Can’t get past paywall, sorry

    26 days ago

    Slow your interpretation on this one. I was with you 100% initially but as I am reading more it sounds like they removed Kanye’s store without making a comment.

    I’m really good with that. Nazi shit should be taken down. Anyone that needs an explanation about why it should or should not be removed has missed the train.

      25 days ago

      I posted this in response to another person, but I disagree with your interpretation since this isn’t the first time they’ve had these kinds of issues and their behavior doesn’t line up with that interpretation in my mind.

      Nah, Shopify is trash

      Shopify’s Acceptable Use Policy says users can’t do anything illegal where they conduct business, or promote or threaten violence. Previous versions of its policy banned “hateful content,” according to archives available on the Wayback Machine, but the clause appears to have been removed in July 2024, based on cached versions of the page reviewed by Bloomberg.

      They have had a decent history of shit like this, and between the update to the AUP, not commenting on shithead stores, and not patrolling their store for this kind of content, I’m unwilling to give them any benefit of the doubt.

      Nazi shit should be taken down. Anyone that needs an explanation about why it should or should not be removed has missed the train.

      I think you’re misunderstanding the complaint here. People aren’t upset because Shopify isn’t putting a statement about why they’re removing it, people are upset because they are behaving as if the only reason it got taken down was public pressure, not an actual complaint about the content.

      That is why I say Shopify is a Nazi company. And I stand by that.