Hi everyone!
2025 is here, and I’m curious to hear your thoughts on Voyager for Lemmy.
- What features would you like to see added to Voyager in 2025?
- Are there any bugs or issues that are bothering you?
I mostly use it on an iPad mini in landscape mode, when lying down and casually reading. Two things:
When scrolling on the main feed, if your left or right finger accidentally touches the screen, instead of scrolling, you’re inside the post, which isn’t what you intended. So you have to be extra careful keeping your fingers away. Be nice if there was a 1 or 2" zone on each side which only does scroll instead of tap. Not sure I’m explaining it right.
Again, on an iPad mini, the Post box only shows a couple of lines for editing. Most of the screen is taken by application chrome.
Other than that, love the app. Use it daily.
Hey there! Thanks for the suggestions. Are you on the beta build? I deployed a potential fix for #2, curious if it works for you.
Am not. Happy to jump on it if you can point me at instructions.
https://testflight.apple.com/join/nWLw1MBM otherwise you can wait a few days for a release
Thanks, am on the beta now. Feedback sent via TestFlight.
Sometimes I’m far down in a thread and then swipe back to my subscribed list, but then I regret and go back into the thread. It would be nice if it remembered my last position in a thread. Maybe just for a few seconds, in case.
I’d love this for the list of posts as well. Sometimes I accidentally tap back, then if I hit All or Subscribed or whatever again my position is gone.
Sometimes my feed just randomly refreshes, losing my position. As in I’ll be scrolling, or swipe to go back to posts from a post, but it’ll refresh the posts and return me to the top. It feels like a bug, but happens randomly so I can’t reproduce.
Maybe there needs to be an option to manually refresh, and every time a user navigates back to posts a little non-intrusive popup displays with “Last refresh: X hours ago” for a few seconds.
Have seen this also - super random so I can’t help you reproduce it, but can back you up on that for sure.
I would like to see this too, just some roadblocks that need to be cleared - https://github.com/aeharding/voyager/issues/91
It doesn’t need this to be implemented if its done via swiping on the bottom bar like it worked in apollo
Yeah same. Apollo had back and forward navigation and I miss that a lot.
Me too, I still haven’t found a Lemmy UI that does forward swipes. It’s the biggest thing I miss from Apollo. Alien Blue had it too for the oldheads here.
!arctic@lemmy.world has forward navigation just like Apollo. Arctic is inspired by Apollo, so it should feel just as familiar as Voyager, only it’s a native app. I don’t recall Alien Blue having forward navigation, but it’s been so long I guess that I have forgotten about it.
Apollo did this by letting you swipe on the bottom bar to go back into the thread. It remembered your position until you opened a new thread. It is a great feature
Back and forward navigation is the thing I miss the most.
This is a great feature. I miss it from Sync.
The one feature I’m missing from Apollo. App is great otherwise.
Boost does that.
Yes, please add this type of navigation.
I asked for a “back confirmation” in a different comment for the same reason. It’s too easy to accidentally lose your place.
The tinkerer in me keeps trying other apps.
I always come back to voyager. Regardless of the current road map, you’re doing a killer job.
Agreed, Voyager rules. Kudos.
Video from PeerTube and Loops is not embedded. Is it possible to be able to play videos directly in Voyager?
Yeah, definitely. I did a POC with Loops and it worked nice. I just need to revisit and make good privacy settings so that user can configure sites to enable auto embed (since Voyager would need to make a passive request to the respective instance while scrolling the feed).
I’d love to be able to save message drafts.
Sometimes I start typing up a reply to a comment, but I want to go back and check the OP, or a previous comment, or the community I’m in, or even the rules of the community I’m in.
Right now, I can copy my comment and paste it in. But if I find myself wanting to copy text from one of those other places, I’m out of luck (unless I want to turn on clipboard history, which I don’t due to security concerns). I could use a separate app, but that’s annoying.
Another thing I’d like is a better flow for recovered text. It seems that Voyager saves one draft whenever the app crashes/closes when writing a comment. It asks if I want to save or discard the comment. This is good.
What I’d like better is that recovering the text actually takes me to where I was writing the comment. Sometimes it’s hard to remember where I was writing the comment, or even if I do remember, it can be hard to find it again.
Overall, I’m loving the app. These are my only 2 pain points right now.
+1 for saving drafts. Pretty annoying having to write a message in a different app to be able to reference back to the original message.
This would be a major one for me. I crash a few times a week and have a hard time remembering what community I was even writing in if it’s not one of my go tos.
I’d love Apollo-level inline video playing.
Keep up the great work!
Definitely will be added for peertube/loops, but Youtube would be hard to do so in a privacy preserving way.
