Hello All,
I am really new to selfhosting, trying to learn the basics. I have a raspi 5 with docker installed and a domain. My question is, as I collect all my knowledge from all over the internet, is there a selfhosting guide for dummies? IT would be cool to have some guidance at hand to rfer to when i do dumb shit.
Software: https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
Guide: https://github.com/mikeroyal/Self-Hosting-Guide
As a beginner you might want to start out with one of the all-in-one turnkey operating systems like yunohost.org , dietPi.com or unRaid or a bunch of others (see the awesome-selfhosted list)
Don’t expose things to the internet with port forwards. Anything you want to do like that can be done with a reverse proxy or preferably a VPN.
That is all.
It took me a while to learn that:
Reverse proxy= your page lives in your basement but only your DNS knows. From outside everyone goes to “my page is cool.com”
VPN= LAN but in WAN…go to Starfucks and you can still get your files from your basement’s NAS
I’m sure they got other meanings, but this frame helped me a bit. Hide your IP!