Saying Trump was a Rus. ASSet give him some credibility of intelligence.
He would have to be smart to do what he did in an effort to further Russian plans.
He is a moron manipulated by Russian assets, to believe this narcissistic idiot that he is the rightful king of America
People who are intelligent tend to not make deals with foreign nations to betray their own.
They don’t want smart people, they already have really smart people taken from the homeland and employed as spies. What they really want is greedy people who can be controlled and manipulated - assets that are given everything they desire, and told to do as the boss says or they’ll take it all away and make life miserable for them again.
Trump is obviously not the brightest but so aren’t any other (former) soviet assets, when you take a look around. Just look at Babiš or most people close to Putin.
Russia isn’t communist anymore, not since the 1980s. Neither is Trump. Russia’s an oligarchic kleptocracy with fascist tendencies, and Trump is a fascist.
The term asset in espionage just refers to somebody who does is being utilized for active measures or intelligence collection. They manipulate those people all the time. In some cases assets may not even know they are providing intelligence or carrying out an agency’s objectives.
Saying Trump was a Rus. ASSet give him some credibility of intelligence. He would have to be smart to do what he did in an effort to further Russian plans.
He is a moron manipulated by Russian assets, to believe this narcissistic idiot that he is the rightful king of America
People who are intelligent tend to not make deals with foreign nations to betray their own.
They don’t want smart people, they already have really smart people taken from the homeland and employed as spies. What they really want is greedy people who can be controlled and manipulated - assets that are given everything they desire, and told to do as the boss says or they’ll take it all away and make life miserable for them again.
They need to be somewhat smart though. I find it hard to believe Trump could go 35 years without outing himself.
Trump is obviously not the brightest but so aren’t any other (former) soviet assets, when you take a look around. Just look at Babiš or most people close to Putin.
Smarts get killed right?
In almost every single historical instance of communism on the planet, the educated are one of the first groups to be purged, yes.
Russia isn’t communist anymore, not since the 1980s. Neither is Trump. Russia’s an oligarchic kleptocracy with fascist tendencies, and Trump is a fascist.
Agents require intelligence. Assets require access to something important.
The term asset in espionage just refers to somebody who does is being utilized for active measures or intelligence collection. They manipulate those people all the time. In some cases assets may not even know they are providing intelligence or carrying out an agency’s objectives.