• 2 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • I mean i get that matrix is used by bad people, but that doesn’t mean that matrix is bad.

    Any decentralized platform will have this issue with csam, but that doesn’t make ot bad. Matrix is basically what TOR is to browsing the internet, people use TOR for CSAM but that doesn’t make tor bad.

    However he does raise up a big concern and thats that homeserver admins are unable to change what they are hosting which means that they are forced to host CSAM which is a really big issue

    Overall tho, matrix is still a good platform. There’s nothing wrong with government contracts, its all open source. TOR was developed by the us military but that doesn’t make it bad or even less effective

  • Capitalism does not require infinite growth, this idea is not taken seriously in economic circles. Keynesian and neoclassical economics do not consider or require infinite growth.

    You can be profit driven and not require infinite growth, if you make 2% profit every year you are not requiring infinite growth.

    It’s not true that maximizing profits is the duty of a company to it’s shareholders, here it is from NYT and supreme court:

    There is a common belief that corporate directors have a legal duty to maximize corporate profits and “shareholder value” — even if this means skirting ethical rules, damaging the environment or harming employees. But this belief is utterly false. To quote the U.S. Supreme Court opinion in the recent Hobby Lobby case: “Modern corporate law does not require for-profit corporations to pursue profit at the expense of everything else, and many do not.”