Man, I was married for a decade, together for longer, and I was absolutely devastated.
But I don’t want to strip women (or other people) of rights and start a genocide.
Theres something else far more wrong with them, and I think it involves money
Theres something else far more wrong with them, and I think it involves money
There’s also that they don’t have to deal with the ‘women are emotional’ trope, so in general, there’s always going to be another assumption. The only extremely famous woman I can think of on roughly this level is J.K. Rowling, and hers wasn’t divorce driven.
Aside from her obvious divorce from reality 🥁
I’ve often wondered what sent J.K. down the path she’s on. I get that it becomes a self-reinforcing cycle at dinner point, but something must’ve happened.
Basically I’m looking for her “Pedo guy mini sub” moment if it exists.
I’ve often wondered what sent J.K. down the path she’s on.
Her views are more or less bog-standard 2nd wave trans-exclusionary radical feminist. Which would have been the common variety of such when she was college aged. She just didn’t move on to be 3rd wave or intersectional as the dominant flavor changed.
Also she is apparently a “Blairite” which im going to assume is the British equivalent of a Clinton style liberal still stufk in the 90s. Also extreme wealth when not tempered with constructive hobbies tends to be very corrosive to ones mind and morality.
Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things." ― Terry Pratchett
If psychopaths have all the traits of succeful CEOs and these creeps are amongst the most successful CEOs of their times…
I really don’t understand how people think women are more emotional due to hormones…
Testorone is basically crack, and I think a lot of societal issues are due to aging powerful men going on it so they can feel 18 again when they’re 50.
The problem is 18 year old guys are fucking crazy because their testorone is so high.
I worked for an iron mine and there was a 25 y/o telling me to take roids or T for “the gains”, while others were saying that T helped them keep up the pace to chase younger women. They seemed unhinged.
Unless your doctor tells you that you need it (there are some cases that it makes sense, also this comment is not touching on trans issues), you shouldn’t fuck with hormones.
I’ve been calling people going on T “gender affirming care”. Your body naturally slows down as it ages; going against nature is an affront to God and serves only to push the narrative that you aren’t getting older, despite the inevitable still occurring. If you want to take hormones to change your body, you can go to a socialist country like France or Canada.
The knots in the brain are visible from miles away, it’s great.
Wish I had been that sort of clever 6 months ago.
Also this was in Canada but they were the “I wanna” “Fuck Trudeau” types, so a little rework and it would have been perfect.
I don’t get how anyone could look at the state of the US and go “yes, this is what I want my country to strive to become”.
Yeah, neither do I. And I can’t seem to get an honest answer out of them. Also they have a obvious daddy complex. They keep prattling on about a “strong leader who is a man”
The guy who shits on himself, who’s wife openly hates him, and who Putin treats like a personal puppet? It’s so frustratingly ridiculous what people assume of this dude. Guy thinks they had planes in the Civil War, and people will say he’s the smartest person in The Hill. GUY BANKRUPTED A CASINO. PROFITS ARE BUILT INTO THE MODEL.
Affront to god? Canada/France socialist? Your kind is rare here lol
None of it is serious, all in jest. I gotta really pour it on with people IRL cause I live in a conservative/religious area.
I don’t want to feel 18 again
Why the fuck would anyone want to feel 18 again
I can’t speak for you, but I would like to be able to bend down without worrying about standing back up again afterward.
I guess it’s stairs for me.
One of these days those stairs are going to make me remember I’m in my 30s I just know it.
Be kind to your knees; you’ll miss them when they’re gone.
Psychologically? Not a chance. Physiologically, though… Eh, he might look a little better, but current me could def still kick that whiny sentient toothpick’s ass.
18 year old me did have more hair on his head and had a far better beard.
Because to the people who say that, “emotional” only refers to being sad
E definitely leads to crying more ime and in the experience of a lot of transfem people. Some of that might just being a result of it helping with things like depression and dissociation though.
But yeah, T is it’s own experience too, probably moreso if you aren’t aroace and have to deal with the horny actually being directed at people.
As an aroace dude who is now a few decades older. That level of hormones going still makes dumb ideas look good.
That level of hormones going still makes dumb ideas look good.
For sure. Glad to not have to deal with that anymore (assuming I can maintain access to medicines to keep it that way).
“But they’re rich so they can’t be losers.” - Losers
At some point in my 47 years, because it sure was not like this when I was younger, Americans adopted this idea in huge numbers that the richer you are, the better you are, and that if you support the right rich person, you get to be rich too.
I don’t know how America got there and I did not notice it happening.
Uhh, nah that’s not new. Charles Dickens explicitly talked mad smack about how greedy and self-enamoured Americans were, and their general worship of the wealthy. It was a severe kick in the head to his previous conceptions of America being a place of prosperity and opportunity.
Sorry, I didn’t realize Charles Dickens was raised in the U.S. like I was and told these things by his parents.
He wasn’t, Charles was born and raised in Britain, but later in his career he visited the US for his journalist work.
Then possibly I would know a bit more than him about being raised in the U.S. and being told such things by parents? Especially within the lifetime of everyone on the planet currently?
