It’s hilarious how all these billionaires are such dweebs.
afraid to ask. but why is that shirt?
In Zanzibar, if you’re rich, you engraved grain-themed art into your giant wooden from door if you made your money farming, or chains if you made your money in slavery. That was my first thought when I saw that shirt honestly.
oh wow, thank you for explained that to me,. but, can you give me some link to read deeply about that, i mean i just curious, whats their reason? is it just for some kind of indicator?
sorry for my bad english :)
Unfortunately, I know little more than what I just said. The wealthy people just had a style of making big, intricate, doors.
That’s a super complex pattern, it must have cost a fortune!
It’s my exact style!
You see a store with 50 other guys that look exactly like you fighting over shirts with complicated patterns, you go in. Yes you do.
It’s the heart-shaped sunglasses that are really sending me*.
*to the hospital with an aneurysm
Are we just going to ignore those glasses
They really deserve each other.
Honestly i like his shirt. It’s what’s inside his shirt that’s the problem
Yea I would totally wear that 😅
kinda looks like he’s wearing christmas wrapping paper.
Or a casino carpet
He got that Jake Sisko swag.