Dear god, no. This is an abjectly terrible idea. Dems aren’t going to win until they stop being the other party of billionaires who are centre-right at best yet claiming to be for the working man. Come on, learn something from this election. We want a Sanders or AOC, not this milquetoast rejection of the full scope of the Overton window.

This is going to be a crazy four years, and to suggest we come out on the other side wanting a return to the same bullshit that held wages and lifestyles back for, by then, 50 years, is a failure to read the room. No one wants what the Democratic party currently offers, and I don’t see her suddenly becoming progressive. We don’t need another president on the cusp of getting Social Security when elected.

We want that for ourselves after paying into the system for so long, but that’s not going to happen. Find a new standard-bearer or die. Learn. Adapt. Run on real change, not the incremental shit that was resoundingly rejected and so generously provided us with the shitshow we’re about to endure. Voters stay home when you do that, and here we are.

I mean, how many CEOs need to be killed before anyone gets the message that what they’re offering has the current panache of liver and onions? Doesn’t matter how well it’s prepared; the world has moved on, and whoever gets the nomination in '28 needs to as well. Harris is not that candidate.

  • Dark
    3 months ago

    because they’ve delivered nothing for me personally

    As an indigent, I have free healthcare that so far as I understand simply covers everything (and a free bus pass!) from the county.

    Sometimes just holding the line is doing something for you. Also, the investments made in the infrastructure bill will give a lot of people jobs both directly and indirectly by propping up domestic manufacturing. The transportation improvements will also do the same.

    Maybe that helps you someday maybe it doesn’t, but it still helps some average Joe.

    If all we ever do is think of ourselves, this country will not make it.

    they failed so many people like me that Trump won.

    Trump won because of the perception of who did what, not who actually did what. That’s the issue that really is not getting enough attention. The Democrats didn’t cause any of your problems. The Republicans arguably did cause some of your problems and would like to do things that will (as you say make your problems worse).

    The choice to me is clear in that situation … as “punishing” the Democrats for not doing enough will result in you losing things.

    I think a lot of people that voted for Trump because “the Democrats didn’t do enough for me” are in for a rude awakening as the Republicans may very well deliver on all their promises to screw (primarily poor and minority) people over.