Out of curiosity, if someone posts a YouTube link and you auto play the video, what gets shared with YouTube?
In order to do it with youtube I would need to let Youtube run its own embed code, so who knows :P
Just dropping in to say brilliant app mate! It fills the Apollo shaped void in my wee geeky soul. Can’t think of anything to make it better as it already does everything I want.
Hey thanks! 💜
Previous Apollo user, this is where it’s at. Without Apollo support I dropped Reddit. Without Voyager I would most probably not be on Lemmy.
deleted by creator
Apart from the known iOS issue requiring the occasional app restart, no bugs and loving the app. Only feature i’d like to see is a display of the instance in the post list. So not just ‘news’, but ‘news@lemmy.world’. Some community names exist on different instances (which I think is not helping new users, but it’s a lemmy problem, not a voyager one)
That’s an option, it’s already there. The future is now!
Could you give me a hint? Gone through the settings but can’t see it. Community icon is an option, but those are too small to be useful (for me anyway)
I don’t see it either (at least plainly) but I have noticed in my feed that the only comm names displayed without their instance are local. All comms from other instances show their names and their instance. I could’ve sworn there was a setting for this, but I can’t recall or find it now.
Gee, I searched for it and couldn’t find. But mine is configured to show instances. It will only not show them if the community is in my home instance.
yes that iOS bug is annoying.
Hmm - it should always add the
if its a remote community. Local omits. Could add a setting to always force it onIt does with ‘show community at top’ turned on. But that makes it harder to click on the title to see the post. With that option turned off, it show the community at the bottom but without instance info
Screenshot, on iPhone. No instance info on any community
Ah yes, the compact mode. There could be an option for that in the future, I don’t think there’s a request on github for that yet.
One feature I’d like to have is the option (maybe a setting) to recover text when commenting and then pressing as sometimes I reply to a comment and then want to read the original post again.
Thanks for making this app, it has been the Lemmy app I’ve tried by far
This for me too. Reddit Is Fun/RIF let users save comment drafts. This was great for going back to check anything in Lemmy beyond the one comment you’re replying to.
I still want a way to go from the subscribed community list to where I was in the posts. If I’m in an article in a post and hit back once extra time by accident then I’m screwed and the entire post list refreshes.
Yes. It is too easy to lose your place by accidentally hitting back twice, then everything refreshes.
Would it be possible to make it easier to copy a single word? Right now there are multiple steps where I need to hold it down, then click select text, then try to highlight a word if I want to get a translation of a word for example.
It would be nice if I could just directly highlight a word with a tap or translate without the multiple steps. Thanks for the app.
Double tap doesn’t work? ios or android?
This is on iOS. Double tapping collapses or opens the entire comment field.
Currently to copy an actual word I need to hold down on the comment field, a menu pops up where I can select “Select text”, where I can then go in and select a word to use for translation.
This is my main lemmy app.
The one mildly annoying thing that might be a user error on my point is that if I swipe into the community selector menu, I’m stuck. I haven’t figured out how to get back to where I was.
I exchanged messages with a new user who also found that to be an issue not too long ago.
Do you mean, can’t find your place in the post feed?
One thing I recommend for users that scroll really far in the feed is to use post hiding (with the hide button enabled in the feed - or auto hide). That way you won’t lose your place, even if the app restarts. Of course you can reset hidden posts too.
No. If I scroll all the way to the left so that I get to the page where I can select from my subscribed communities, all, local etc. by mistake. Then I cannot get back to what ever feed I swiped away from. If I try to swipe right again I end up unsubscribeing to some unlucky community.
Also, it would be nice to get an undo option in the notification toast you get for unsubscribeing to a community if possible. I just lost one without noticing which one while recreating my issue for this reply.
I am on iOS on an iPhone 13 if that helps 🙂
Yup. This is the same issue people are stating where they lose their place in their feed and can’t get back. Or a sister problem to it.
I’d suggest the following major things:
- Commenters in threads to be colored by their first comment in that tree (if they first commented in red their username will be red the entire tree, that way it’s easier on the eyes to distinguish who’s talking), idea taken from a Reddit client I used to use ages ago
- I really don’t like it when I’m on
and by mistake click on Android’s Back button, it just moves me back to the community selection screen and doesn’t let me get back to where I was in the timeline - Highlighted search in the comment section of a post
- I’d love the ability to copy the URL to the attached content directly from the post
Also, I feel like clicking on a post frequently sends me to the attached content instead of into the post itself, maybe the post structure can be improved somehow?
Thank you so much for this awesome app and being so open to feedback
Point 2 and your also
Those are my big two.