Having also been born and raised in the United States and having met a variety of people from various walks of life, I am of the opinion that he hit the nail square on the head. I’ve met kind selfless people, sure, but that is the exception to the rule most often.
There is a vast gulf between being a kind and selfless person and thinking you could be rich someday if you worship the right plutocrat.
Wasn’t it always like this in America? Just with enough growth of economy so that everyone felt like they made progress?
No one ever told me when I was growing up that I could get rich if I just wanted it hard enough and worshiped the right people.
And no one ever told me that wealth was the same as virtue.
Guess you grew up in a place with a chunk of nice people 😌 other man weren’t that lucky and were pushed by parents and people around that only money is the goal, ghat with money you can buy it all. As woman you get told to look pretty so you can get rich by fucking a billionaire.
Many have developed psychological disorders due those pushing, that start even before school
I think it is a major reason for suicidal teens.
You guess wrong. I grew up around a bunch of bigots who didn’t like me because of my ancestry and let me know it on a regular basis.
But you’re right, I was never pushed by my parents that money was the only goal, nor was anyone I know. It is quite possible you’re younger than me, which would explain that. I’m 47.
I see, I am a 1997 person 😇
I think it really took hold somewhere prior to social media, equating business success with greatness, and with social media people became vaguely more aware of these masters of business. But as social media matured they became more active and the populace largely learned that they’re no more intelligent than anyone else, just lucky and often have less morals.
The first part came about because the second part actually is true. People are glazing billionaires in the hope they get noticed and get a job out of it. That won’t happen if you’re constantly shit talking them.
I’d like to think I’d laugh at their job offer, but musk could totally buy me off for a few million. I could use a few million.
Yeah, it’s understandable. If you can scumbag your way far enough into their good graces you’re set for life. I personally don’t think the odds of that happening for me are worth selling out my beliefs but I think most of these people’s beliefs are already most of the way there anyway and it isn’t a big leap for them.
Right, Elon wouldn’t have to look far to find my criticisms, and I’m ok with that, better odds of winning the lottery anyways
American Christians deepthroated the “prosperity gospel.” We’re just realizing a few decades of indoctrination as the average person can no longer parse fact from fiction. Which is the inherent cognitive dissonance of religion.
Kayne is actually severely mentally ill, though. Musk is just evil.
A lot of mentally ill people (I would say the vast majority) don’t embrace fascist ideals though.
And many do. Dude needs to be hospitalized.
Musk is almost certainly also mentally ill.
Not to the same level. Yes, while being a sociopath and a narcissist are mental illness, it’s not the same thing as bipolar or other conditions requiring antipsychotics where your perception of reality is fucked.
That’s why there’s different groups of mental illnesses. You can’t say that someone with schizophrenia and someone with depression are the same because they both have a mental illness.
I would argue that a narcissist also has an incredibly skewed and warped sense of reality, and I would point out that their desperate need for attention can cause them to lash out in a manner consistent with schizoid-typal disorder.
Its not really fair to excuse Kanye over his schizoid-typal disorders, but then argue Musk’s mental illnesses are irrelevant. Either their mental health had nothing to do with them developing their hateful ideology, or it had everything to do with it. You can’t pick and choose. I’d point to the large swathes of people suffering from mental illness who haven’t become Nazis as evidence that it’s not as relevant as the choices these men have made are.
You can absolutely pick and choose, because personality disorders are very different than schizo effective disorders, and no two individuals are the same. You can’t apply absolutes to mental health and each individual should be evaluated on a case by case basis.
Not every manic person goes out and fucks everyone in sight, I’d even say the majority don’t, but that doesn’t mean the hypersexuality isn’t caused by the disease.
Musk is just evil.
I feel like I can safely say this unbiasedly at this point since there is just an absolutely insane amount of evidence at this point… He’s also a complete dumbass.
Yup, he blew way past his own level of incompetence.
Because he got a head start via genetic lottery
I know lots of guys who got divorced and started thriving. Its not “divorced guys” its who they are, and have been for a long time at least
Being a shitbag is a leading cause of divorce for all genders.
This is what happened with my ex-husband, and he started out kinda left wing and anarchist. I broke him, people. Without me he’s barely a human being :/
Sounds like you were the only thing keeping him intact for so long!
I feel like these guys have enough money to figure their shit out. Just pay for a therapist and maybe a sex worker if you really need it.
More and more Elon Musk reminds me of Peacemaker’s shitty father. For more than one reason.
Stereotypes are a generality. Not a hard rule. But yeah, I don’t think men are less emotional anyway, if anything our emotions go through way higher peaks and troughs, or we’re just the same. I think the main thing is men more often recognize a rational thought process and differentiate it from an emotional thought process. In broad generality. There are always going to be a spectrum of people that are more emotional vs more rational. And excessive rationality can be grating and detrimental in it’s own way.
I think the main thing is men more often recognize a rational thought process and differentiate it from an emotional thought process.
That line threw me as well. I was nodding along until that one.
Stereotypes are a generality. Not a hard rule.
TIL black people are generally stupid criminals that are great dancers.