Ok he’s looking at proposals to lift the sanctions, but hasn’t lifted them.
Didn’t he just repealed all the sanctions and tariffs on Russia?
I don’t think Trump had anything to do with what Columbia’s been doing to pro-Palestine student protest movement on campus. This is again suppressing dissent, silencing free speech. Fascism at its finest.
Remember these people in the study didn’t have active intervention. I think there are certain things you can do to have a healthier brain from now on into old age.
Neuro scientists say any amount of alcohol is bad for the brain. My understanding is that alcohol damages dendrites and synapses in the brain.
Boy that would some family debate. What’s holding her back from switching to others suggested here?
Well there goes Europe.
Bullet never touched him. The blood was splatter. He wore a bandage for 2 days for show. When it came off there was not a scratch.
Welcome to the club brother.
When rich capitalists tells you it’s bad for the economy and for the poor, you know shit’s in over the deep end.
The act of bending over to Russia is now official and done.
2000 is laughable. And they’re having “measles” parties? lol gl!
Traditions don’t work with bullies. Trump is exposing every weakness in the US institutions.
They are afraid of being questioned! Such pussies.
Hahaha of course it happens during Trump presidency! Again!
So RFA is allowed?
Because he’s Putin’s pussy bitch!
I think it should be the opposite since US is now run by a Russian asset. xD
lol this!