It was a quote from Norm Macdonald, comedy - look it up if German search engines lower themselves with such humourous returns. The Germans are what they are, today they fought against appeasement and led a European announcement of greatly increased defense spending to support Ukraine and the world more widely, a difficult and noble decision. Filling the gap left as the US falls ever further into shame.
I am not sure 1.5m Germans all deciding on a single course of action is something to be happy about.
We have passed the torch of a fascist dystopia to another country.
During WW2, there were multiple
You have Trump now. It’d be our turn to make jokes, if we had any humour.
Nah, making fun of germans is always ok, especially now that at least 1 in 5 voters are voting for literal Nazis again in Germany.
Oh, German=Nazi reference, how original.
Nearly 100 years on time to move on and focus on the ones that carried it on I think
Why? Can you explain a little bit?
*hurrdurr* Germany! Hitler! *hurrdurr*
I am not sure if you are a student of history but twice before the Germans decided to go to war and have as their foe the world.
We happily take the blame for WW2, but WW1 is on Austria!
Don’t know about “happily”. “Readily” might be more accurate.
On second thought… yeah.
It was a quote from Norm Macdonald, comedy - look it up if German search engines lower themselves with such humourous returns. The Germans are what they are, today they fought against appeasement and led a European announcement of greatly increased defense spending to support Ukraine and the world more widely, a difficult and noble decision. Filling the gap left as the US falls ever further into shame.
And how is that related to balcony solar?
And does this have anything to do with generating power from solar panels on your own balcony?
A mere drop in the bucket when 77m have decided on a much worse course of action in another country.