In this case I think the point is to be on the nose about how fucking ridiculous it is - just from this article:
Steve Bannon made a gesture that is identical to a Nazi salute
Bannon made the gesture — extending his arm, palm down, fingers straight, at an upward angle away from his chest, which is also what Nazi salutes look like
the gesture was also identical to one made by billionaire Elon Musk
extended his arm straight out, palm down, fingers straight, at an upward angle away from his chest. Which, whatever the billionaire’s intention, just happens to be precisely how a Nazi salute is performed.
Musk repeated the gesture. Here’s how that looked. <pic of Musk doing a Nazi salute>
I also wouldn’t be surprised if the DoJ would be specifically ordered to look at this case. When you’re challenging power, it makes sense to cross your Ts and dot your Is.
In this case I think the point is to be on the nose about how fucking ridiculous it is - just from this article:
I also wouldn’t be surprised if the DoJ would be specifically ordered to look at this case. When you’re challenging power, it makes sense to cross your Ts and dot your Is.