Lots of disabled people can’t drive, bike infrastructure also accommodates wheelchairs, mobility scooters, hand bikes and other ways disabled people get around.
50% of journeys are 5 miles or less, nobody is seriously suggesting going long distances on bikes (though I have)
You can easily carry a full load of shopping, bits from the diy shop and more, there are even tradespeople who work via a cargo bike rather than van
By cycling you get fitter very quick, you learn to pace yourself but you get faster as you get fitter. E-bikes are also an option too
Can’t fix the air con issue, when I cycled to work I took a change of clothes and got changed there I don’t live in a very hot place though. As for cold, a good set of waterproof mittens, some waterproof overtrousers and a good coat work wonders (and can be used when your not on a bike too)
What about those who can’t drive, how do they get around?
When I started cycling last year I found that I acclimated myself to the hot weather by riding daily (plus once you start moving even if it’s super hot and sticky the airflow as you ride along at 5-10mph really makes it feel far more bearable than one would think, even at 100% humidity!)
I can only imagine how much more bearable it would be on an ebike where I wouldn’t have to fight so hard on hills or starting from stopped
The more people on bikes, the better it is for drivers as there’s less car traffic. People get stuck in traffic jams in their car for hours, yet if they get stuck behind a bike for 10 seconds they lose their shit
Traffic jams are a function of the mistake of centralizing people into large cities plus poor road planning. Bikes are just “let’s ride slowly on a road meant for much faster vehicles”, i.e. brain damage.
Yes, the idea of having roads on other roads that already exist that were created back when the horse and buggy was a thing is the main goddamn problem.
No, the road is meant for high-speed cars. Get your slow, fragile bikes off of them.
No, the road is meant for high-speed cars. Get your slow, fragile bikes off of them.
No it’s not. Not according to most legal systems at least. Not sure where you live, but I am quite sure that except some specific roads (like highways), most roads are meant for all vehicles.
The fact that you can’t see past your own needs is something between you and your therapist, but I suggest you check your local regulation.
I’d love to see a bike trying to ride down a busy fucking road and not get its ass ran over. Maybe your little suburban hillbilly elitist streets have people pedaling down at a scant fraction of the speed of real cars, but that shit doesn’t fly anywhere else.
I live in a city, the concept of suburbs barely exists here.
Also cyclists ride on roads quite often, especially sports bikes on roads leaving the city. Within the city also, but with bike lanes it’s harder to see.
Just now there are big panels in the city for an awareness campaign reading “the street is for everyone”, imagine.
Last i checked cars had a steering wheel and a brake pedal, so " running over" someone is a matter of negligence or incompetence. Not sure which one you think is your problem, but that makes it your responsibility. Saying that the road is for everyone is a fact, not sure why you perceive that as elitist, which has literally the opposite meaning.
My ebike has enabled me to take 40 mile round trips, saves me on hills (though honestly once you’re fit it’s not a big deal anyway), helps me carry lots of goods, and since I’m usually going fast the wind cools me down (though a little spray bottle helps keep me cool when it’s really hot). I’m usually warm enough from enough from physical exertion that I don’t really need a heater (unless it’s so blisteringly cold that the fog of my breath turns to ice in my balaclava, but that’s way below freezing.)
The only thing that really stops me is ice. Any other weather I can handle, but when there’s ice my bike goes inside.
Enables people with mobility issues
Allows people to move about farther than just a few miles or so
Allows people to transport a lot of goods (and/or heavy goods) easily
Doesn’t make you exhausted if you have to go up hills
Fuck your walkable/bike nightmare “utopia”.
Lots of disabled people can’t drive, bike infrastructure also accommodates wheelchairs, mobility scooters, hand bikes and other ways disabled people get around.
50% of journeys are 5 miles or less, nobody is seriously suggesting going long distances on bikes (though I have)
You can easily carry a full load of shopping, bits from the diy shop and more, there are even tradespeople who work via a cargo bike rather than van
By cycling you get fitter very quick, you learn to pace yourself but you get faster as you get fitter. E-bikes are also an option too
Can’t fix the air con issue, when I cycled to work I took a change of clothes and got changed there I don’t live in a very hot place though. As for cold, a good set of waterproof mittens, some waterproof overtrousers and a good coat work wonders (and can be used when your not on a bike too)
What about those who can’t drive, how do they get around?
When I started cycling last year I found that I acclimated myself to the hot weather by riding daily (plus once you start moving even if it’s super hot and sticky the airflow as you ride along at 5-10mph really makes it feel far more bearable than one would think, even at 100% humidity!)
I can only imagine how much more bearable it would be on an ebike where I wouldn’t have to fight so hard on hills or starting from stopped
I agree with your points, trains are fucking awesome too.
The more people on bikes, the better it is for drivers as there’s less car traffic. People get stuck in traffic jams in their car for hours, yet if they get stuck behind a bike for 10 seconds they lose their shit
Traffic jams are a function of the mistake of centralizing people into large cities plus poor road planning. Bikes are just “let’s ride slowly on a road meant for much faster vehicles”, i.e. brain damage.
Pretty much everywhere has traffic jams. Is everyone doing poor road planning?
And the road is meant for all vehicles.
Yes, the idea of having roads on other roads that already exist that were created back when the horse and buggy was a thing is the main goddamn problem.
No, the road is meant for high-speed cars. Get your slow, fragile bikes off of them.
No it’s not. Not according to most legal systems at least. Not sure where you live, but I am quite sure that except some specific roads (like highways), most roads are meant for all vehicles. The fact that you can’t see past your own needs is something between you and your therapist, but I suggest you check your local regulation.
I’d love to see a bike trying to ride down a busy fucking road and not get its ass ran over. Maybe your little suburban hillbilly elitist streets have people pedaling down at a scant fraction of the speed of real cars, but that shit doesn’t fly anywhere else.
I live in a city, the concept of suburbs barely exists here. Also cyclists ride on roads quite often, especially sports bikes on roads leaving the city. Within the city also, but with bike lanes it’s harder to see. Just now there are big panels in the city for an awareness campaign reading “the street is for everyone”, imagine.
Last i checked cars had a steering wheel and a brake pedal, so " running over" someone is a matter of negligence or incompetence. Not sure which one you think is your problem, but that makes it your responsibility. Saying that the road is for everyone is a fact, not sure why you perceive that as elitist, which has literally the opposite meaning.
Finally I am curious, what is a “real car” lol
There were bikes on the road before cars even existed. Learn how to share the road.
My ebike has enabled me to take 40 mile round trips, saves me on hills (though honestly once you’re fit it’s not a big deal anyway), helps me carry lots of goods, and since I’m usually going fast the wind cools me down (though a little spray bottle helps keep me cool when it’s really hot). I’m usually warm enough from enough from physical exertion that I don’t really need a heater (unless it’s so blisteringly cold that the fog of my breath turns to ice in my balaclava, but that’s way below freezing.)
The only thing that really stops me is ice. Any other weather I can handle, but when there’s ice my bike goes inside.
Oh bullshit. I couldn’t ride an ebike if my fucking life depended on it.
I don’t know what you anti-car fuckwits think “disabled” is, but it’s not what you think.