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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 19th, 2024

  • Public financing of the press, newspapers stopping being garbage and selling subscriptions like they have always done, pay per article (cents), donations. Just some ideas of economically viable alternatives. There are good niche newspapers which survive with such models, it’s not like I am making it up.

    I would say the opposite: advertising alone is not sustainable for the press because it creates wrong incentives (grab attention, clicks). This is why 90% of newspapers have the same garbage, short, generic articles. This is why you get rage baits, fake news etc. too, to some extent. So yes, you get websites online, but you get no information…

  • Oh no, a comment in another context again interpreted from your US-centric view!

    I mean, you think I care about your respect? A person who makes 0 effort in understanding other points of views (quite similar, ironically) and straight up insults and wishes death to others? Lol you are thinking way too much of yourself.

    I also stand by every word of that comment, as the concept of white privilege doesn’t apply everywhere (Italy has a completely different history and racial dynamic compared to US).

    Again, you have a colonialist mindset, and you are completely incapable of accepting that the US cultural lens is not the only lens that exists and that won’t apply to many. So tell whatever stories you want to yourself, shout as much as you can, but I am just explaining my views and providing cultural context (which has nothing to do with excusing or defending homophobia). You refuse to accept this context because you think that your perspective is universal. I will repeat it, colonialist mindset.

  • “I don’t speak the language, you do, but I know better than you what is and is not a slur because every language has to work the same”. Frociaggine is hardly a slur, it’s a term that can be used in many contexts without any particular hateful undertone, although this applies to friendly contexts mostly. “frocio” is closer to a slur because it’s more personal, although in Italian is very common for slurs/bad words to be used in a completely different way too (see for example use of “stronzo”) or without the bad connotation. In Rome this phenomenon is particularly common.

    You seem to have a colonialist mindset. Your culture/language apparently has to apply anywhere, no differences accepted.

    Also, I am a radical leftist who is a full supporter of LGBTQ rights, and I fight the Church in Italy for decades. So you can put down your strawman.

    Calling gaslighting telling you about a word that you don’t understand is the cherry on top :)

  • Unlike you (apparently) I speak the language, and my whole point is that it’s not really a “slur”. You can feel as you want about it, you can even feel attacked by someone wishing you good day, for all I care. It doesn’t change the fact that the word itself is not really that bad. It’s not comparable to " fag…" In English.

    I see you are just a hateful person who is looking for reasons to feel prosecuted, at the cost of bending reality, so you can hate others. Suit yourself, I am sure your behavior will greatly help your community!

    Edit: I forgot. You are wishing people to burn or worse in this thread left and right, with a half-asses understanding of what has been written. You are nasty even IF someone was defending the pope. Take it down a couple of notches.

  • Dude I am from Rome, I want to see the Vatican in flames since way before people got upset from a very small thing among the many more serious reasons.

    Few months ago when the Pope made timid openings to the LGBTQ community he was celebrated as a revolutionary. I am just saying, the word itself is not that bad and if this is the reason you feel such anger, and not the fact that the Church is an institution who did so many atrocious things (instituzionalized misogyny and homophobia among the many), then your judgment is just poor and you are getting angry for the wrong reason.

  • To be honest, I have never even heard of anybody who sued a service provider for failing to mitigate DDoS, or for letting an attack through a WAF, etc. I am quite positive that the contracts/T&C you sign when you subscribe to the services are rock solid, otherwise cloudflare would be under extreme liability. Also, usually you have the ability to customize the DDoS settings, choose thresholds etc. I really can’t imagine a company having any real chance of getting the provider to reimburse you. The only service that usually has SLA is the uptime of the CDN, which if breached should be compensated. I am quite sure that in the cheap plans the SLA is probably not very high.

    Also, what you say about a customer that someone might want to take down is true for all customers that require DDoS protection. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t pay for the service on the first place. Cloudflare serves a bazillion customers who are much bigger targets than a casino, I don’t think they were afraid of the exposure. Also, when cloudflare receives a high DDoS attack, for them is awesome marketing. Imperva, Akamai, Cloudflare are basically identical and the selling point is exactly “how big can they tolerate?”.

    Honestly rather than speculating on what we don’t know, I propose a simpler option: cloudflare plans are designed to get customers one foot in the door with a super cheap plan, to them each individual customer has basically no marginal cost. However, once the customers are in they can identify the ones they can squueze and find reasons to push more expensive plans. If they bump 1/30 of them, even if they other 29 will leave, they are in plus (250x29 < 10000 x 1).

    To me this seems simply a business strategy. They specifically say “Unlimited & unmetered DDoS attack mitigation” in the cheapest plan, afterall.

  • I am in no way using this definition right now, I am using the definition you provided (established businesses) and I generally use it interchangeably with “licensed”, because to operate you need at least a license.

    So it’s not a tautology.

    There are enough illegitimate online casinos to create a problem for the whole industry.

    Incorrect. Also creating a problem for is not defining the industry itself. There are phishing bank sites to create a problem for the banking industry, but only an idiot would answer “they steal your identity/card details” to the question “why are online banks bad”.

    They don’t have enough users so they need to squeeze their regular punters harder.

    Incorrect. You forgot to address “how”. I will also add another item to the “you have no idea what you are talking about”. Players losing is a sure way to lose even more customers. In fact if you knew something about the industry you would know that new companies operate on much lower margins that established ones. Bet365 might operate on a 7-9% margin, a new company operates on 1,2,3%. The idea that squeezing more existing customers, besides being technically impossible, is absurd. It’s a huge business risk (you lose your license and then you will have 0 customers).

    Even your beloved “legitimate” casinos do “rig” games by offering different odds at different times to different people.

    First, I don’t like casinos, despite having worked for one, I have played on less sites than you did. I like even less bullshit though, hence my pleasure in clearing the world from yours. Second, that is not rigging at all. You know it, I know it, it is absolutely not what you meant, and I am embarrassed for you for trying to use this terrible rethorical trick to now bend the word rigging. Rigging means that you expect the odds to win are X but instead behind the scene are Y (<X). Offering odds first of all is not a casino thing, it’s a sportsbook thing, and second of all is transparent to the user. Finally, odds obviously change over time, as estimated probability does…

    Listen, you are just a guy on the internet with a big mouth and a family supply of bad faith. I showed you multiple times that your claim are bullshit and that much smarter people than you took care of the problems you claim affect casinos (rigged games and money laundering).

    You failed to provide any argument from any of your claims and now you proved to argue in bad faith. As promised, I will make you a favour and block you, so you don’t have to keep embarrassing yourself. Take this as a chance to reflect on maybe not arguing on something you don’t understand fully, and maybe to learn from someone who knows more than you, as I try to do in the many occasions where I make mistakes or know little about something. Your claim at the moment is false. It’s a conspiracy theory that you repeat and might believe, but it’s false. Deal with it. You can use the very real and many reasons to consider casinos bad, do that.