicles, and when the bus manufacturers say ‘were not building manual transmissions as of X date’, that’s it. It’s not happening anymore. Same with ABS, and now electric, unless you want to start manufacturing busses yourself, it’s not gonna be a choice by then.
Didn’t see them banning powerbank or batteries from powertools, and both also allowed on plane.
Aircraft typically have a limit of 100 or 160 watt-hours and require that the battery be separate or the whole device be small (think laptop sized) so that you can dump it in a fireproof bag.
An e-bike has a ~1kWh battery that is probably strapped or zip-tied in place and there’s probably no serious firefighting equipment.
Allowed in carry on but not checked bags, for the same reason.
How is it better for those batteries to malfunction in the passenger compartment instead of the storage compartment of the plane? I don’t understand that.
Cabin crew on aircraft have fireproof bags and rather effective fire extinguishers. Dealing with a battery in the cargo hold isn’t possible.
If you want to carry a battery on an aircraft it generally has to be less than 100 (sometimes 160) watt-hours, whereas e-bike and other batteries are often 10x that.
It’s insane to ban e-bikes though since most of those come from reputable sources who are internationally recognized bike manufacturers. The people who made my electric bike also make professional bicycles for Olympians. Pretty sure the battery is reliable and isn’t going to explode.
My bike has fallen into a swimming pool while switched on (don’t ask) and nothing happened. Literally it didn’t even register anything had happened it just carried it on.
The problem is telling the difference between a good bike (noting that even Samsung screwed that up with the Note 7…) and these: https://www.cyclingweekly.com/news/fire-brigade-calls-for-e-bike-battery-clampdown-after-london-man-suffers-life-changing-burns
Yours may be fine.
Barry Shitpea’s £100 dodgy 2000W temu special may not. And you can’t expect a bus driver to inspect every bike to only let reputable brands on.
My coworker bought one for $500 shipped. I highly doubt that battery has been properly inspected, especially since just buying a battery with similar capacity costs more than that.
My bike has fallen into a swimming pool while switched on (don’t ask)
You’re not the boss of me. What happened?
The bike felt the battery heating up and wanted to cool down
That’s why I never buy sapient vehicles. That and the whole “is this slavery?” issue.
I want my vehicle to be sapient enough to moan when I whip it
I think it’s worth considering banning that type of battery, but a whole category of vehicles? There could be good reasons to ban the whole category as well but then state that, instead of making up some shit about batteries.
No one has the time to check every escooter against a long list of battery supplier every time one wants to board.
Sure, but you can ban imports and make them illegal to own just like any other thing. You can’t prevent all crime but that’s no reason not to try.
the bus company can not ban imports
Hey just wanted to let you know, I’ve read every single post in this community and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future every night before bed when I use lemmy to claw some precious time back from the eternal grind.
Thanks for posting.
I’m glad you’re enjoying these. I’ll keep logging in to post greentexts until I forget.
Where do you find these? I go on 4chan and it’s mostly porn…
I’ve just been saving random greentexts for years that get posted elsewhere. It’s much better than trying to sift through the porn and other garbage yourself.
deleted by creator
in defense of the bus, the battery pack in the bus is likely heat shielded and isolated to prevent fires from being a massive risk.
Yeah and it is high quality and regularly inspected but if you bring random aliexpress chinesium scooter who knows what kinda shortcuts were used to get it under 300 dollars
maintained by a small child
They always say the best gifts are the ones your kids makes you, Chinese parents must get some great stuff.
Tbf the manufacturing standards for plenty of e-scooters and -bikes can be pretty iffy sometimes, and people abuse them in ways that can increase the likelihood of issues. I concede that the vast majority of electric personal transportation devices that go up in flames usually happens during charging. A public transportation bus has to meet higher standards than a mono wheel scooter off of AliExpress.
(Imo they should be allowed on, but I can see the point in not doing so)
I’m not gonna say bike batteries explode all the time but I will say I worked at an ebike company and they had an entire department dedicated to handling exploding battery lawsuits.
People used to say the same about cellphones.
I remember one episode where a girl in the bus was texting and some old lady got up to tell her that “it will go into the engine”. The old lady was terrified.
That reminds me of something.
Also on a bus. There was a group of girls on the bus and they were having a big loud argument about whether or not one of the group would receive a text from her partner or friend or whatever because “how would the text know where they were, as the bus is moving”.
A valid question. Luckily a lot of work has been done to address it.
Pretty much the first thing that needed to be solved when moving from 1-way pagers to 2-way phones. Pagers could just get a broadcast analog signal and determine themselves if they were the intended recipient. 2-way needed more bandwidth and a dedicated communication channel to a specific device, so broadcast wasn’t feasible. Thus, phones would send a registration signal that a tower would pick up, and that specific tower would handle all communication to that phone. If another tower got the registration signal, communication would switch to that tower.
Interestingly enough, there was a period (for a fairly long time) that if you were travelling too fast, you could either a) not be able to register on a network, or b) overwhelm the network with registrations - part of the reason why phones had to be turned off on airplanes
My city bans bikes from buses because of the space they take up. Scooters and folding bikes are ok only if they’re folded up small enough not to be obstructive.
The really shitty thing is that bikes are allowed on trains. But if the trains are unavailable and get replaced by a rail replacement bus…because it’s a bus, you can’t take your bike.
Most of the buses where I am have a bike rack attached to the exterior, I’ve definitely taken that for granted.
I’ve heard that they used to have those here. But that they took too long to put your bike onto, causing buses to fall behind schedule. So they got rid of them.
What? They take less than ten seconds.