Depending on how the next four years go I’m on the fence between Bush Jr. and Trump but I’d like to hear from you
Top 10 suggestions so far (unordered):
- Andrew Jackson
- Andrew Johnson
- George W. Bush Jr
- Ronald Reagan
- Richard Nixon
- James K. Polk
- Woodrow Wilson
- James Buchanan
- Franklin Pierce
- Donald J. Trump
Have anyone but him and Biden overseen genocides?
overseen? Yes.
With Jackson, it’s not overseen, it’s orchestrated
Just wondering if you had a few other overseen examples off the top of your head since you seem knowledgeable on this.
The genocide of the American Indians was a constant affair that persisted from this nation’s founding until, at the earliest, around the turn of the century. Some would say it’s still ongoing. Like how October 7th was not the start of a genocide against Palestinians but a pivotal moment in an ongoing genocide, the same could be said of the Indian Removal Act.