my first drunk experience was at 14. found some alcohol in the fridge/on the counter (don’t remember which), the places my dad usually leaves his alc. poured myself some when he was in the other room and drank it in front of my friend on facetime.

didn’t quite vomit but nearly did. he told me i was entertaining but also really weird (kept talking about communism and communist china?)

i also remember saying “i love you” to him but he fortunately hung up right before i said that.

    27 days ago

    15 - an alcoholic neighbour of a friend of mine saw me an my 2 friends hanging at a playground at night and invited us for a drink. He was quite drunk already and passed out pretty soon after so we stole the rest of his beer and wine and went to my friend’s place to continue drinking. Pretty fun experience all in all. R.I.P. Eki.