my first drunk experience was at 14. found some alcohol in the fridge/on the counter (don’t remember which), the places my dad usually leaves his alc. poured myself some when he was in the other room and drank it in front of my friend on facetime.
didn’t quite vomit but nearly did. he told me i was entertaining but also really weird (kept talking about communism and communist china?)
i also remember saying “i love you” to him but he fortunately hung up right before i said that.
Honestly? I was around 26. I “discovered” alcohol alone, not in a social environment. I’ve always been a loner so social drinking wasn’t a thing for me because I was never social.
Anyway, I was in grad school and had some temporary housing where there was a lot of food and crap people left over in the fridge and pantry. There were two things left over in the fridge that were opened that sparked my curiosity. No idea how old they were. But one was amaretto and I think the other was some wine. Got curious and tried a bit and enjoyed the effects. I had technically had alcohol many occasions prior, but not enough to get remotely near drunk or anything.
Spend the remainder of grad school occasionally binge drinking alone on the weekends to the point of vomiting. Carried on that habit for a little bit after but I hardly ever do that now.
I had actually never really drank socially until very recently. As someone with severe social anxiety, I was surprised at how helpful I found it in social situations. I only had a couple of drinks in these particular scenarios instead of getting piss drunk tho. And again, I am not social anyway so this doesn’t happen on the regular. But goddamn. I didn’t understand self medicating for anxiety until that.
For sure, I’m usually uncomfortably quiet in groups, but every drink makes me a little louder!
This is the reason why I don’t drink. I don’t have problems with socialising, and once I drink to much I start to tell a shit ton of crap and then think about what shit I said while being drunk for the next two weeks.
Never. Am 38 currently.
Good for you! Sincerely!
I’m in my mid 30s and have never been drunk before. I don’t like how alcohol tastes and drinking it doesn’t really add much value for me. The only alcoholic beverages I do like are Baileys, Pisang Ambon (mixed with 7up/Sprite), white chocolate liquor and Tokkelroom. Recently discovered Salmari and I like that as well. I very rarely drink any of that, though, and when I do it’s like one glass at most. Tokkelroom though…I like it so much that I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point I ended up eating all of that in one go.
12 or 13
I’ll let you know when/if it happens.
I was too uncool to ever be in a binge drinking peer pressure situation and have yet to find an alcoholic drink I actually like the taste of, so I’ve never managed to drink enough in one sitting to feel any significant effects.
Don’t get me wrong: I want to like cocktails, as all the flavor combinations seem pretty interesting. It’s just that whenever I actually try one, I’m disappointed by how the bitter taste of the alcohol ruins whatever else is going on in the drink.
Yeah, same here. I’m middle aged and I’ve never been drunk. I don’t see the appeal, and most alcohol is nasty.
Ican only drink something if it’s somewhat diluted. If it’s too noticeable Iepxerience it like how hand desinfectant smells. Especially high volume stuff. Just not enjoyable. :/
What I actually enjoy is a citrus heavy gin tonic that is basically diluted to <10%.
But I probably could drink it without gin anyway.Now something like Sake (for example mixed with yuzu) actually tastes good without being heavy in alcohol taste.
Amaretto and Coke is tasty. Doesn’t taste like alcohol at all to me; i dont particularly like alcohol either, but do like the flavors it introduces for cooking.
18, my soon-to-be-first-girlfriend was hosting a party.
I still have a fondness for coconut rum and sprite and big naturals.
- My parents didn’t hide the liquor.
i, 14. dad would keep it in the fridge or counter so i drank it once on call with a friend and nearly vomited.
Same, I was in eighth grade.
I was 21 years old.
CW: Descriptions of Being Sick
Decided the best way to begin drinking was to do shots of Southern Comfort with my roommate. I got like blackout drunk, woke up hours later needing to vomit… I ran to the bathroom where I found my roommate passed out in the bathtub in the fetal position in his own sick. I turned to the toilet as the SoCo and bile made its way to the top of my throat, it was go time, now or never… to my horror both the seat and the lid were down. My mouth filled as I tried to get the lid open and then… disaster struck. The puke hit the diagonal plain of the half raised lid and sprayed all over the walls and toilet tank. I then slipped and face planted into the tank giving myself a black eye.
I didn’t drink for two years after that night.
As per the local law, 21, though it was just me sampling drinks for my birthday. I ended up being one of the few who hated the feeling.
Probably about 14. My parents had a well stocked liquor cabinet. Enough stuff to where I could try small amounts of various things and not be noticed.
14 or 15 - I only got vomiting drunk once and it was the first time. I generally don’t drink and I never drink to excess.
Never been vomiting drunk, got pretty close on my first time.
I can’t recommend it. It’s such a fucking waste.
I wouldn’t like to waste my alc like that. would I even still be that drunk if I vomited?
(I get drunk very rarely)
15 - an alcoholic neighbour of a friend of mine saw me an my 2 friends hanging at a playground at night and invited us for a drink. He was quite drunk already and passed out pretty soon after so we stole the rest of his beer and wine and went to my friend’s place to continue drinking. Pretty fun experience all in all. R.I.P. Eki.
I was just 15.
14 as well. I used to play in a marching band as a kid and we traveled abroad for a couple concerts over a long weekend: picture an unsupervized child surrounded by enabling adults in Southern Germany with access to free beer for one night.
I drank almost 3 liters of beer (yeah German beer is better than any other, sorry), got escorted to my hotel room by our town mayor, where I proceeded to expel my soul via esophagus and… March and play on the morning of the next day.
I was right in front of the bass drum.
20 years later I can steel feel every hit like a clear pain deep in my skull bones.