No. Enlighten me on how to install it on my Verizon Pixel. I will wait.
I have a Verizon pixel. Enlighten me.
Possible that he has body doubles. Really though cameras are just fucking weird
Lmfao. God dammit this took me to long to figure out.
Even so. It’ll be an unmoderated by them section of conversation about their company. Probably a hard pass from any company with an HR department.
I am so sorry you are having to go through all this and end with this as your cherry on top. Ugh.
Confused what you mean.? I have a range of IPs for my servers and such IE And then the DHCP pool I set the servers IP static on its OS. And then set a static in my routers settings for the same IP I set in the OS. What is it that I would be doing incorrect in this setup?
This is my guess. Always set static in the device and in your router settings.
Dunno. I don’t really get headaches. I wouldn’t buy.
I don’t know if it’s fully BS. It’s just another data point to add for the ahhkkksshhualllyy crowd imo. But pattern recognition I think has high importance in actual intelligence.
Id swap but it’s not comparable yet sadly. Hopefully ts6server is released soon. Sadly I won’t get to use it as my friends won’t swap unless the mobile app works well. If the ts3 app works together with a ts6 server. Maybe.
The server owners cannot see your phone number. It’s just a way to keep bots and assholes out most of the time.
They simply want this. It’s the only logical scenario at this point. We need to primary every single Democrat that accepts corporate money tbh.
And here I thought this was kinda already the case. 🫣
I had been rocking CachyOS for a year or so but the recent Nvidia drivers or something caused me a shit load on instability so I’m back on windows for now. Got tired of tinkering. 😅
Oh interesting. I will be playing around with this lol.
Oh don’t worry. I am in their discord and attempting to help in what ways I can friend! The newest Nvidia drivers are most likely my trouble
That meme is great btw lol
I have that happen constantly in KDE lol.
Yeah. I’m fucked sadly. I might call and yell at their phone reps. But I doubt it would ever get me anywhere.