“Leftists” and strawmanning vegans because you’re mad that following your ideology consistently would require relatively minor life changes. Name a more iconic duo.
How the fuck are you going to build an equal and fair society when learning how to boil beans is too much sacrifice? Clowns.
I bought a bag of tvp and I fucking hate it. it is not a good mix-in for ramen, which is pretty much the only use case I’ve come up with. but it’s such cheap protein! can you keep me make it yummy?
Dunno why you got downvoted. expressing a personal reaction and asking a question should be fine…
TVP is pretty good as a mince alternative for bolognese. You can also use it in hearty stews - like a mushroom and TVP stew with mashed potatos.
Caveat is that cooking with meat is a lot easier, you need to be more thoughtful with spices and stock and salt and getting the balance right when cooking without it. There are vegetarian chicken and beef stocks that are great for stews.
Ramen is awesome if you just sautee some sliced onions and/or bell peppers, carrots if you have them, green onions, whatever, then add the water and make the ramen. Toss the seasoning packet and add some soy sauce and I recommend Hoisin sauce plus any kind of hot sauce. While it’s cooking take half a dozen frozen shrimp (affordable in a big bag) and thaw them in a bowl of hot water for a minute so you can get the tails off, and dump them in when the ramen is done. They finish thawing and cool down the ramen so you can eat it immediately. It’s a feast!
I often add it to things with lentils to add more chew, like to vegan burritos and so on. Just make a stock and soak then prior, and add flavour elements. Usual directions for me are earthy spices and herbs.
vegantheoryclub has a veganrecipes community, and there’s a discord with many tasty foods (often a bit on the healthy side for my taste ;) ) linked there or in the homecooks comm.
If you’re used to the excess of a western diet it’s a little to learn, but really it’s just moving away from using fat and meat so much to spices and sauces.
How the fuck are you going to build an equal and fair society when learning how to boil beans is too much sacrifice? Clowns.
I don’t see people opposed to beans nearly so much as I see them desiring of ground beef. Go into any vanilla Mexican Restaurant worth its salt and you can find both.
I wouldn’t call “giving up meat” a minor life change so much as I’d call it giving up a simple and abundant luxury. The fact that it comes through the suffering of an animal whose fate is totally obscured to you matters about as much as the cheap plastic bobble head lining your desk bothers you for being produced in a sweatshop.
A lot of this is simply structural. Tastes developed through childhood. Supply chains built out over generations. Advertising and cultural norms baked into the adult human consciousness over a lifetime. They won’t change optionally. They’ll have to shift as a matter of necessity.
Only after you have generations of people who are adapted and accustomed to a near-to-total vegan diet (as we’ve got for the billions living throughout Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America) are you going to see a serious shift in human behavior. This isn’t just going to be a nation’s worth of individuals making personal lifestyle changes.
That’s a perception problem. It’s not that boiling beans is a big sacrifice - I do it all the time - I’m just not convinced that killing animals and eating them is bad. But I wouldn’t do that to a person, and I’m in favor of universal health care, basic income, and treating people equally. Not giving cows and chickens the same consideration doesn’t make someone incapable of working for a fair and equitable society. You’re doing the same “if you aren’t 100% on my side you’re the enemy” thing that you seem to be accusing the other person of.
How are you gonna build an equal and fair society when learning how to bridge the gaps to the huge sections of population that don’t share your ideology is too hard?
“I am willing to struggle against injustice, I know it will be a long road and that many will be killed brutally. Standing up for my ideals will cost me personally, and if it comes to revolution I may be tortured and executed.”
“Leftists” and strawmanning vegans because you’re mad that following your ideology consistently would require relatively minor life changes. Name a more iconic duo.
How the fuck are you going to build an equal and fair society when learning how to boil beans is too much sacrifice? Clowns.
I bought a bag of tvp and I fucking hate it. it is not a good mix-in for ramen, which is pretty much the only use case I’ve come up with. but it’s such cheap protein! can you keep me make it yummy?
Dunno why you got downvoted. expressing a personal reaction and asking a question should be fine…
TVP is pretty good as a mince alternative for bolognese. You can also use it in hearty stews - like a mushroom and TVP stew with mashed potatos.
Caveat is that cooking with meat is a lot easier, you need to be more thoughtful with spices and stock and salt and getting the balance right when cooking without it. There are vegetarian chicken and beef stocks that are great for stews.
Ramen is awesome if you just sautee some sliced onions and/or bell peppers, carrots if you have them, green onions, whatever, then add the water and make the ramen. Toss the seasoning packet and add some soy sauce and I recommend Hoisin sauce plus any kind of hot sauce. While it’s cooking take half a dozen frozen shrimp (affordable in a big bag) and thaw them in a bowl of hot water for a minute so you can get the tails off, and dump them in when the ramen is done. They finish thawing and cool down the ramen so you can eat it immediately. It’s a feast!
I’m trying to use up this bag of tvp.
My sympathies. I hear it makes good garden mulch.
TVP just needs flavouring with a sauce. you can use it to make e.g. https://theeburgerdude.com/vegan-burger-patties/#recipe, https://lovingitvegan.com/vegan-ground-beef/#recipe mixed into something like this https://minimalistbaker.com/1-hour-vegan-shepherds-pie/ and so on.
I often add it to things with lentils to add more chew, like to vegan burritos and so on. Just make a stock and soak then prior, and add flavour elements. Usual directions for me are earthy spices and herbs.
I’ll look into it. thanks
vegantheoryclub has a veganrecipes community, and there’s a discord with many tasty foods (often a bit on the healthy side for my taste ;) ) linked there or in the homecooks comm.
If you’re used to the excess of a western diet it’s a little to learn, but really it’s just moving away from using fat and meat so much to spices and sauces.
I don’t see people opposed to beans nearly so much as I see them desiring of ground beef. Go into any vanilla Mexican Restaurant worth its salt and you can find both.
I wouldn’t call “giving up meat” a minor life change so much as I’d call it giving up a simple and abundant luxury. The fact that it comes through the suffering of an animal whose fate is totally obscured to you matters about as much as the cheap plastic bobble head lining your desk bothers you for being produced in a sweatshop.
A lot of this is simply structural. Tastes developed through childhood. Supply chains built out over generations. Advertising and cultural norms baked into the adult human consciousness over a lifetime. They won’t change optionally. They’ll have to shift as a matter of necessity.
Only after you have generations of people who are adapted and accustomed to a near-to-total vegan diet (as we’ve got for the billions living throughout Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America) are you going to see a serious shift in human behavior. This isn’t just going to be a nation’s worth of individuals making personal lifestyle changes.
That’s a perception problem. It’s not that boiling beans is a big sacrifice - I do it all the time - I’m just not convinced that killing animals and eating them is bad. But I wouldn’t do that to a person, and I’m in favor of universal health care, basic income, and treating people equally. Not giving cows and chickens the same consideration doesn’t make someone incapable of working for a fair and equitable society. You’re doing the same “if you aren’t 100% on my side you’re the enemy” thing that you seem to be accusing the other person of.
If we took away strawmanning, there wouldn’t be much Internet left.
How are you gonna build an equal and fair society when learning how to bridge the gaps to the huge sections of population that don’t share your ideology is too hard?
“I am willing to struggle against injustice, I know it will be a long road and that many will be killed brutally. Standing up for my ideals will cost me personally, and if it comes to revolution I may be tortured and executed.”
“Ok, eat your veggies”
Boiling beans takes so much time though. But canned beans are cheapish and healthier than that microwave dinner.