The context is that the rates of left handedness skyrocketed when they stopped forcing kids to be right handed in schools / culturally / at home. The implication naturally being woah turns out a bunch of people were always LGBTQ and now that society empowers them to be who they are, they act in accordance with themselves.
And it should be noted, those people didn’t have great outcomes. They weren’t “made right handed” they were made barely able to write with either hand. To a certain degree these people were disabled by being forced to accommodate cultural norms.
It’s fitting to then look at the data for LGBT people and see the same thing play out.
With the context of your “toss-in” –
Gee, it’s almost like people have always been the way that they are, and what’s changed is the freedom to be who they are out loud.
The context is that the rates of left handedness skyrocketed when they stopped forcing kids to be right handed in schools / culturally / at home. The implication naturally being woah turns out a bunch of people were always LGBTQ and now that society empowers them to be who they are, they act in accordance with themselves.
And it should be noted, those people didn’t have great outcomes. They weren’t “made right handed” they were made barely able to write with either hand. To a certain degree these people were disabled by being forced to accommodate cultural norms.
It’s fitting to then look at the data for LGBT people and see the same thing play out.
I think people are a lot more colorful and flexible than some of us acknowledge. I find it hard to believe that suddenly these people are multiplying.
Oh I’m multiplying bb
asexuals undergoing mitosis
And still people think its frogs, media, chemtrails etc “making/forcing” people to be LGBTQ.
and now nazls own the place